96 research outputs found

    On minimizing deterministic tree automata

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    We present two algorithms for minimizing deterministic frontier-to-root tree automata (dfrtas) and compare them with their string counterparts. The presentation is incremental, starting out from definitions of minimality of automata and state equivalence, in the style of earlier algorithm taxonomies by the authors. The first algorithm is the classical one, initially presented by Brainerd in the 1960s and presented (sometimes imprecisely) in standard texts on tree language theory ever since. The second algorithm is completely new. This algorithm, essentially representing the generalization to ranked trees of the string algorithm presented by Watson and Daciuk, incrementally minimizes a dfrta. As a result, intermediate results of the algorithm can be used to reduce the initial automaton’s size. This makes the algorithm useful in situations where running time is restricted (for example, in real-time applications). We also briefly sketch how a concurrent specification of the algorithm in CSP can be obtained from an existing specification for the dfa case

    On minimizing deterministic tree automata

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    We present two algorithms for minimizing deterministic frontier-to-root tree automata (dfrtas) and compare them with their string counterparts. The presentation is incremental, starting out from definitions of minimality of automata and state equivalence, in the style of earlier algorithm taxonomies by the authors. The first algorithm is the classical one, initially presented by Brainerd in the 1960s and presented (sometimes imprecisely) in standard texts on tree language theory ever since. The second algorithm is completely new. This algorithm, essentially representing the generalization to ranked trees of the string algorithm presented by Watson and Daciuk, incrementally minimizes a dfrta. As a result, intermediate results of the algorithm can be used to reduce the initial automaton’s size. This makes the algorithm useful in situations where running time is restricted (for example, in real-time applications). We also briefly sketch how a concurrent specification of the algorithm in CSP can be obtained from an existing specification for the dfa case

    A Term-based Approach for Generating Finite Automata from Interaction Diagrams

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    Non-deterministic Finite Automata (NFA) represent regular languages concisely, increasing their appeal for applications such as word recognition. This paper proposes a new approach to generate NFA from an interaction language such as UML Sequence Diagrams or Message Sequence Charts. Via an operational semantics, we generate a NFA from a set of interactions reachable using the associated execution relation. In addition, by applying simplifications on reachable interactions to merge them, it is possible to obtain reduced NFA without relying on costly NFA reduction techniques. Experimental results regarding NFA generation and their application in trace analysis are also presented.Comment: 29 pages (15 pages paper, 3 pages references, 11 pages appendix) 9 figures in paper, 14 figures in appendi

    Probabilistic planning with formal performance guarantees for mobile service robots

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    We present a framework for mobile service robot task planning and execution, based on the use of probabilistic verification techniques for the generation of optimal policies with attached formal performance guarantees. Our approach is based on a Markov decision process model of the robot in its environment, encompassing a topological map where nodes represent relevant locations in the environment, and a range of tasks that can be executed in different locations. The navigation in the topological map is modeled stochastically for a specific time of day. This is done by using spatio-temporal models that provide, for a given time of day, the probability of successfully navigating between two topological nodes, and the expected time to do so. We then present a methodology to generate cost optimal policies for tasks specified in co-safe linear temporal logic. Our key contribution is to address scenarios in which the task may not be achievable with probability one. We introduce a task progression function and present an approach to generate policies that are formally guaranteed to, in decreasing order of priority: maximize the probability of finishing the task; maximize progress towards completion, if this is not possible; and minimize the expected time or cost required. We illustrate and evaluate our approach with a scalability evaluation in a simulated scenario, and report on its implementation in a robot performing service tasks in an office environment for long periods of time

    A framework for co-designing product and production system to support resource-efficient manufacturing

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    This thesis reports on research undertaken to investigate how to advance the current practices of resource efficiency and sustainability consideration in manufacturing business through the simultaneous design of Product and Production System (P&PS). The primary objective of this research is the development of a framework and methods to support a manufacturer to transform the current independent design processes into a single design process facilitating designs of resource-efficient P&PS. [Continues.

    Constructing minimal acyclic deterministic finite automata

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    This thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in the FASTAR group of the Department of Computer Science, University of Pretoria, South Africa. I present a number of algorithms for constructing minimal acyclic deterministic finite automata (MADFAs), most of which I originally derived/designed or co-discovered. Being acyclic, such automata represent finite languages and have proven useful in applications such as spellchecking, virus-searching and text indexing. In many of those applications, the automata grow to billions of states, making them difficult to store without using various compression techniques — the most important of which is minimization. Results from the late 1950’s show that minimization yields a unique automaton (for a given language), and later results show that minimization of acyclic automata is possible in time linear in the number of states. These two results make for a rich area of algorithmics research; automata and algorithmics research are relatively old fields of computing science and the discovery/invention of new algorithms in the field is an exciting result. I present both incremental and nonincremental algorithms. With nonincremental techniques, the unminimized acyclic deterministic finite automaton (ADFA) is first constructed and then minimized. As mentioned above, the unminimized ADFA can be very large indeed — often even too large to fit within the virtual memory space of the computer. As a result, incremental techniques for minimization (i.e. the ADFA is minimized during its construction) become interesting. Incremental algorithms frequently have some overhead: if the unminimized ADFA fits easily within physical memory, it may still be faster to use nonincremental techniques. The presentation used in this thesis has a few unusual characteristics: Few other presentations follow a correctness-by-construction style for presenting and deriving algorithms. The presentations given here include correctness arguments or sketches thereof. The presentation is taxonomic — emphasizing the similarities and differences between the algorithms at a fundamental level. While it is possible to present these algorithms in a formal-language-theoretic setting, this thesis remains somewhat closer to the actual implementation issues. In several chapters, new algorithms and interesting new variants of existing algorithms are presented. It gives new presentations of many existing algorithms — all in a common format with common examples. There are extensive links to the existing literature. Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010.Computer Scienceunrestricte

    An intelligent knowledge based cost modelling system for innovative product development

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    This research work aims to develop an intelligent knowledge-based system for product cost modelling and design for automation at an early design stage of the product development cycle, that would enable designers/manufacturing planners to make more accurate estimates of the product cost. Consequently, a quicker response to customers’ expectations. The main objectives of the research are to: (1) develop a prototype system that assists an inexperienced designer to estimate the manufacturing cost of the product, (2) advise designers on how to eliminate design and manufacturing related conflicts that may arise during the product development process, (3) recommend the most economic assembly technique for the product in order to consider this technique during the design process and provide design improvement suggestions to simplify the assembly operations (i.e. to provide an opportunity for designers to design for assembly (DFA)), (4) apply a fuzzy logic approach to certain cases, and (5) evaluate the developed prototype system through five case studies. The developed system for cost modelling comprises of a CAD solid modelling system, a material selection module, knowledge-based system (KBS), process optimisation module, design for assembly module, cost estimation technique module, and a user interface. In addition, the system encompasses two types of databases, permanent (static) and temporary (dynamic). These databases are categorised into five separate groups of database, Feature database, Material database, Machinability database, Machine database, and Mould database. The system development process has passed through four major steps: firstly, constructing the knowledge-based and process optimisation system, secondly developing a design for assembly module. Thirdly, integrating the KBS with both material selection database and a CAD system. Finally, developing and implementing a ii fuzzy logic approach to generate reliable estimation of cost and to handle the uncertainty in cost estimation model that cannot be addressed by traditional analytical methods. The developed system has, besides estimating the total cost of a product, the capability to: (1) select a material as well as the machining processes, their sequence and machining parameters based on a set of design and production parameters that the user provides to the system, and (2) recommend the most economic assembly technique for a product and provide design improvement suggestion, in the early stages of the design process, based on a design feasibility technique. It provides recommendations when a design cannot be manufactured with the available manufacturing resources and capabilities. In addition, a feature-by-feature cost estimation report was generated using the system to highlight the features of high manufacturing cost. The system can be applied without the need for detailed design information, so that it can be implemented at an early design stage and consequently cost redesign, and longer lead-time can be avoided. One of the tangible advantages of this system is that it warns users of features that are costly and difficult to manufacture. In addition, the system is developed in such a way that, users can modify the product design at any stage of the design processes. This research dealt with cost modelling of both machined components and injection moulded components. The developed cost effective design environment was evaluated on real products, including a scientific calculator, a telephone handset, and two machined components. Conclusions drawn from the system indicated that the developed prototype system could help companies reducing product cost and lead time by estimating the total product cost throughout the entire product development cycle including assembly cost. Case studies demonstrated that designing a product using the developed system is more cost effective than using traditional systems. The cost estimated for a number of products used in the case studies was almost 10 to 15% less than cost estimated by the traditional system since the latter does not take into consideration process optimisation, design alternatives, nor design for assembly issue

    Dynamic resource allocation games

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    In resource allocation games, selfish players share resources that are needed in order to fulfill their objectives. The cost of using a resource depends on the load on it. In the traditional setting, the players make their choices concurrently and in one-shot. That is, a strategy for a player is a subset of the resources. We introduce and study dynamic resource allocation games. In this setting, the game proceeds in phases. In each phase each player chooses one resource. A scheduler dictates the order in which the players proceed in a phase, possibly scheduling several players to proceed concurrently. The game ends when each player has collected a set of resources that fulfills his objective. The cost for each player then depends on this set as well as on the load on the resources in it – we consider both congestion and cost-sharing games. We argue that the dynamic setting is the suitable setting for many applications in practice. We study the stability of dynamic resource allocation games, where the appropriate notion of stability is that of subgame perfect equilibrium, study the inefficiency incurred due to selfish behavior, and also study problems that are particular to the dynamic setting, like constraints on the order in which resources can be chosen or the problem of finding a scheduler that achieves stability

    Property-Preserving Generation of Tailored Benchmark Petri Nets

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