7 research outputs found

    Extending the Nested Parallel Model to the Nested Dataflow Model with Provably Efficient Schedulers

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    The nested parallel (a.k.a. fork-join) model is widely used for writing parallel programs. However, the two composition constructs, i.e. "\parallel" (parallel) and ";;" (serial), are insufficient in expressing "partial dependencies" or "partial parallelism" in a program. We propose a new dataflow composition construct "\leadsto" to express partial dependencies in algorithms in a processor- and cache-oblivious way, thus extending the Nested Parallel (NP) model to the \emph{Nested Dataflow} (ND) model. We redesign several divide-and-conquer algorithms ranging from dense linear algebra to dynamic-programming in the ND model and prove that they all have optimal span while retaining optimal cache complexity. We propose the design of runtime schedulers that map ND programs to multicore processors with multiple levels of possibly shared caches (i.e, Parallel Memory Hierarchies) and provide theoretical guarantees on their ability to preserve locality and load balance. For this, we adapt space-bounded (SB) schedulers for the ND model. We show that our algorithms have increased "parallelizability" in the ND model, and that SB schedulers can use the extra parallelizability to achieve asymptotically optimal bounds on cache misses and running time on a greater number of processors than in the NP model. The running time for the algorithms in this paper is O(i=0h1Q(t;σMi)Cip)O\left(\frac{\sum_{i=0}^{h-1} Q^{*}({\mathsf t};\sigma\cdot M_i)\cdot C_i}{p}\right), where QQ^{*} is the cache complexity of task t{\mathsf t}, CiC_i is the cost of cache miss at level-ii cache which is of size MiM_i, σ(0,1)\sigma\in(0,1) is a constant, and pp is the number of processors in an hh-level cache hierarchy

    Extensions of Task-based Runtime for High Performance Dense Linear Algebra Applications

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    On the road to exascale computing, the gap between hardware peak performance and application performance is increasing as system scale, chip density and inherent complexity of modern supercomputers are expanding. Even if we put aside the difficulty to express algorithmic parallelism and to efficiently execute applications at large scale, other open questions remain. The ever-growing scale of modern supercomputers induces a fast decline of the Mean Time To Failure. A generic, low-overhead, resilient extension becomes a desired aptitude for any programming paradigm. This dissertation addresses these two critical issues, designing an efficient unified linear algebra development environment using a task-based runtime, and extending a task-based runtime with fault tolerant capabilities to build a generic framework providing both soft and hard error resilience to task-based programming paradigm. To bridge the gap between hardware peak performance and application perfor- mance, a unified programming model is designed to take advantage of a lightweight task-based runtime to manage the resource-specific workload, and to control the data ow and parallel execution of tasks. Under this unified development, linear algebra tasks are abstracted across different underlying heterogeneous resources, including multicore CPUs, GPUs and Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors. Performance portability is guaranteed and this programming model is adapted to a wide range of accelerators, supporting both shared and distributed-memory environments. To solve the resilient challenges on large scale systems, fault tolerant mechanisms are designed for a task-based runtime to protect applications against both soft and hard errors. For soft errors, three additions to a task-based runtime are explored. The first recovers the application by re-executing minimum number of tasks, the second logs intermediary data between tasks to minimize the necessary re-execution, while the last one takes advantage of algorithmic properties to recover the data without re- execution. For hard errors, we propose two generic approaches, which augment the data logging mechanism for soft errors. The first utilizes non-volatile storage device to save logged data, while the second saves local logged data on a remote node to protect against node failure. Experimental results have confirmed that our soft and hard error fault tolerant mechanisms exhibit the expected correctness and efficiency

    Parallelizing Games for Heterogeneous Computing Environments

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    Game applications nowadays run on platforms that contain multiple and different types of processors. Benefiting from the available processing power requires: (1) Code to be designed to run in parallel; and (2) Efficient mapping techniques to schedule tasks optimally on appropriate processors for increasing performance. The work in this thesis is directed towards improving the execution time performance of game applications on host platforms. The methodology adopted consisted of the following different stages: (1) Studying the main features of game applications; (2) Investigating parallelization opportunities within these applications, (3) Identifying/designing the programming structures needed to realize those opportunities; and (4) Designing, implementing, verifying and testing the parallel programming structures developed to support heterogeneous processing and maximize use of available processing power. The research reported in this thesis presents a new framework for parallel programming of games. This framework consists of two major components which form the two main contributions of our work. These are (1) Sayl, a new design pattern to enable parallel programming of game applications and to reduce the amount of programmer work when writing parallel code; and (2) Arbiter Work Stealing, a new task scheduler capable of efficiently and automatically scheduling dynamically generated tasks to processors in a heterogeneous processing and memory environment. The framework was used to successfully parallelize the serial code of a sample game application to work in a heterogeneous processing environment. The parallel version shows far superior performance as compared to the serial version

    Locality Awareness for Task Parallel Computation

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    The task parallel programming model allows programmers to express concurrency at a high level of abstraction and places the burden of scheduling parallel execution on the run time system. Efficient scheduling of tasks on multi-socket multicore shared memory systems requires careful consideration of an increasingly complex memory hierarchy, including shared caches and non-uniform memory access (NUMA) characteristics. In this dissertation, we study the performance impact of these issues and other performance factors that limit parallel speedup in task parallel program executions and propose new scheduling strategies to improve performance. Our performance model characterizes lost efficiency in terms of overhead time, idle time, and work time inflation due to increased data access costs. We introduce a hierarchical run time scheduler that combines the benefits of work stealing and parallel depth-first schedulers. Matching the scheduler design to the memory hierarchy of multicore NUMA systems limits costly remote data accesses while maintaining load balance and exploiting constructive data sharing among threads that share a cache. We also propose a locality- based scheduling framework based on locality domains and comprising an API for programmers to specify application locality and a scheduler that honors those specifications. Implementations of the hierarchical and locality-based schedulers in our OpenMP run time system exhibit performance improvements on several task parallel benchmark applications over existing scheduling strategies and production OpenMP run time systems.Doctor of Philosoph

    A Concurrent Dynamic Task Graph

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    Task graphs are used for scheduling tasks on parallel processors when the tasks have dependencies. If the execution of the program is known ahead of time, then the tasks can be statically and optimally allocated to the processors. If the tasks and task dependencies aren't known ahead of time (the case in some analysis-factor sparse matrix algorithms), then task scheduling must be performed on the fly. We present simple algorithms for a concurrent dynamic-task graph. A processor that needs to execute a new task can query the task graph for a new task, and new tasks can be added to the task graph on the fly. We present several alternatives for allocating tasks for processors and compare their performance. 1 Introduction A common method for expressing parallelism is through a task graph. Each node in the task graph represents a unit of work that needs to be performed, and edges represent dependencies between tasks. If there is an edge from task T 1 to task T 2 in the task graph, then T 1..