20 research outputs found

    Efficient Implementation of a Synchronous Parallel Push-Relabel Algorithm

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    Motivated by the observation that FIFO-based push-relabel algorithms are able to outperform highest label-based variants on modern, large maximum flow problem instances, we introduce an efficient implementation of the algorithm that uses coarse-grained parallelism to avoid the problems of existing parallel approaches. We demonstrate good relative and absolute speedups of our algorithm on a set of large graph instances taken from real-world applications. On a modern 40-core machine, our parallel implementation outperforms existing sequential implementations by up to a factor of 12 and other parallel implementations by factors of up to 3

    Mining Dense Subgraphs with Similar Edges

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    When searching for interesting structures in graphs, it is often important to take into account not only the graph connectivity, but also the metadata available, such as node and edge labels, or temporal information. In this paper we are interested in settings where such metadata is used to define a similarity between edges. We consider the problem of finding subgraphs that are dense and whose edges are similar to each other with respect to a given similarity function. Depending on the application, this function can be, for example, the Jaccard similarity between the edge label sets, or the temporal correlation of the edge occurrences in a temporal graph. We formulate a Lagrangian relaxation-based optimization problem to search for dense subgraphs with high pairwise edge similarity. We design a novel algorithm to solve the problem through parametric MinCut, and provide an efficient search scheme to iterate through the values of the Lagrangian multipliers. Our study is complemented by an evaluation on real-world datasets, which demonstrates the usefulness and efficiency of the proposed approach

    Efficiently computing maximum flows in scale-free networks

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    We study the maximum-flow/minimum-cut problem on scale-free networks, i.e., graphs whose degree distribution follows a power-law. We propose a simple algorithm that capitalizes on the fact that often only a small fraction of such a network is relevant for the flow. At its core, our algorithm augments Dinitz’s algorithm with a balanced bidirectional search. Our experiments on a scale-free random network model indicate sublinear run time. On scale-free real-world networks, we outperform the commonly used highest-label Push-Relabel implementation by up to two orders of magnitude. Compared to Dinitz’s original algorithm, our modifications reduce the search space, e.g., by a factor of 275 on an autonomous systems graph. Beyond these good run times, our algorithm has an additional advantage compared to Push-Relabel. The latter computes a preflow, which makes the extraction of a minimum cut potentially more difficult. This is relevant, for example, for the computation of Gomory-Hu trees. On a social network with 70000 nodes, our algorithm computes the Gomory-Hu tree in 3 seconds compared to 12 minutes when using Push-Relabel

    Closed parasitic flow loops and dominated loops in networks

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    The paper raises awareness of the presence of closed parasitic flow loops in the solutions of published algorithm for maximising the throughput flow in networks. If the rooted commodity is interchangeable commodity, a closed parasitic loop can effectively be present even if the routed commodity does not physically travel along a closed loop. The closed parasitic flow loops are highly undesirable loops of flow, which effectively never leave the network. Parasitic flow loops increase the cost of transportation of the flow unnecessarily, consume residual capacity from the edges of the network, increase the likelihood of deterioration of perishable products, increase congestion and energy wastage. Accordingly, the paper presents a theoretical framework related to parasitic flow loops in networks. By using the presented framework, it is demonstrated that the probability of existence of closed and dominated flow loops in networks is surprisingly high. The paper also demonstrates that the successive shortest path strategy for minimising the total length of transportation routes from multiple interchangeable origins to multiple destinations fails to minimise the total length of the routes. It is demonstrated that even in a network with multiple origins and a single destination, the successive shortest path strategy could still fail to minimise the total length of the routes. By using the developed theoretical framework, it is shown that a minimum total length of the transportation routes in a network with multiple interchangeable origins, is attained if and only if no closed parasitic flow loops and dominated flow loops exist in the network. Accordingly, an algorithm for minimising the total length of the transportation routes by eliminating all dominated parasitic flow loops is proposed

    A compositional approach to network algorithms

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    We present elements of a typing theory for flow networks, where “types”, “typings”, and “type inference” are formulated in terms of familiar notions from polyhedral analysis and convex optimization. Based on this typing theory, we develop an alternative approach to the design and analysis of network algorithms, which we illustrate by applying it to the max-flow problem in multiple-source, multiple-sink, capacited directed planar graphs.National Science Foundation (CCF-0820138, CNS-1135722