251 research outputs found

    High-Performance Reachability Query Processing under Index Size Restrictions

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    In this paper, we propose a scalable and highly efficient index structure for the reachability problem over graphs. We build on the well-known node interval labeling scheme where the set of vertices reachable from a particular node is compactly encoded as a collection of node identifier ranges. We impose an explicit bound on the size of the index and flexibly assign approximate reachability ranges to nodes of the graph such that the number of index probes to answer a query is minimized. The resulting tunable index structure generates a better range labeling if the space budget is increased, thus providing a direct control over the trade off between index size and the query processing performance. By using a fast recursive querying method in conjunction with our index structure, we show that in practice, reachability queries can be answered in the order of microseconds on an off-the-shelf computer - even for the case of massive-scale real world graphs. Our claims are supported by an extensive set of experimental results using a multitude of benchmark and real-world web-scale graph datasets.Comment: 30 page

    PReaCH: A Fast Lightweight Reachability Index using Pruning and Contraction Hierarchies

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    We develop the data structure PReaCH (for Pruned Reachability Contraction Hierarchies) which supports reachability queries in a directed graph, i.e., it supports queries that ask whether two nodes in the graph are connected by a directed path. PReaCH adapts the contraction hierarchy speedup techniques for shortest path queries to the reachability setting. The resulting approach is surprisingly simple and guarantees linear space and near linear preprocessing time. Orthogonally to that, we improve existing pruning techniques for the search by gathering more information from a single DFS-traversal of the graph. PReaCH-indices significantly outperform previous data structures with comparable preprocessing cost. Methods with faster queries need significantly more preprocessing time in particular for the most difficult instances

    Fast Reachability Using DAG Decomposition

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    We present a fast and practical algorithm to compute the transitive closure (TC) of a directed graph. It is based on computing a reachability indexing scheme of a directed acyclic graph (DAG), G = (V, E). Given any path/chain decomposition of G we show how to compute in parameterized linear time such a reachability scheme that can answer reachability queries in constant time. The experimental results reveal that our method is significantly faster in practice than the theoretical bounds imply, indicating that path/chain decomposition algorithms can be applied to obtain fast and practical solutions to the transitive closure (TC) problem. Furthermore, we show that the number of non-transitive edges of a DAG G is ? width*|V| and that we can find a substantially large subset of the transitive edges of G in linear time using a path/chain decomposition. Our extensive experimental results show the interplay between these concepts in various models of DAGs

    Compressing and Performing Algorithms on Massively Large Networks

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    Networks are represented as a set of nodes (vertices) and the arcs (links) connecting them. Such networks can model various real-world structures such as social networks (e.g., Facebook), information networks (e.g., citation networks), technological networks (e.g., the Internet), and biological networks (e.g., gene-phenotype network). Analysis of such structures is a heavily studied area with many applications. However, in this era of big data, we find ourselves with networks so massive that the space requirements inhibit network analysis. Since many of these networks have nodes and arcs on the order of billions to trillions, even basic data structures such as adjacency lists could cost petabytes to zettabytes of storage. Storing these networks in secondary memory would require I/O access (i.e., disk access) during analysis, thus drastically slowing analysis time. To perform analysis efficiently on such extensive data, we either need enough main memory for the data structures and algorithms, or we need to develop compressions that require much less space while still being able to answer queries efficiently. In this dissertation, we develop several compression techniques that succinctly represent these real-world networks while still being able to efficiently query the network (e.g., check if an arc exists between two nodes). Furthermore, since many of these networks continue to grow over time, our compression techniques also support the ability to add and remove nodes and edges directly on the compressed structure. We also provide a way to compress the data quickly without any intermediate structure, thus giving minimal memory overhead. We provide detailed analysis and prove that our compression is indeed succinct (i.e., achieves the information-theoretic lower bound). Also, we empirically show that our compression rates outperform or are equal to existing compression algorithms on many benchmark datasets. We also extend our technique to time-evolving networks. That is, we store the entire state of the network at each time frame. Studying time-evolving networks allows us to find patterns throughout the time that would not be available in regular, static network analysis. A succinct representation for time-evolving networks is arguably more important than static graphs, due to the extra dimension inflating the space requirements of basic data structures even more. Again, we manage to achieve succinctness while also providing fast encoding, minimal memory overhead during encoding, fast queries, and fast, direct modification. We also compare against several benchmarks and empirically show that we achieve compression rates better than or equal to the best performing benchmark for each dataset. Finally, we also develop both static and time-evolving algorithms that run directly on our compressed structures. Using our static graph compression combined with our differential technique, we find that we can speed up matrix-vector multiplication by reusing previously computed products. We compare our results against a similar technique using the Webgraph Framework, and we see that not only are our base query speeds faster, but we also gain a more significant speed-up from reusing products. Then, we use our time-evolving compression to solve the earliest arrival paths problem and time-evolving transitive closure. We found that not only were we the first to run such algorithms directly on compressed data, but that our technique was particularly efficient at doing so

    Algorithms and Bounds for Drawing Directed Graphs

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    In this paper we present a new approach to visualize directed graphs and their hierarchies that completely departs from the classical four-phase framework of Sugiyama and computes readable hierarchical visualizations that contain the complete reachability information of a graph. Additionally, our approach has the advantage that only the necessary edges are drawn in the drawing, thus reducing the visual complexity of the resulting drawing. Furthermore, most problems involved in our framework require only polynomial time. Our framework offers a suite of solutions depending upon the requirements, and it consists of only two steps: (a) the cycle removal step (if the graph contains cycles) and (b) the channel decomposition and hierarchical drawing step. Our framework does not introduce any dummy vertices and it keeps the vertices of a channel vertically aligned. The time complexity of the main drawing algorithms of our framework is O(kn)O(kn), where kk is the number of channels, typically much smaller than nn (the number of vertices).Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2018

    Minimum Path Cover: The Power of Parameterization

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    Computing a minimum path cover (MPC) of a directed acyclic graph (DAG) is a fundamental problem with a myriad of applications, including reachability. Although it is known how to solve the problem by a simple reduction to minimum flow, recent theoretical advances exploit this idea to obtain algorithms parameterized by the number of paths of an MPC, known as the width. These results obtain fast [M\"akinen et al., TALG] and even linear time [C\'aceres et al., SODA 2022] algorithms in the small-width regime. In this paper, we present the first publicly available high-performance implementation of state-of-the-art MPC algorithms, including the parameterized approaches. Our experiments on random DAGs show that parameterized algorithms are orders-of-magnitude faster on dense graphs. Additionally, we present new pre-processing heuristics based on transitive edge sparsification. We show that our heuristics improve MPC-solvers by orders-of-magnitude
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