22 research outputs found

    Localization Uncertainty Estimation for Anchor-Free Object Detection

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    Since many safety-critical systems, such as surgical robots and autonomous driving cars, are in unstable environments with sensor noise and incomplete data, it is desirable for object detectors to take into account the confidence of localization prediction. There are three limitations of the prior uncertainty estimation methods for anchor-based object detection. 1) They model the uncertainty based on object properties having different characteristics, such as location (center point) and scale (width, height). 2) they model a box offset and ground-truth as Gaussian distribution and Dirac delta distribution, which leads to the model misspecification problem. Because the Dirac delta distribution is not exactly represented as Gaussian, i.e., for any μ\mu and Σ\Sigma. 3) Since anchor-based methods are sensitive to hyper-parameters of anchor, the localization uncertainty modeling is also sensitive to these parameters. Therefore, we propose a new localization uncertainty estimation method called Gaussian-FCOS for anchor-free object detection. Our method captures the uncertainty based on four directions of box offsets~(left, right, top, bottom) that have similar properties, which enables to capture which direction is uncertain and provide a quantitative value in range~[0, 1]. To this end, we design a new uncertainty loss, negative power log-likelihood loss, to measure uncertainty by weighting IoU to the likelihood loss, which alleviates the model misspecification problem. Experiments on COCO datasets demonstrate that our Gaussian-FCOS reduces false positives and finds more missing-objects by mitigating over-confidence scores with the estimated uncertainty. We hope Gaussian-FCOS serves as a crucial component for the reliability-required task

    Bayesian Augmentation of Deep Learning to Improve Video Classification

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    Traditional automated video classification methods lack measures of uncertainty, meaning the network is unable to identify those cases in which its predictions are made with significant uncertainty. This leads to misclassification, as the traditional network classifies each observation with same amount of certainty, no matter what the observation is. Bayesian neural networks are a remedy to this issue by leveraging Bayesian inference to construct uncertainty measures for each prediction. Because exact Bayesian inference is typically intractable due to the large number of parameters in a neural network, Bayesian inference is approximated by utilizing dropout in a convolutional neural network. This research compared a traditional video classification neural network to its Bayesian equivalent based on performance and capabilities. The Bayesian network achieves higher accuracy than a comparable non-Bayesian video network and it further provides uncertainty measures for each classification

    Bayesian Neural Networks With Maximum Mean Discrepancy Regularization

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    Bayesian Neural Networks (BNNs) are trained to optimize an entire distribution over their weights instead of a single set, having significant advantages in terms of, e.g., interpretability, multi-task learning, and calibration. Because of the intractability of the resulting optimization problem, most BNNs are either sampled through Monte Carlo methods, or trained by minimizing a suitable Evidence Lower BOund (ELBO) on a variational approximation. In this paper, we propose a variant of the latter, wherein we replace the Kullback-Leibler divergence in the ELBO term with a Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) estimator, inspired by recent work in variational inference. After motivating our proposal based on the properties of the MMD term, we proceed to show a number of empirical advantages of the proposed formulation over the state-of-the-art. In particular, our BNNs achieve higher accuracy on multiple benchmarks, including several image classification tasks. In addition, they are more robust to the selection of a prior over the weights, and they are better calibrated. As a second contribution, we provide a new formulation for estimating the uncertainty on a given prediction, showing it performs in a more robust fashion against adversarial attacks and the injection of noise over their inputs, compared to more classical criteria such as the differential entropy