212 research outputs found

    An Empirical Analysis of Cyber Deception Systems

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    Honeypot-based Security Enhancements for Information Systems

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    The purpose of this thesis is to explore honeypot-based security enhancements for information systems. First, we provide a comprehensive survey of the research that has been carried out on honeypots and honeynets for Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), and Cyber-physical Systems (CPS). We provide a taxonomy and extensive analysis of the existing honeypots and honeynets, state key design factors for the state-of-the-art honeypot/honeynet research and outline open issues. Second, we propose S-Pot, a smart honeypot framework based on open-source resources. S-Pot uses enterprise and IoT honeypots to attract attackers, learns from attacks via ML classifiers, and dynamically configures the rules of SDN. Our performance evaluation of S-Pot in detecting attacks using various ML classifiers shows that it can detect attacks with 97% accuracy using J48 algorithm. Third, for securing host-based Docker containers from cryptojacking, using honeypots, we perform a forensic analysis to identify indicators for the detection of unauthorized cryptomining, present measures for securing them, and propose an approach for monitoring host-based Docker containers for cryptojacking detection. Our results reveal that host temperature, combined with container resource usage, Stratum protocol, keywords in DNS requests, and the use of the container’s ephemeral ports are notable indicators of possible unauthorized cryptomining

    An Automated and Comprehensive Framework for IoT Botnet Detection and Analysis (IoT-BDA)

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    The proliferation of insecure Internet-connected devices gave rise to the IoT botnets which can grow very large rapidly and may perform high-impact cyber-attacks. The related studies for tackling IoT botnets are concerned with either capturing or analyzing IoT botnet samples, using honeypots and sandboxes, respectively. The lack of integration between the two implies that the samples captured by the honeypots must be manually submitted for analysis in sandboxes, introducing a delay during which a botnet may change its operation. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the proposed sandboxes is limited by the potential use of anti-analysis techniques and the inability to identify features for effective detection and identification of IoT botnets. In this paper, we propose and evaluate a novel framework, the IoT-BDA framework, for automated capturing, analysis, identification, and reporting of IoT botnets. The framework consists of honeypots integrated with a novel sandbox that supports a wider range of hardware and software configurations, and can identify indicators of compromise and attack, along with anti-analysis, persistence, and anti-forensics techniques. These features can make botnet detection and analysis, and infection remedy more effective. The framework reports the findings to a blacklist and abuse service to facilitate botnet suspension. The paper also describes the discovered anti-honeypot techniques and the measures applied to reduce the risk of honeypot detection. Over the period of seven months, the framework captured, analyzed, and reported 4077 unique IoT botnet samples. The analysis results show that some IoT botnets used anti-analysis, persistence, and anti-forensics techniques typically seen in traditional botnets

    Honeyhive - A Network Intrusion Detection System Framework Utilizing Distributed Internet of Things Honeypot Sensors

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    Exploding over the past decade, the number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices connected to the Internet jumped from 3.8 billion in 2015 to 17.8 billion in 2018. Because so many IoT devices remain upatched, unmonitored, and left on, they have become a tantalizing target for attackers to gain network access or add another device to their botnet. HoneyHive is a framework that uses distributed IoT honeypots as Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) sensors that beacon back to a centralized Command and Control (C2) server. The tests in this experiment involve four types of scans and four levels of active honeypots against the HoneyHive framework and a traditional NIDS on the simulated test network. This research successfully created a framework of distributed network intrusion detection IoT honeypot sensors that capture traffic, create alerts, and beacon back to a central C2 server. The HoneyHive framework successfully detected intrusions that traditional NIDS cannot through the use of distributed IoT honeypot sensors and packet capture aggregation


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    Ransomware is the most prevalent emerging business risk nowadays. It seriously affects business continuity and operations. According to Deloitte Cyber Security Landscape 2022, up to 4000 ransomware attacks occur daily, while the average number of days an organization takes to identify a breach is 191. Sophisticated cyber-attacks such as ransomware typically must go through multiple consecutive phases (initial foothold, network propagation, and action on objectives) before accomplishing its final objective. This study analyzed decoy-based solutions as an approach (detection, prevention, or mitigation) to overcome ransomware. A systematic literature review was conducted, in which the result has shown that deception-based techniques have given effective and significant performance against ransomware with minimal resources. It is also identified that contrary to general belief, deception techniques mainly involved in passive approaches (i.e., prevention, detection) possess other active capabilities such as ransomware traceback and obstruction (thwarting), file decryption, and decryption key recovery. Based on the literature review, several evaluation methods are also analyzed to measure the effectiveness of these deception-based techniques during the implementation process

    Enhancing honeynet-based protection with network slicing for massive Pre-6G IoT Smart Cities deployments

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    Internet of Things (IoT) coupled with 5G and upcoming pre-6G networks will provide the scalability and performance required to deploy a wide range of new digital services in Smart Cities. This new digital services will undoubtedly contribute to an improvement in the quality of life of citizens. However, security is a major concern in IoT where low-powered constrained devices are a target for attackers who identify them as a vulnerable entry point to exploit the network weaknesses. This concern is exacerbated in Smart Cities where it is expected to deploy millions of heterogeneous yet unattended and vulnerable IoT devices throughout vast urban areas. A security breach in a Smart City allows attackers to target critical services such as the power grid network or the road traffic control or to expose sensitive health data to intruders. Thus, the security and privacy of citizens could be seriously compromised. Honeynets are an effective security mechanism to distract attackers from legitimate targets and collect valuable information on how they operate. Meanwhile, current honeynets lack functionality to protect the real and lure networks from large-scale volumetric Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. This paper provides a novel solution to empower honeynet security tools with Network Slicing capabilities as an innovative way to isolate and minimize the network resources available from attackers. The proposed system supports the ambitious IoT scalability requirements associated to 5G networks and the forthcoming 6G networks. The solution has been empirically evaluated in a emulated testbed where promising results have been achieved when dealing with mMTC and eMBB traffic profiles. In mMTC scenarios where scalability is a challenge, the solution is able to deal with up to 1000 slices and 1 Million IoT devices sending traffic simultaneously. In eMBB use cases, the solution is able to cope with up to 19 Gbps of combined bandwidth. The gathered results demonstrate that the proposed solution is suitable as a security tool in 5G IoT multi-tenant infrastructures as those expected in Smart Cities deployments

    Proactive cybersecurity tailoring through deception techniques

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    Dissertação de natureza científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de ComputadoresUma abordagem proativa à cibersegurança pode complementar uma postura reativa ajudando as empresas a lidar com incidentes de segurança em fases iniciais. As organizações podem proteger-se ativamente contra a assimetria inerente à guerra cibernética através do uso de técnicas proativas, como por exemplo a ciber deception. A implantação intencional de artefactos enganosos para construir uma infraestrutura que permite a investigação em tempo real dos padrões e abordagens de um atacante sem comprometer a rede principal da organização é o propósito da deception cibernética. Esta metodologia pode revelar vulnerabilidades por descobrir, conhecidas como vulnerabilidades de dia-zero, sem interferir com as atividades de rotina da organização. Além disso, permite às empresas a extração de informações vitais sobre o atacante que, de outra forma, seriam difíceis de adquirir. No entanto, colocar estes conceitos em prática em circunstâncias reais constitui problemas de grande ordem. Este estudo propõe uma arquitetura para um sistema informático de deception, que culmina numa implementação que implanta e adapta dinamicamente uma rede enganosa através do uso de técnicas de redes definidas por software e de virtualização de rede. A rede ilusora é uma rede de ativos virtuais com uma topologia e especificações pré-planeadas, coincidentes com uma estratégia de deception. O sistema pode rastrear e avaliar a atividade do atacante através da monitorização contínua dos artefactos da rede. O refinamento em tempo real do plano de deception pode exigir alterações na topologia e nos artefactos da rede, possíveis devido às capacidades de modificação dinâmica das redes definidas por software. As organizações podem maximizar as suas capacidades de deception ao combinar estes processos com componentes avançados de deteção e classificação de ataques informáticos. A eficácia da solução proposta é avaliada usando vários casos de estudo que demonstram a sua utilidade.A proactive approach to cybersecurity can supplement a reactive posture by helping businesses to handle security incidents in the early phases of an attack. Organizations can actively protect against the inherent asymmetry of cyber warfare by using proactive techniques such as cyber deception. The intentional deployment of misleading artifacts to construct an infrastructure that allows real-time investigation of an attacker's patterns and approaches without compromising the organization's principal network is what cyber deception entails. This method can reveal previously undiscovered vulnerabilities, referred to as zero-day vulnerabilities, without interfering with routine corporate activities. Furthermore, it enables enterprises to collect vital information about the attacker that would otherwise be difficult to access. However, putting such concepts into practice in real-world circumstances involves major problems. This study proposes an architecture for a deceptive system, culminating in an implementation that deploys and dynamically customizes a deception grid using Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and network virtualization techniques. The deception grid is a network of virtual assets with a topology and specifications that are pre-planned to coincide with a deception strategy. The system can trace and evaluate the attacker's activity by continuously monitoring the artifacts within the deception grid. Real-time refinement of the deception plan may necessitate changes to the grid's topology and artifacts, which can be assisted by software-defined networking's dynamic modification capabilities. Organizations can maximize their deception capabilities by merging these processes with advanced cyber-attack detection and classification components. The effectiveness of the given solution is assessed using numerous use cases that demonstrate its utility.N/

    Risk and threat mitigation techniques in internet of things (IoT) environments: a survey

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    Security in the Internet of Things (IoT) remains a predominant area of concern. Although several other surveys have been published on this topic in recent years, the broad spectrum that this area aims to cover, the rapid developments and the variety of concerns make it impossible to cover the topic adequately. This survey updates the state of the art covered in previous surveys and focuses on defences and mitigations against threats rather than on the threats alone, an area that is less extensively covered by other surveys. This survey has collated current research considering the dynamicity of the IoT environment, a topic missed in other surveys and warrants particular attention. To consider the IoT mobility, a life-cycle approach is adopted to the study of dynamic and mobile IoT environments and means of deploying defences against malicious actors aiming to compromise an IoT network and to evolve their attack laterally within it and from it. This survey takes a more comprehensive and detailed step by analysing a broad variety of methods for accomplishing each of the mitigation steps, presenting these uniquely by introducing a “defence-in-depth” approach that could significantly slow down the progress of an attack in the dynamic IoT environment. This survey sheds a light on leveraging redundancy as an inherent nature of multi-sensor IoT applications, to improve integrity and recovery. This study highlights the challenges of each mitigation step, emphasises novel perspectives, and reconnects the discussed mitigation steps to the ground principles they seek to implement