4,898 research outputs found

    Design and implementation of a multi-octave-band audio camera for realtime diagnosis

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    Noise pollution investigation takes advantage of two common methods of diagnosis: measurement using a Sound Level Meter and acoustical imaging. The former enables a detailed analysis of the surrounding noise spectrum whereas the latter is rather used for source localization. Both approaches complete each other, and merging them into a unique system, working in realtime, would offer new possibilities of dynamic diagnosis. This paper describes the design of a complete system for this purpose: imaging in realtime the acoustic field at different octave bands, with a convenient device. The acoustic field is sampled in time and space using an array of MEMS microphones. This recent technology enables a compact and fully digital design of the system. However, performing realtime imaging with resource-intensive algorithm on a large amount of measured data confronts with a technical challenge. This is overcome by executing the whole process on a Graphic Processing Unit, which has recently become an attractive device for parallel computing

    Reactive Statistical Mapping: Towards the Sketching of Performative Control with Data

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    Part 1: Fundamental IssuesInternational audienceThis paper presents the results of our participation to the ninth eNTERFACE workshop on multimodal user interfaces. Our target for this workshop was to bring some technologies currently used in speech recognition and synthesis to a new level, i.e. being the core of a new HMM-based mapping system. The idea of statistical mapping has been investigated, more precisely how to use Gaussian Mixture Models and Hidden Markov Models for realtime and reactive generation of new trajectories from inputted labels and for realtime regression in a continuous-to-continuous use case. As a result, we have developed several proofs of concept, including an incremental speech synthesiser, a software for exploring stylistic spaces for gait and facial motion in realtime, a reactive audiovisual laughter and a prototype demonstrating the realtime reconstruction of lower body gait motion strictly from upper body motion, with conservation of the stylistic properties. This project has been the opportunity to formalise HMM-based mapping, integrate various of these innovations into the Mage library and explore the development of a realtime gesture recognition tool

    Proceedings of the Linux Audio Conference 2018

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    These proceedings contain all papers presented at the Linux Audio Conference 2018. The conference took place at c-base, Berlin, from June 7th - 10th, 2018 and was organized in cooperation with the Electronic Music Studio at TU Berlin

    Design and development of a mechanism for low-latency real time audio processing on Linux

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    This work is focused on developing a mechanism to support audio processing on Linux operating system using soft real-time techniques, primarily resource based scheduling with feedback (adaptive reservations)

    Towards an All-Purpose Content-Based Multimedia Information Retrieval System

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    The growth of multimedia collections - in terms of size, heterogeneity, and variety of media types - necessitates systems that are able to conjointly deal with several forms of media, especially when it comes to searching for particular objects. However, existing retrieval systems are organized in silos and treat different media types separately. As a consequence, retrieval across media types is either not supported at all or subject to major limitations. In this paper, we present vitrivr, a content-based multimedia information retrieval stack. As opposed to the keyword search approach implemented by most media management systems, vitrivr makes direct use of the object's content to facilitate different types of similarity search, such as Query-by-Example or Query-by-Sketch, for and, most importantly, across different media types - namely, images, audio, videos, and 3D models. Furthermore, we introduce a new web-based user interface that enables easy-to-use, multimodal retrieval from and browsing in mixed media collections. The effectiveness of vitrivr is shown on the basis of a user study that involves different query and media types. To the best of our knowledge, the full vitrivr stack is unique in that it is the first multimedia retrieval system that seamlessly integrates support for four different types of media. As such, it paves the way towards an all-purpose, content-based multimedia information retrieval system
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