88 research outputs found

    On optimal language compression for sets in PSPACE/poly

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    We show that if DTIME[2^O(n)] is not included in DSPACE[2^o(n)], then, for every set B in PSPACE/poly, all strings x in B of length n can be represented by a string compressed(x) of length at most log(|B^{=n}|)+O(log n), such that a polynomial-time algorithm, given compressed(x), can distinguish x from all the other strings in B^{=n}. Modulo the O(log n) additive term, this achieves the information-theoretic optimum for string compression. We also observe that optimal compression is not possible for sets more complex than PSPACE/poly because for any time-constructible superpolynomial function t, there is a set A computable in space t(n) such that at least one string x of length n requires compressed(x) to be of length 2 log(|A^=n|).Comment: submitted to Theory of Computing System

    On Algorithmic Statistics for space-bounded algorithms

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    Algorithmic statistics studies explanations of observed data that are good in the algorithmic sense: an explanation should be simple i.e. should have small Kolmogorov complexity and capture all the algorithmically discoverable regularities in the data. However this idea can not be used in practice because Kolmogorov complexity is not computable. In this paper we develop algorithmic statistics using space-bounded Kolmogorov complexity. We prove an analogue of one of the main result of `classic' algorithmic statistics (about the connection between optimality and randomness deficiences). The main tool of our proof is the Nisan-Wigderson generator.Comment: accepted to CSR 2017 conferenc

    Probabilistic Model Counting with Short XORs

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    The idea of counting the number of satisfying truth assignments (models) of a formula by adding random parity constraints can be traced back to the seminal work of Valiant and Vazirani, showing that NP is as easy as detecting unique solutions. While theoretically sound, the random parity constraints in that construction have the following drawback: each constraint, on average, involves half of all variables. As a result, the branching factor associated with searching for models that also satisfy the parity constraints quickly gets out of hand. In this work we prove that one can work with much shorter parity constraints and still get rigorous mathematical guarantees, especially when the number of models is large so that many constraints need to be added. Our work is based on the realization that the essential feature for random systems of parity constraints to be useful in probabilistic model counting is that the geometry of their set of solutions resembles an error-correcting code.Comment: To appear in SAT 1

    Immunity and Simplicity for Exact Counting and Other Counting Classes

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    Ko [RAIRO 24, 1990] and Bruschi [TCS 102, 1992] showed that in some relativized world, PSPACE (in fact, ParityP) contains a set that is immune to the polynomial hierarchy (PH). In this paper, we study and settle the question of (relativized) separations with immunity for PH and the counting classes PP, C_{=}P, and ParityP in all possible pairwise combinations. Our main result is that there is an oracle A relative to which C_{=}P contains a set that is immune to BPP^{ParityP}. In particular, this C_{=}P^A set is immune to PH^{A} and ParityP^{A}. Strengthening results of Tor\'{a}n [J.ACM 38, 1991] and Green [IPL 37, 1991], we also show that, in suitable relativizations, NP contains a C_{=}P-immune set, and ParityP contains a PP^{PH}-immune set. This implies the existence of a C_{=}P^{B}-simple set for some oracle B, which extends results of Balc\'{a}zar et al. [SIAM J.Comp. 14, 1985; RAIRO 22, 1988] and provides the first example of a simple set in a class not known to be contained in PH. Our proof technique requires a circuit lower bound for ``exact counting'' that is derived from Razborov's [Mat. Zametki 41, 1987] lower bound for majority.Comment: 20 page

    On an almost-universal hash function family with applications to authentication and secrecy codes

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    Universal hashing, discovered by Carter and Wegman in 1979, has many important applications in computer science. MMH^*, which was shown to be Δ\Delta-universal by Halevi and Krawczyk in 1997, is a well-known universal hash function family. We introduce a variant of MMH^*, that we call GRDH, where we use an arbitrary integer n>1n>1 instead of prime pp and let the keys x=x1,,xkZnk\mathbf{x}=\langle x_1, \ldots, x_k \rangle \in \mathbb{Z}_n^k satisfy the conditions gcd(xi,n)=ti\gcd(x_i,n)=t_i (1ik1\leq i\leq k), where t1,,tkt_1,\ldots,t_k are given positive divisors of nn. Then via connecting the universal hashing problem to the number of solutions of restricted linear congruences, we prove that the family GRDH is an ε\varepsilon-almost-Δ\Delta-universal family of hash functions for some ε<1\varepsilon<1 if and only if nn is odd and gcd(xi,n)=ti=1\gcd(x_i,n)=t_i=1 (1ik)(1\leq i\leq k). Furthermore, if these conditions are satisfied then GRDH is 1p1\frac{1}{p-1}-almost-Δ\Delta-universal, where pp is the smallest prime divisor of nn. Finally, as an application of our results, we propose an authentication code with secrecy scheme which strongly generalizes the scheme studied by Alomair et al. [{\it J. Math. Cryptol.} {\bf 4} (2010), 121--148], and [{\it J.UCS} {\bf 15} (2009), 2937--2956].Comment: International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, to appea

    Empirical Bounds on Linear Regions of Deep Rectifier Networks

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    We can compare the expressiveness of neural networks that use rectified linear units (ReLUs) by the number of linear regions, which reflect the number of pieces of the piecewise linear functions modeled by such networks. However, enumerating these regions is prohibitive and the known analytical bounds are identical for networks with same dimensions. In this work, we approximate the number of linear regions through empirical bounds based on features of the trained network and probabilistic inference. Our first contribution is a method to sample the activation patterns defined by ReLUs using universal hash functions. This method is based on a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) formulation of the network and an algorithm for probabilistic lower bounds of MILP solution sets that we call MIPBound, which is considerably faster than exact counting and reaches values in similar orders of magnitude. Our second contribution is a tighter activation-based bound for the maximum number of linear regions, which is particularly stronger in networks with narrow layers. Combined, these bounds yield a fast proxy for the number of linear regions of a deep neural network.Comment: AAAI 202

    Balancing Scalability and Uniformity in SAT Witness Generator

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    Constrained-random simulation is the predominant approach used in the industry for functional verification of complex digital designs. The effectiveness of this approach depends on two key factors: the quality of constraints used to generate test vectors, and the randomness of solutions generated from a given set of constraints. In this paper, we focus on the second problem, and present an algorithm that significantly improves the state-of-the-art of (almost-)uniform generation of solutions of large Boolean constraints. Our algorithm provides strong theoretical guarantees on the uniformity of generated solutions and scales to problems involving hundreds of thousands of variables.Comment: This is a full version of DAC 2014 pape