28 research outputs found

    A Complete and Optimized Key Mismatch Attack on NIST Candidate NewHope

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    In CT-RSA 2019, Bauer et al. have analyzed the case when the public key is reused for the NewHope key encapsulation mechanism (KEM), a second-round candidate in the NIST Post-quantum Standard process. They proposed an elegant method to recover coefficients ranging from -6 to 4 in the secret key. We repeat their experiments but there are two fundamental problems. First, even for coefficients in [-6,4] we cannot recover at least 262 of them in each secret key with 1024 coefficients. Second, for the coefficient outside [-6,4], they suggested an exhaustive search. But for each secret key on average there are 10 coefficients that need to be exhaustively searched, and each of them has 6 possibilities. This makes Bauer et al.\u27s method highly inefficient. We propose an improved method, which with 99.22% probability can recover all the elements ranging from -6 to 4 in the secret key. Then, inspired by Ding et al.\u27s key mismatch attack, we propose an efficient strategy which with a probability of 96.88% succeeds in recovering all the coefficients in the secret key. Experiments show that our proposed method is very efficient, which completes the attack in about 137.56 ms using the NewHope parameters

    A Systematic Approach and Analysis of Key Mismatch Attacks on Lattice-Based NIST Candidate KEMs

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    The research on the key mismatch attacks against the lattice-based KEMs is an important part of the cryptographic assessment of the ongoing NIST standardization. There have been a number of these attacks. However, a unified method to evaluate these KEMs\u27 resilience under key mismatch attacks is still missing. Since the key index of the efficiency of these attacks is the number of queries needed to successfully mount such an attack, in this paper, we propose and develop a systematic approach to find the lower bounds on the minimum average number of queries needed for such attacks. Our basic idea is to transform the problem of finding the lower bound of queries into finding an optimal binary recovery tree (BRT), where the computations of the lower bounds become essentially the computations of a certain Shannon entropy. The introduction of the optimal BRT approach also enables us to understand why, for some lattice-based NIST candidate KEMs, there is a big gap between the theoretical bounds and practical attacks, in terms of the number of queries needed. This further leads us to propose a generic improvement method for these existing attacks, which are confirmed by our experiments. Moreover, our proposed method could be directly used to improve the side-channel attacks against CCA-secure NIST candidate KEMs

    A Simple and Efficient Key Reuse Attack on NTRU Cryptosystem

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    In 1998, Jeffrey Hoffstein, Jill Pipher, and Joseph H. Silverman introduced the famous NTRU cryptosystem, and called it A ring-based public key cryptosystem . Actually, it turns out to be a lattice based cryptosystem that is resistant to Shor\u27s algorithm. There are several modifications to the original NTRU and two of them are selected as round 2 candidates of NIST post quantum public key scheme standardization. In this paper, we present a simple attack on the original NTRU scheme. The idea comes from Ding et al.\u27s key mismatch attack. Essentially, an adversary can find information on the private key of a KEM by not encrypting a message as intended but in a manner which will cause a failure in decryption if the private key is in a certain form. In the present, NTRU has the encrypter generating a random polynomial with small coefficients, but we will have the coefficients be large . After this, some further work will create an equivalent key

    Key Mismatch Attack on NewHope Revisited

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    One of the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Process Round 2 candidates is the NewHope cryptosystem, which is a suite of two RLWE based key encapsulation mechanisms. Recently, four key reuse attacks were proposed against NewHope by Bauer et al., Qin et al., Bhasin et al. and Okada et al. In these attacks, the adversary has access to the key mismatch oracle which tells her if a given ciphertext decrypts to a given message under the targeted secret key. Previous attacks either require more than 26 000 queries to the oracle or they never recover the whole secret key. In this paper, we present a new attack against the NewHope cryptosystem in these key reuse situations. Our attack recovers the whole secret key with the probability of 100% and requires less than 3 200 queries on average. Our work improves state-of-the-art results for NewHope and makes the comparison with other candidates more relevant

    Improving Key Mismatch Attack on NewHope with Fewer Queries

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    NewHope is a lattice cryptoscheme based on the Ring Learning With Errors (Ring-LWE) problem, and it has received much attention among the candidates of the NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization project. Recently, there have been key mismatch attacks on NewHope, where the adversary tries to recover the server’s secret key by observing the mismatch of the shared key from chosen queries. At CT-RSA 2019, Bauer et al. first proposed a key mismatch attack on NewHope, and then at ESORICS 2019, Qin et al. proposed an improved version with a success probability of 96.9% using about 880,000 queries. In this paper, we further improve their key mismatch attack on NewHope. First, we reduce the number of queries by adapting the terminating condition to the response from the server using an early abort technique. Next, the success rate of recovering the secret key polynomial is raised by considering the deterministic condition judging its coefficients. Furthermore, the search range of the secret key in Qin et al.’s attack is extended without increasing the number of queries. With the above improvements, to achieve an almost success rate of 97%, about 73% of queries can be reduced compared with Qin et al.’s method. Additionally, the success rate can be improved to 100.0%. In particular, we analyze the trade-off between the cost of queries and the success rate. We show that a lower success rate of 20.9% is available by further reduced queries of 135,000 simultaneously

    Lattice Reduction Meets Key-Mismatch: New Misuse Attack on Lattice-Based NIST Candidate KEMs

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    Resistance to key misuse attacks is a vital property for key encapsulation mechanisms(KEMs)in NIST-PQC standardization process. In key mismatch attack, the adversary recovers reused secret key with the help of an oracle O\mathcal{O} that indicates whether the shared key matches or not. Key mismatch attack is more powerful when fewer oracle queries are required. A series of works tried to reduce query times, Qin et al. [AISACRYPT 2021] gave a systematic approach to finding lower bound of oracle queries for a category of KEMs, including NIST’s third-round candidate Kyber and Saber. In this paper, we found the aforementioned bound can be bypassed by combining Qin et al. (AISACRYPT 2021)’s key mismatch attack with a standard lattice attack. In particular, we explicitly build the relationship between the number of queries to the oracle and the bit security of the lattice-based KEMs. Our attack is inspired by the fact that each oracle query reveals partial information of reused secrets, and affects the mean and the covariance parameter of secrets, making the attack on lattice easier. In addition, We quantify such effect in theory and estimate the security loss for all NIST second-round candidate KEMs.Specifically, Our improved attack reduces the number of queries for Kyber512 by 34% from 1312 queries with bit security 107 to 865 with bit security 32. For Kyber768 and Kyber1024, our improved attack reduces the number of queries by 29% and 27% with bit security is 32

    Small Leaks Sink a Great Ship: An Evaluation of Key Reuse Resilience of PQC Third Round Finalist NTRU-HRSS

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    NTRU is regarded as an appealing finalist due to its long history against all known attacks and relatively high efficiency. In the third round of the NIST competition, the submitted NTRU cryptosystem is the merger of NTRU-HPS and NTRU-HRSS. In 2019, Ding et al. have analyzed the case when the public key is reused for the original NTRU scheme. However, NTRU-HRSS selects coefficients in an arbitrary way, instead of fixed-weight sample spaces in the original NTRU and NTRU-HPS. Therefore, their method cannot be applied to NTRU-HRSS. To address this problem, we propose a full key mismatch attack on NTRU-HRSS. Firstly, we find a longest chain which helps us in recovering the following coefficients. Next, the most influential interference factors are eliminated by increasing the weight of targeted coefficients. In this step, we adaptively select the weights according to the feedbacks of the oracle to avoid errors. Finally, experiments show that we succeed in recovering all coefficients of the secret key in NTRU-HRSS with a success rate of 93.6%93.6\%. Furthermore, we illustrate the trade-off among the success rate, average number of queries, and average time. Particularly, we show that when the success rate is 93.6\%, it has the minimum number of queries at the same time

    Generic Side-channel attacks on CCA-secure lattice-based PKE and KEM schemes

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    In this work, we demonstrate generic and practical side-channel assisted chosen ciphertext attacks on multiple LWE/LWR-based Public Key Encryption (PKE) and Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) secure in the chosen ciphertext model (IND-CCA security). Firstly, we identified EM-based side-channel vulnerabilities in the error correcting codes (ECC) used in LWE/LWR-based schemes that enable to distinguish the value/validity of the codewords output from the decryption operation. We also identified a similar vulnerability in the Fujisaki-Okamoto transformation which leaks side-channel information about decrypted messages, applicable to multiple lattice-based schemes/variants of schemes that do not use ECC. Our attacks are applicable to about six CCA-secure lattice-based PKE/KEMs currently in the second round of the NIST standardization process. We perform experimental validation of our attacks on implementations taken from the open-source pqm4 library, running on the ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller. Our attacks are performed in a non-profiled setting and complete key-recovery could be performed in a matter of minutes on all the targeted schemes, thus showing the ease and effectiveness of our attack. We thus attempt to demonstrate the side-channel weaknesses of error correcting codes in CCA-secure LWE/LWR-based schemes and also establish/strengthen the notion that IND-CCA secure LWE/LWR-based schemes are as in-secure as IND-CPA secure schemes in the presence of side-channels unless suitably masked/protected

    Defeating NewHope with a Single Trace

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    The key encapsulation method NewHope allows two parties to agree on a secret key. The scheme includes a private and a public key. While the public key is used to encipher a random shared secret, the private key enables to decipher the ciphertext. NewHope is a candidate in the NIST post-quantum project, whose aim is to standardize cryptographic systems that are secure against attacks originating from both quantum and classical computers. While NewHope relies on the theory of quantum-resistant lattice problems, practical implementations have shown vulnerabilities against side-channel attacks targeting the extraction of the private key. In this paper, we demonstrate a new attack on the shared secret. The target consists of the C reference implementation as submitted to the NIST contest, being executed on a Cortex-M4 processor. Based on power measurement, the complete shared secret can be extracted from data of one single trace only. Further, we analyze the impact of different compiler directives. When the code is compiled with optimization turned off, the shared secret can be read from an oscilloscope display directly with the naked eye. When optimizations are enabled, the attack requires some more sophisticated techniques, but the attack still works on single power traces

    Pairwise and Parallel: Enhancing the Key Mismatch Attacks on Kyber and Beyond

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    Key mismatch attacks resilience is a great concern for KEMs in the NIST PQC standardization process. In key mismatch attacks, the adversary aims to recover the reused key by sending special form of ciphertexts to the target party and observing whether the shared key matches his guesses or not. In this paper, we propose pairwise-parallel key mismatch attacks on Kyber and other lattice-based KEMs. The strategy is to recover partial information about multiple secret key coefficient-pairs in a parallel way per query. We realize the required multi-value key mismatch oracle in a simple key exchange scenario and experimentally validate our proposed attacks. Our attacks greatly reduce the number of queries required to recover the full secret key. Specifically, compared with state-of-the-art key mismatch attacks on CPA-secure Kyber, our attacks reduce the number of queries by 95% with computational complexity 2322^{32}. Then we employ the post-processing with lattice reduction to further minimize the number of queries. The results show we only need 78 queries to recover the full secret key with a lattice reduction cost of 2322^{32}. Moreover, our proposed pairwise-parallel attack method can be directly applied to enhance the PC oracle-based SCA against CCA-secure Kyber, reducing the number of queries/traces by 16.67%