917 research outputs found

    Vector field construction of Segre sets

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    A CR generic real analytic CR manifold M carries two families of Segre varieties and conjugate Segre varieties. We observe in this article that their complexifications give rise to two families of foliations of the complexification of M which coincide with the flow foliations induced by the complexified CR (1,0) and (0,1) vector fields tangent to M. As an application, we derive a new proof of the characterization of finite type in terms of Segre sets.Comment: Completely rewritten version, 42 pages Sujclass: Complex Variable

    Algebraic relations between solutions of Painlev\'e equations

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    We calculate model theoretic ranks of Painlev\'e equations in this article, showing in particular, that any equation in any of the Painlev\'e families has Morley rank one, extending results of Nagloo and Pillay (2011). We show that the type of the generic solution of any equation in the second Painlev\'e family is geometrically trivial, extending a result of Nagloo (2015). We also establish the orthogonality of various pairs of equations in the Painlev\'e families, showing at least generically, that all instances of nonorthogonality between equations in the same Painlev\'e family come from classically studied B{\"a}cklund transformations. For instance, we show that if at least one of α,β\alpha, \beta is transcendental, then PII(α)P_{II} (\alpha) is nonorthogonal to PII(β)P_{II} ( \beta ) if and only if α+β∈Z\alpha+ \beta \in \mathbb Z or α−β∈Z\alpha - \beta \in \mathbb Z. Our results have concrete interpretations in terms of characterizing the algebraic relations between solutions of Painlev\'e equations. We give similar results for orthogonality relations between equations in different Painlev\'e families, and formulate some general questions which extend conjectures of Nagloo and Pillay (2011) on transcendence and algebraic independence of solutions to Painlev\'e equations. We also apply our analysis of ranks to establish some orthogonality results for pairs of Painlev\'e equations from different families. For instance, we answer several open questions of Nagloo (2016), and in the process answer a question of Boalch (2012).Comment: This manuscript replaces and greatly expands a portion of arXiv:1608.0475

    Nonisomorphic Ordered Sets with Arbitrarily Many Ranks That Produce Equal Decks

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    We prove that for any nn there is a pair (P1n,P2n)(P_1 ^n , P_2 ^n ) of nonisomorphic ordered sets such that P1nP_1 ^n and P2nP_2 ^n have equal maximal and minimal decks, equal neighborhood decks, and there are n+1n+1 ranks k0,…,knk_0 , \ldots , k_n such that for each ii the decks obtained by removing the points of rank kik_i are equal. The ranks k1,…,knk_1 , \ldots , k_n do not contain extremal elements and at each of the other ranks there are elements whose removal will produce isomorphic cards. Moreover, we show that such sets can be constructed such that only for ranks 11 and 22, both without extremal elements, the decks obtained by removing the points of rank rir_i are not equal.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures, straight LaTe

    Topological noetherianity for cubic polynomials

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    Let P3(C∞)P_3(\mathbf{C}^{\infty}) be the space of complex cubic polynomials in infinitely many variables. We show that this space is GL∞\mathbf{GL}_{\infty}-noetherian, meaning that any GL∞\mathbf{GL}_{\infty}-stable Zariski closed subset is cut out by finitely many orbits of equations. Our method relies on a careful analysis of an invariant of cubics introduced here called q-rank. This result is motivated by recent work in representation stability, especially the theory of twisted commutative algebras. It is also connected to certain stability problems in commutative algebra, such as Stillman's conjecture.Comment: 13 page

    Uniqueness and minimal obstructions for tree-depth

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    A k-ranking of a graph G is a labeling of the vertices of G with values from {1,...,k} such that any path joining two vertices with the same label contains a vertex having a higher label. The tree-depth of G is the smallest value of k for which a k-ranking of G exists. The graph G is k-critical if it has tree-depth k and every proper minor of G has smaller tree-depth. We establish partial results in support of two conjectures about the order and maximum degree of k-critical graphs. As part of these results, we define a graph G to be 1-unique if for every vertex v in G, there exists an optimal ranking of G in which v is the unique vertex with label 1. We show that several classes of k-critical graphs are 1-unique, and we conjecture that the property holds for all k-critical graphs. Generalizing a previously known construction for trees, we exhibit an inductive construction that uses 1-unique k-critical graphs to generate large classes of critical graphs having a given tree-depth.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Effective criteria for specific identifiability of tensors and forms

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    In applications where the tensor rank decomposition arises, one often relies on its identifiability properties for interpreting the individual rank-11 terms appearing in the decomposition. Several criteria for identifiability have been proposed in the literature, however few results exist on how frequently they are satisfied. We propose to call a criterion effective if it is satisfied on a dense, open subset of the smallest semi-algebraic set enclosing the set of rank-rr tensors. We analyze the effectiveness of Kruskal's criterion when it is combined with reshaping. It is proved that this criterion is effective for both real and complex tensors in its entire range of applicability, which is usually much smaller than the smallest typical rank. Our proof explains when reshaping-based algorithms for computing tensor rank decompositions may be expected to recover the decomposition. Specializing the analysis to symmetric tensors or forms reveals that the reshaped Kruskal criterion may even be effective up to the smallest typical rank for some third, fourth and sixth order symmetric tensors of small dimension as well as for binary forms of degree at least three. We extended this result to 4×4×4×44 \times 4 \times 4 \times 4 symmetric tensors by analyzing the Hilbert function, resulting in a criterion for symmetric identifiability that is effective up to symmetric rank 88, which is optimal.Comment: 31 pages, 2 Macaulay2 code
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