3,069 research outputs found

    The future of Cybersecurity in Italy: Strategic focus area

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    This volume has been created as a continuation of the previous one, with the aim of outlining a set of focus areas and actions that the Italian Nation research community considers essential. The book touches many aspects of cyber security, ranging from the definition of the infrastructure and controls needed to organize cyberdefence to the actions and technologies to be developed to be better protected, from the identification of the main technologies to be defended to the proposal of a set of horizontal actions for training, awareness raising, and risk management

    Quantum surveillance and 'shared secrets'. A biometric step too far? CEPS Liberty and Security in Europe, July 2010

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    It is no longer sensible to regard biometrics as having neutral socio-economic, legal and political impacts. Newer generation biometrics are fluid and include behavioural and emotional data that can be combined with other data. Therefore, a range of issues needs to be reviewed in light of the increasing privatisation of ‘security’ that escapes effective, democratic parliamentary and regulatory control and oversight at national, international and EU levels, argues Juliet Lodge, Professor and co-Director of the Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence at the University of Leeds, U

    Privacy self-regulation and the changing role of the state: from public law to social and technical mechanisms of governance

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    This paper provides a structured overview of different self-governance mechanisms for privacy and data protection in the corporate world, with a special focus on Internet privacy. It also looks at the role of the state, and how it has related to privacy self-governance over time. While early data protection started out as law-based regulation by nation-states, transnational self-governance mechanisms have become more important due to the rise of global telecommunications and the Internet. Reach, scope, precision and enforcement of these industry codes of conduct vary a lot. The more binding they are, the more limited is their reach, though they - like the state-based instruments for privacy protection - are becoming more harmonised and global in reach nowadays. These social codes of conduct are developed by the private sector with limited participation of official data protection commissioners, public interest groups, or international organisations. Software tools - technical codes - for online privacy protection can give back some control over their data to individual users and customers, but only have limited reach and applications. The privacy-enhancing design of network infrastructures and database architectures is still mainly developed autonomously by the computer and software industry. Here, we can recently find a stronger, but new role of the state. Instead of regulating data processors directly, governments and oversight agencies now focus more on the intermediaries - standards developers, large software companies, or industry associations. And instead of prescribing and penalising, they now rely more on incentive-structures like certifications or public funding for social and technical self-governance instruments of privacy protection. The use of technology as an instrument and object of regulation is thereby becoming more popular, but the success of this approach still depends on the social codes and the underlying norms which technology is supposed to embed. --

    A Strategic Decision for Information Security

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    A utilização de recursos informáticos é a estratégia mais comum à maioria das organizações para gerirem os seus ativos e propriedade intelectual. Esta decisão estratégica implica a sua exposição ao exterior através de canais de comunicação (infraestrutura de dados). McDermott e Redish (1999), descrevem a terceira lei de Newton como o princípio da ação - reação, as organizações ao exporem a sua infraestrutura ao exterior despoletaram, como reação, estranhos quererem aceder à sua infraestrutura para diversos fins, seja como puro divertimento, detetarem fragilidades ou, mais relevante para este trabalho, roubarem ativos/propriedade intelectual e criarem uma disrupção no serviços. As organizações sentem necessidade de se protegerem contra estes estranhos/ataques ao implementarem estratégias de segurança, mas a realidade é que as linhas de defesa da rede são permeáveis e as arquiteturas de segurança não são suficientemente dinâmicas para travar as ameaças existentes. Uma estratégia de segurança informática baseada na tecnologia “Deception” poderá permitir de uma forma rápida detetar, analisar e defender as redes organizacionais contra-ataquesem tempo real. Esta tecnologia “Deception” poderá oferecer informações precisas sobre “malware” e atividades maliciosas não detetadas por outros tipos de defesa cibernética. Este trabalho pretende explorar esta estratégia recente baseada em “Deception”, que pretende ser diferenciadora face à panóplia de dispositivos/software de segurança informática existentes. Como resultados, pretende-se elaborar uma análise onde as organizações possam perceber a tecnologia “Deception” nas suas vertentes da eficácia, eficiência e o seu valor estratégico para que, eventualmente, a possam utilizar para suportar/adicionar valor a uma decisão de estratégia de segurança informática.The use of Information Technology (IT) resources are the common approach for most organizations so they assets and intellectual property are properly managed. This strategic decision implies its exposure to the outside world through the data infrastructure. McDermott and Redish (1999), described the third Newton’s law as the principle of action- reaction, when organizations expose their infrastructure to the outside world and, as a response, strangers want to access their infrastructure for various purposes, either as pure fun, detect weaknesses or, more relevant for this work, steal assets/intellectual property. Organizations feel the need to protect themselves against these strangers/attacks by implementing security strategies, but truly, the network's first defense lines are permeable, and the security architectures are not dynamic enough to face existing or future threats. A Deception-based technology could enable the organizations to quickly detect, analyze and defend organizational networks against real-time attacks. Deception technology may provide accurate information on malware and malicious activity not detected by other types of cyber defense. This work intends to explore a new technology, Deception, that claims a differentiation when compared with the range of existing information security suite. The types of cyber-threats and their materialization could be relevant to the information technology and risk analysis. Thus, the intent is to elaborate an analysis where organizations can understand the Deception technology, his effectiveness, and strategic value so they can, eventually, use it to support/add value to a decision regarding information security strategy

    Law and Order in Cyberspace: A Case Study of Cyberspace Governance in Hong Kong, 23 J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L. 249 (2005)

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    Hong Kong, an international finance center, has been enjoying great benefits generated by computer-mediated communication ( CMC ) in the new Information Age. On the other hand with the rapid and advanced development in technology, Hong Kong\u27s economy is increasingly and irreversibly relying, and made dependent upon CMC and the Internet to operate, because the Internet has become a catalyst of reform and development in other arenas including social, cultural, and public policy. The Information Age raises new criminality concerns as it aggregates traditional criminal problems since great amounts of data are transmitted by and stored on computers is beyond imagination and CMCs are vulnerable to attack by hackers and computers can be used to defraud people and businesses of millions of dollars. Examining computer crime in Hong Kong presents major problems and issues such as agreeing in a commonly accepted definition of computer crime, fully understanding the extent of computer crime in Hong Kong\u27s society, given the fact that only a small fraction of such crime is actually reported and generating the empirical data needed if one wants to develop effective measures to deal with cyberspace\u27s disorder. After a short presentation of these challenges the authors describe, in statistical form, the trend of IT usage and Internet popularity in Hong Kong and also provide an overview of the background, the nature, extent, and distribution, of computer crime in Hong Kong. Subsequently the authors explore and seek to understand the policy, theory, legislative, law enforcement, and preventive measures through education as well as investigate whether the Hong Kong government\u27s regulation of the Internet is excessive or deficient. Concluding that the Hong Kong government and legislation has been passive and/or inadequate and outdated in bringing a deterrence effect to computer criminals while the piecemeal activities of the private sector can hardly be significant or persistent the authors propose a more comprehensive approach in the formation of the computer crime policy, both in the legislative arena and law enforcement. On the other hand the government and private sector co-operation should be promoted but the government should take a stronger leading role, particularly in the area of public awareness and education in computer and information ethic while the study of cyberspace governance in Hong Kong should be encouraged

    Implementing Privacy by Design through Privacy Impact Assessments

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    Privacy has come a long way from being a fundamental physical right to being implemented as virtual online privacy under GDPR. Recent privacy breaches around the world have highlighted the role of the design of information systems in protecting the privacy of individuals online. GDPR envisions to achieve this through Privacy by Design (PbD) in business and technological systems. Privacy by Design is the law regulating the architecture of information systems through its code and organizational measures to facilitate usercentric privacy. It is relatively a new concept initially developed by Ann Cavoukian along with PbD Principles. The principles themselves do not ensure the holistic implementation of the PbD process. What is lacking in the current model of PbD is an implementation mechanism to operationalize the PbD as a process. This study builds upon the model suggested by Kroener and Wright to operationalize PbD through a dual approach: a set of principles (PbD Principles) and a process (PIAs). Firstly, this study starts an informed discussion on PbD and its robust theoretical basis under Lessig's Theory of Regulation. Secondly, it proposes to address the lack of operationalization by using Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) as a tool to conduct the PbD process. It brings together the two concepts and shows how PbD, as a process, can be better performed if complemented with PIAs. Lastly, it develops a framework for such a PbD process and constructs a lifecycle model to address the gaps in its operationalization. It demonstrates the feasibility of the developed PbD operationalization model by applying it to an existing information system: the Föli Mobile Application

    Pervasively Distributed Copyright Enforcement

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    In an effort to control flows of unauthorized information, the major copyright industries are pursuing a range of strategies designed to distribute copyright enforcement functions across a wide range of actors and to embed these functions within communications networks, protocols, and devices. Some of these strategies have received considerable academic and public scrutiny, but much less attention has been paid to the ways in which all of them overlap and intersect with one another. This article offers a framework for theorizing this process. The distributed extension of intellectual property enforcement into private spaces and throughout communications networks can be understood as a new, hybrid species of disciplinary regime that locates the justification for its pervasive reach in a permanent state of crisis. This hybrid regime derives its force neither primarily from centralized authority nor primarily from decentralized, internalized norms, but instead from a set of coordinated processes for authorizing flows of information. Although the success of this project is not yet assured, its odds of success are by no means remote as skeptics have suggested. Power to implement crisis management in the decentralized marketplace for digital content arises from a confluence of private and public interests and is amplified by the dynamics of technical standards processes. The emergent regime of pervasively distributed copyright enforcement has profound implications for the production of the networked information society

    Investigation of Afghanistan network infrastructure for cyber security

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Siber güvenlik, siber saldırılar, siber savaşlar, güvenlik açığı, gizlilik, bütünlük, ağ altyapısı, iletişim ve bilgi sistemleri. Global endüstriler büyük ölçüde bilgi ve veri güvenliğine yatırım yapıyor. Sanal iletişim zamanında, herhangi bir topolojisinde, öncelikle geçerlik ve güvenliği garanti altına almalı. Aksi takdirde bu tür iletişim karmaşık sorunlara ve kaynakların ağlar üzerinde zarar görmesine neden olur. Halbuki iletişim sistemleri savunmasızdır, Ülkenin bilgi bütünlüğüne, gizliliğine ve kullanılabilirliğine güvenmesi, siber güvenliğinin yetersizliğinden tam tersidir. Aslında, iletişim sistemleri veya internet öncelikle odaklı veya insan zihnindeki güvenlikle tasarlanmamıştır. Diğer bir deyişle, çok sayıda ağ bileşeninin koordinasyonu, öncelikle hava-arayüzü üzerinden kurulan veya ağ üzerinden önceden tanımlanmış protokoller altında fiziksel olarak entegre edilmiş güvenli bir bağlantıya ihtiyaç duyar. Ayrıca, bir hükümetin gerçekleştirme sorumluluğundan biri, siber ortamda ya da gerçekçi saldırı ve tehditlerle mücadele etmek için bir caydırma ekibi ya da teşkilatı oluşturmaktır. Modern iletişim sistemlerinde, siber saldırılar casusluk açısından gittikçe artmaktadır ve bilgi sistemlerine ciddi zarar vermek suretiyle siber alanın geleceğinde büyük bir sorun çıkarmaktadır. Öte yandan, Afganistan hükümeti, herhangi bir dışa bağımlı siber saldırılara karşı iyi tanımlanmış bir stratejiye sahip değilken, casusluktan sorumlu olan ve Afganistan'daki siber alanda katastrofik sorunlar çıkaran ülkelerden aktarılan değiştirilebilir verilerin büyük bir çoğunluğu bulunmaktadır. Bu sorunlar dikkate alındığında, bu çalışma Afganistan'da siber saldırılar ve siber istismar, bilgi güvenliği ile ilgili zorluklar, siber saldırıların mevcut Afganistan ağ altyapıları üzerindeki etkileri ve analizleri de dahil olmak üzere siber tehditlerle ilgilidir. Siberayla ilgili belirgin ve belirgin olmayan siber saldırılar için bir şekilde çözümün yanı sıra, mevcut ve gelecekteki siber krizin, modellerin ve simülasyon özelliklerinin bu raporun kısmen bir bölümünde analizi tanımlanmıştır. Bununla birlikte, güvenlik açısından Afganistan'ın mevcut siber durumuna, yaygın gelecekteki siber güvenlik ve siber güvenlik zorluklarına ilişkin sorunlar da bu raporda gösterilmektedir.Global industries are investing heavily in information and data security. At the time of virtual communication under any types of topologies, firstly, the validity and security must be guaranteed. Otherwise, such communication cause complex problems and resources damage over the networks. However, communication systems are vulnerable, the nation's reliance on the integrities, confidentialities, and availabilities of information stand in stark contrast to the inadequacy of their cybersecurity. In fact, communication systems or internet was not primarily designed with security in oriented or human minds. On the other word, coordinating of huge numbers of network components, first of all, need to a secure connection, either such connection established via air-interface or integrated physically under predefined protocols over the network. Additionally, one of the accomplishment responsibility of a government is creating a deterrence team or military to combat any types of attack and threat either on cyberspace or on realistic. In modern communication systems cyber-attacks becoming increasingly in terms of espionage, and it would make a big challenge in the future of cyberspace by causing serious damage to information systems. From the other hand, the government of Afghanistan does not have a well-defined strategy against any types of outsider cyberattacks while the huge amount of the exchangeable data transferring from the countries who are in charge of espionage and attempt to make catastrophic problems on Afghanistan's cyberspace. In consideration to these issues, this study concerned in Afghanistan's cyber-threats including cyber-attacks and cyber-exploit, information security challenges, analysis and effects of cyber-attacks on current Afghanistan network infrastructures. Definition of somewhat solution for distinctive and non-distinctive cyber-attacks over cyberspace, as well as the analysis of current and future cyberspace crisis, models and simulations aspect in some partial part of this report, has been also covered. However, current cyberspace status of Afghanistan in term of security, challenges of prevalent future cyber security and cyber security difficulties have also illustrated in this report

    DSCOT: An NFT-Based Blockchain Architecture for the Authentication of IoT-Enabled Smart Devices in Smart Cities

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    Smart city architecture brings all the underlying architectures, i.e., Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs), Internet of Cyber-Physical Things (IoCPT), and Internet of Everything (IoE), together to work as a system under its umbrella. The goal of smart city architecture is to come up with a solution that may integrate all the real-time response applications. However, the cyber-physical space poses threats that can jeopardize the working of a smart city where all the data belonging to people, systems, and processes will be at risk. Various architectures based on centralized and distributed mechanisms support smart cities; however, the security concerns regarding traceability, scalability, security services, platform assistance, and resource management persist. In this paper, private blockchain-based architecture Decentralized Smart City of Things (DSCoT) is proposed. It actively utilizes fog computing for all the users and smart devices connected to a fog node in a particular management system in a smart city, i.e., a smart house or hospital, etc. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have been utilized for representation to define smart device attributes. NFTs in the proposed DSCoT architecture provide devices and user authentication (IoT) functionality. DSCoT has been designed to provide a smart city solution that ensures robust security features such as Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability (CIA), and authorization by defining new attributes and functions for Owner, User, Fog, and IoT devices authentication. The evaluation of the proposed functions and components in terms of Gas consumption and time complexity has shown promising results. Comparatively, the Gas consumption for minting DSCoT NFT showed approximately 27%, and a DSCoT approve() was approximately 11% more efficient than the PUF-based NFT solution.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures, 5 tables, journa