5 research outputs found

    A Comparison of Time- and Reward-Bounded Probabilistic Model Checking Techniques

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    In the design of probabilistic timed systems, requirements concerning behaviour that occurs within a given time or energy budget are of central importance. We observe that model-checking such requirements for probabilistic timed automata can be reduced to checking reward-bounded properties on Markov decision processes. This is traditionally implemented by unfolding the model according to the bound, or by solving a sequence of linear programs. Neither scales well to large models. Using value iteration in place of linear programming achieves scalability but accumulates approximation error. In this paper, we correct the value iteration-based scheme, present two new approaches based on scheduler enumeration and state elimination, and compare the practical performance and scalability of all techniques on a number of case studies from the literature. We show that state elimination can significantly reduce runtime for large models or high bounds

    Formal Methods for Probabilistic Energy Models

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    The energy consumption that arises from the utilisation of information processing systems adds a significant contribution to environmental pollution and has a big share of operation costs. This entails that we need to find ways to reduce the energy consumption of such systems. When trying to save energy it is important to ensure that the utility (e.g., user experience) of a system is not unnecessarily degraded, requiring a careful trade-off analysis between the consumed energy and the resulting utility. Therefore, research on energy efficiency has become a very active and important research topic that concerns many different scientific areas, and is as well of interest for industrial companies. The concept of quantiles is already well-known in mathematical statistics, but its benefits for the formal quantitative analysis of probabilistic systems have been noticed only recently. For instance, with the help of quantiles it is possible to reason about the minimal energy that is required to obtain a desired system behaviour in a satisfactory manner, e.g., a required user experience will be achieved with a sufficient probability. Quantiles also allow the determination of the maximal utility that can be achieved with a reasonable probability while staying within a given energy budget. As those examples illustrate important measures that are of interest when analysing energy-aware systems, it is clear that it is beneficial to extend formal analysis-methods with possibilities for the calculation of quantiles. In this monograph, we will see how we can take advantage of those quantiles as an instrument for analysing the trade-off between energy and utility in the field of probabilistic model checking. Therefore, we present algorithms for their computation over Markovian models. We will further investigate different techniques in order to improve the computational performance of implementations of those algorithms. The main feature that enables those improvements takes advantage of the specific characteristics of the linear programs that need to be solved for the computation of quantiles. Those improved algorithms have been implemented and integrated into the well-known probabilistic model checker PRISM. The performance of this implementation is then demonstrated by means of different protocols with an emphasis on the trade-off between the consumed energy and the resulting utility. Since the introduced methods are not restricted to the case of an energy-utility analysis only, the proposed framework can be used for analysing the interplay of cost and its resulting benefit in general.:1 Introduction 1.1 Related work 1.2 Contribution and outline 2 Preliminaries 3 Reward-bounded reachability properties and quantiles 3.1 Essentials 3.2 Dualities 3.3 Upper-reward bounded quantiles 3.3.1 Precomputation 3.3.2 Computation scheme 3.3.3 Qualitative quantiles 3.4 Lower-reward bounded quantiles 3.4.1 Precomputation 3.4.2 Computation scheme 3.5 Energy-utility quantiles 3.6 Quantiles under side conditions 3.6.1 Upper reward bounds 3.6.2 Lower reward bounds Maximal reachability probabilities Minimal reachability probabilities 3.7 Reachability quantiles and continuous time 3.7.1 Dualities 4 Expectation Quantiles 4.1 Computation scheme 4.2 Arbitrary models 4.2.1 Existential expectation quantiles 4.2.2 Universal expectation quantiles 5 Implementation 5.1 Computation optimisations 5.1.1 Back propagation 5.1.2 Reward window 5.1.3 Topological sorting of zero-reward sub-MDPs 5.1.4 Parallel computations 5.1.5 Multi-thresholds 5.1.6 Multi-state solution methods 5.1.7 Storage for integer sets 5.1.8 Elimination of zero-reward self-loops 5.2 Integration in Prism 5.2.1 Computation of reward-bounded reachability probabilities 5.2.2 Computation of quantiles in CTMCs 6 Analysed Protocols 6.1 Prism Benchmark Suite 6.1.1 Self-Stabilising Protocol 6.1.2 Leader-Election Protocol 6.1.3 Randomised Consensus Shared Coin Protocol 6.2 Energy-Aware Protocols 6.2.1 Energy-Aware Job-Scheduling Protocol Energy-Aware Job-Scheduling Protocol with side conditions Energy-Aware Job-Scheduling Protocol and expectation quantiles Multiple shared resources 6.2.2 Energy-Aware Bonding Network Device (eBond) 6.2.3 HAECubie Demonstrator Operational behaviour of the protocol Formal analysis 7 Conclusion 7.1 Classification 7.2 Future prospects Bibliography List of Figures List of Table

    On the connection of probabilistic model checking, planning, and learning for system verification

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    This thesis presents approaches using techniques from the model checking, planning, and learning community to make systems more reliable and perspicuous. First, two heuristic search and dynamic programming algorithms are adapted to be able to check extremal reachability probabilities, expected accumulated rewards, and their bounded versions, on general Markov decision processes (MDPs). Thereby, the problem space originally solvable by these algorithms is enlarged considerably. Correctness and optimality proofs for the adapted algorithms are given, and in a comprehensive case study on established benchmarks it is shown that the implementation, called Modysh, is competitive with state-of-the-art model checkers and even outperforms them on very large state spaces. Second, Deep Statistical Model Checking (DSMC) is introduced, usable for quality assessment and learning pipeline analysis of systems incorporating trained decision-making agents, like neural networks (NNs). The idea of DSMC is to use statistical model checking to assess NNs resolving nondeterminism in systems modeled as MDPs. The versatility of DSMC is exemplified in a number of case studies on Racetrack, an MDP benchmark designed for this purpose, flexibly modeling the autonomous driving challenge. In a comprehensive scalability study it is demonstrated that DSMC is a lightweight technique tackling the complexity of NN analysis in combination with the state space explosion problem.Diese Arbeit prĂ€sentiert AnsĂ€tze, die Techniken aus dem Model Checking, Planning und Learning Bereich verwenden, um Systeme verlĂ€sslicher und klarer verstĂ€ndlich zu machen. Zuerst werden zwei Algorithmen fĂŒr heuristische Suche und dynamisches Programmieren angepasst, um Extremwerte fĂŒr Erreichbarkeitswahrscheinlichkeiten, Erwartungswerte fĂŒr Kosten und beschrĂ€nkte Varianten davon, auf generellen Markov Entscheidungsprozessen (MDPs) zu untersuchen. Damit wird der Problemraum, der ursprĂŒnglich mit diesen Algorithmen gelöst wurde, deutlich erweitert. Korrektheits- und OptimalitĂ€tsbeweise fĂŒr die angepassten Algorithmen werden gegeben und in einer umfassenden Fallstudie wird gezeigt, dass die Implementierung, namens Modysh, konkurrenzfĂ€hig mit den modernsten Model Checkern ist und deren Leistung auf sehr großen ZustandsrĂ€umen sogar ĂŒbertrifft. Als Zweites wird Deep Statistical Model Checking (DSMC) fĂŒr die QualitĂ€tsbewertung und Lernanalyse von Systemen mit integrierten trainierten Entscheidungsgenten, wie z.B. neuronalen Netzen (NN), eingefĂŒhrt. Die Idee von DSMC ist es, statistisches Model Checking zur Bewertung von NNs zu nutzen, die Nichtdeterminismus in Systemen, die als MDPs modelliert sind, auflösen. Die Vielseitigkeit des Ansatzes wird in mehreren Fallbeispielen auf Racetrack gezeigt, einer MDP Benchmark, die zu diesem Zweck entwickelt wurde und die Herausforderung des autonomen Fahrens flexibel modelliert. In einer umfassenden Skalierbarkeitsstudie wird demonstriert, dass DSMC eine leichtgewichtige Technik ist, die die KomplexitĂ€t der NN-Analyse in Kombination mit dem State Space Explosion Problem bewĂ€ltigt

    A Comparison of Time- and Reward-Bounded Probabilistic Model Checking Techniques

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    In the design of probabilistic timed systems, requirements concerning behaviour that occurs within a given time or energy budget are of central importance. We observe that model-checking such requirements for probabilistic timed automata can be reduced to checking reward-bounded properties on Markov decision processes. This is traditionally implemented by unfolding the model according to the bound, or by solving a sequence of linear programs. Neither scales well to large models. Using value iteration in place of linear programming achieves scalability but accumulates approximation error. In this paper, we correct the value iteration-based scheme, present two new approaches based on scheduler enumeration and state elimination, and compare the practical performance and scalability of all techniques on a number of case studies from the literature. We show that state elimination can significantly reduce runtime for large models or high bounds