3 research outputs found

    Elektronický systém pro podporu provádění klinických studií s možností zpracování dat pomocí umělé inteligence

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    An increasing amount of data are collected through wearable devices during ambulatory, and long-term monitoring of biological signals, adoption of persuasive technology and dynamics of clinical trials information sharing - all of that changes the possible clinical intervention. Moreover, more and more smartphone apps are hitting the market as they become a tool in daily life for many people around the globe. All of these applications are generating a tremendous amount of data, that is difficult to process using traditional methods, and asks for engagement of advanced methods of data processing. For recruiting patients, this calls for a shift from traditional methods of engaging patients to modern communication platforms such as social media, that are providing easy access to up- to-date information on an everyday basis. These factors make the clinical study progression demanding, in terms of unified participant management and processing of connected digital resources. Some clinical trials put a strong accent on remote sensing data and patient engagement through their smartphones. To facilitate this, a direct participant messaging, where the researchers give support, guidance and troubleshooting on a personal level using already adopted communication channels, needs to be implemented. Since the...Objem dat, který je generován nositelnými zařízeními v průběhu ambulatorního i dlouhodobého snímání biologických signálů, adopce pervazivních technologií a dynamika předávání informací v rámci klinických studií - to vše mění způsoby, kterým mohou prováděny klinické studie. Více a více aplikací, které přicházejí na trh se stávají pomůckou v denním životě lidí po celém světě. Všechny tyto aplikace produkují obrovské množství dat, jež je obtížné zpracovat tradičními metodami, a vyvstává tak nutnost využití pokročilých metod. Je také možné sledovat odvrat od tradičních metod náboru pacientů, k moderním komunikačním platformám jako sociální sítě, které usnadňují přístup k aktuálním informacím. Tyto faktory činí postup v klinické studii náročným s ohledem na management účastníků studie a zpracování informací ze zdrojů dat. Některé klinické studie kladou velký důraz na sběr dat ze senzorů a zapojení pacientů do studie prostřednictvím jejich mobilních telefonů. Pro usnadnění tohoto přístupu, je nutné využít přímou komunikací s pacientem, kdy administrátoři studie poskytují podporu a pomáhají řešit problémy, které se mohou v průběhu studie vyskytnout, a to za pomocí moderních komunikačních platforem a elektronických zpráv vedených přímo s účastníkem studie. Celý tento postup je nicméně časově náročný, a je...Centre for Practical Applications Support and Spin-off Companies of the 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles UniversityCentrum podpory aplikačních výstupů a spin-off firem 1. LF UK1. lékařská fakultaFirst Faculty of Medicin

    A framework for guiding the interdisciplinary design of mHealth intervention apps for physical activity behaviour change

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    The global pandemic of noncommunicable diseases and its associated premature mortality rates and socioeconomic burden have led to increasingly intensified efforts towards designing and delivering health promotion interventions aimed at addressing the leading modifiable health risk behaviours, such as physical inactivity. Developing physical activity behaviour change interventions that target individuals at the dual intra-interpersonal socioecological levels of health promotion has become a key objective worldwide. Digital and mobile technology is revolutionising the ways in which health behaviour change interventions are delivered to individuals across the world, with mobile health applications (mHealth apps) increasingly recognised as a powerful means of promoting physical activity behaviour change. However, with the growth and opportunities of mHealth apps, come several design challenges. Key design challenges concern the integration of theory, the incorporation of evidence-based behaviour change techniques, the application of persuasive systems design principles, and the importance of multi- and interdisciplinary collaborative design, development and evaluation approaches. These key challenges influence the output product design and effectiveness of mHealth physical activity behaviour change intervention apps. There exists a paucity of approaches for guiding and supporting the multi- and interdisciplinary collaborative design, development and evaluation of mHealth physical activity behaviour change intervention apps. To address this gap, this research study proposes an Interdisciplinary mHealth App Design Framework, framed by a novel boundary object view. This view considers the diverse communities of practice, boundary objects and supporting artefacts, process activities, and knowledge sharing practices necessary and relevant to the design of effective mHealth physical activity behaviour change intervention apps. The framework’s development is guided by a Design Science Research (DSR) approach. Its core components are based on the findings of a critical theoretical analysis of twenty existing multi- and interdisciplinary digital health development approaches. Once developed, the framework is evaluated using a qualitative DSR linguistic interpretivist approach, with semi-structured interviews as the research instrument. The thematic analysis findings from interviews with thirty-one international academic researchers and industry practitioners informs the iterative modification and revision of an enhanced Interdisciplinary mHealth App Design Framework, constituting the main DSR artefact contribution of the research study. In addition, four theoretical contributions are made to the mHealth intervention app design body of knowledge, and a practical contribution is made through the provision of guideline recommendations for academics and industry practitioners. Methodological contributions are also made in terms of applying DSR, adopting a hybrid cognitive reasoning strategy, and employing a qualitative linguistic interpretivist approach to evaluation within a DSR project.Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Commerce, Information Systems, 202

    A Comparison of Mobile Health Evaluation Techniques

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    Mobile health (mHealth) has the potential to profoundly improve global healthcare delivery by enabling healthcare workers to make more accurate diagnoses, instantly access records and transmit data as well as allowing patients to take an active involvement in their own healthcare. However, this potential cannot be reached without the adequate evaluation of interventions to ensure that they are not only safe and beneficial, but that they are acceptable to end-users. A major challenge faced by emerging mHealth interventions is that of identifying an evaluation technique which is able to provide a thorough, rigorous evaluation, which incorporates the needs and requirements of all stakeholders. This investigation will compare four mHealth evaluation methodologies against the characteristics of mHealth across protocol-related and logistical factors to identify methodological “matches” and to highlight important “mismatches.” These mismatches will require addressing in order to inform the design of the most rigorous and thorough mHealth evaluation protocol