307,653 research outputs found

    Topic-based mixture language modelling

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    This paper describes an approach for constructing a mixture of language models based on simple statistical notions of semantics using probabilistic models developed for information retrieval. The approach encapsulates corpus-derived semantic information and is able to model varying styles of text. Using such information, the corpus texts are clustered in an unsupervised manner and a mixture of topic-specific language models is automatically created. The principal contribution of this work is to characterise the document space resulting from information retrieval techniques and to demonstrate the approach for mixture language modelling. A comparison is made between manual and automatic clustering in order to elucidate how the global content information is expressed in the space. We also compare (in terms of association with manual clustering and language modelling accuracy) alternative term-weighting schemes and the effect of singular value decomposition dimension reduction (latent semantic analysis). Test set perplexity results using the British National Corpus indicate that the approach can improve the potential of statistical language modelling. Using an adaptive procedure, the conventional model may be tuned to track text data with a slight increase in computational cost

    A Comparison of Different Machine Transliteration Models

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    Machine transliteration is a method for automatically converting words in one language into phonetically equivalent ones in another language. Machine transliteration plays an important role in natural language applications such as information retrieval and machine translation, especially for handling proper nouns and technical terms. Four machine transliteration models -- grapheme-based transliteration model, phoneme-based transliteration model, hybrid transliteration model, and correspondence-based transliteration model -- have been proposed by several researchers. To date, however, there has been little research on a framework in which multiple transliteration models can operate simultaneously. Furthermore, there has been no comparison of the four models within the same framework and using the same data. We addressed these problems by 1) modeling the four models within the same framework, 2) comparing them under the same conditions, and 3) developing a way to improve machine transliteration through this comparison. Our comparison showed that the hybrid and correspondence-based models were the most effective and that the four models can be used in a complementary manner to improve machine transliteration performance

    Using OWA fuzzy operator to merge retrieval system results

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    With rapid growth of information sources, it is essential to develop methods that retrieve most relevant information according to the user requirements. One way of improving the quality of retrieval is to use more than one retrieval engine and then merge the retrieved results and show a single ranked list to the user. There are studies that suggest combining the results of multiple search engines will improve ranking when these engine are treated as independent experts. In this study, we investigated performance of Persian retrieval by merging four different language modeling methods and two vector space models with Lnu.ltu and Lnc.btc weighting schemes. The experiments were conducted on a large Persian collection of news archives called Hamshari Collection. Different variations of the Ordered Weighted Average (OWA) fuzzy operators method, called a quantifier based OWA operator and a degree-of-importance based OWA operator method have been tested for merging the results. Our experimental results show that the OWA operators produce better precision and ranking in comparison with weaker retrieval methods. But in comparison with stronger retrieval models they only produce minimal improvements

    Using Language Models for Information Retrieval

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    Because of the world wide web, information retrieval systems are now used by millions of untrained users all over the world. The search engines that perform the information retrieval tasks, often retrieve thousands of potentially interesting documents to a query. The documents should be ranked in decreasing order of relevance in order to be useful to the user. This book describes a mathematical model of information retrieval based on the use of statistical language models. The approach uses simple document-based unigram models to compute for each document the probability that it generates the query. This probability is used to rank the documents. The study makes the following research contributions. * The development of a model that integrates term weighting, relevance feedback and structured queries. * The development of a model that supports multiple representations of a request or information need by integrating a statistical translation model. * The development of a model that supports multiple representations of a document, for instance by allowing proximity searches or searches for terms from a particular record field (e.g. a search for terms from the title). * A mathematical interpretation of stop word removal and stemming. * A mathematical interpretation of operators for mandatory terms, wildcards and synonyms. * A practical comparison of a language model-based retrieval system with similar systems that are based on well-established models and term weighting algorithms in a controlled experiment. * The application of the model to cross-language information retrieval and adaptive information filtering, and the evaluation of two prototype systems in a controlled experiment. Experimental results on three standard tasks show that the language model-based algorithms work as well as, or better than, today's top-performing retrieval algorithms. The standard tasks investigated are ad-hoc retrieval (when there are no previously retrieved documents to guide the search), retrospective relevance weighting (find the optimum model for a given set of relevant documents), and ad-hoc retrieval using manually formulated Boolean queries. The application to cross-language retrieval and adaptive filtering shows the practical use of respectively structured queries, and relevance feedback

    SE-KGE: A Location-Aware Knowledge Graph Embedding Model for Geographic Question Answering and Spatial Semantic Lifting

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    Learning knowledge graph (KG) embeddings is an emerging technique for a variety of downstream tasks such as summarization, link prediction, information retrieval, and question answering. However, most existing KG embedding models neglect space and, therefore, do not perform well when applied to (geo)spatial data and tasks. For those models that consider space, most of them primarily rely on some notions of distance. These models suffer from higher computational complexity during training while still losing information beyond the relative distance between entities. In this work, we propose a location-aware KG embedding model called SE-KGE. It directly encodes spatial information such as point coordinates or bounding boxes of geographic entities into the KG embedding space. The resulting model is capable of handling different types of spatial reasoning. We also construct a geographic knowledge graph as well as a set of geographic query-answer pairs called DBGeo to evaluate the performance of SE-KGE in comparison to multiple baselines. Evaluation results show that SE-KGE outperforms these baselines on the DBGeo dataset for geographic logic query answering task. This demonstrates the effectiveness of our spatially-explicit model and the importance of considering the scale of different geographic entities. Finally, we introduce a novel downstream task called spatial semantic lifting which links an arbitrary location in the study area to entities in the KG via some relations. Evaluation on DBGeo shows that our model outperforms the baseline by a substantial margin.Comment: Accepted to Transactions in GI