1,753 research outputs found

    Exploring the factors affecting the use of C2C in Colombia

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    This study analyses the factors that users of consumer-to-consumer (C2C) commerce value as direct influences in the intention to use and the acceptance of a marketplace. An empirical model is formulated, which integrates three variables that evaluate trust and, in turn, other variables that influence C2C intention and purchases, taking a sample of 686 surveys gathered using the Internet in Colombia. The results show that trust is a fundamental factor in this type of electronic commerce in Colombia, given that C2C users seek intermediation pages with third-party recognition (TPR) and high web quality; similarly, key variables in the adoption of this type of commercial platform include finding low prices and social influence. The perception of trust in this type of electronic commerce is a broader concept that requires the analysis of psychosocial factors. For companies that manage marketplaces, this study allows them to focus on key actions and tools in their websites. This study allowsone to get to know the users of this transactional system, specifically for the Latin American region, highlighting the variables that they most consider when engaging in direct commerce between people. The results show that C2C requires marketplaces that guarantee the necessary conditions for a purchase/sale transaction with trust and quality

    Trust Transfer and Its Effects on The Continuance Usage of Mobile Service in B2C E-marketplaces

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    This study extends the concept of expectancy confirmation model (ECM) to discuss the trust as an internal motivation that can make customers continue to use mobile service in the middle of risks and uncertainties in mobile service transactions. This study want to know how to build trust in the B2C E-Marketplaces based on trust transfer theory. In the B2C E-Marketplaces, there are three entities that affect overall trust, such as the intermediary, community of sellers, and mobile service provided by an intermediary. To build customer trust, we need to know the factors that affect trust in those entities and whether customer trust in those entities can influence each other. This study used four antecedents of trust (mobile service quality, familiarity, consumer disposition to trust/CDT, and interpersonal recommendation) as factors that can affect trust. This study obtained 606 respondents who are Go-Jek users spread in Jabodetabek, Bali, Bandung and Surabaya. Data were analyzed by using structural equation modeling (SEM) with AMOS 22.0 tools. Results of this study concluded that trust has a significant impact on customers\u27 continuance intention to use mobile service. Trust in intermediary affected by familiarity, interpersonal recommendation, quality of the mobile service, and CDT. Trust in mobile service influenced by CDT, familiarity, and quality of mobile services. Meanwhile, trust in community of sellers only influenced by quality of the mobile service. In addition, this study also concluded that trust transfer occurred from the intermediary to the community of sellers and from the community of sellers to the mobile service provided by an intermediary

    How to Retain Consumers: A Trust-Commitment Model

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    Although studies on the determinants of consumers’ continuance intention in e-marketplaces have grown in recent years, the research is predominantly related to unidimensional trust and commitment. In this research, the authors focus on the distinct roles of different types of consumer trust and commitment on consumers’ continuance intention. Drawing upon organizational commitment and trust theories, we develop a continuance intention model that includes two types of trust and two types of commitments. We collected a sample of 287 online consumers to validate the theoretical model. Our data suggest that consumers’ trust and commitment positively affect their continuance intention. Our study also indicates that the psychological states underlying the commitments are different. Key findings and implications are discussed

    Web Elements and Strategies for Success in Online Marketplaces: An Exploratory Analysis

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    Among the most prominent and fastest-growing markets on the Internet are online marketplaces. The leader and main exemplar of this type of market is eBay. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive examination of the salient website elements and strategies as success factor in online marketplaces. In this exploratory analysis, we report on the behavior of different types of sellers and their distinct approaches for achieving their desired goals. The conceptual framework for this examination is based on marketing mix theory and its synthesis with competitive heterogeneity theory, allowing us to formulate a success model for sellers operating in this market. The conceptual model is empirically tested by the random collection of over 2000 auction listings from eBay’s Motors Division spread over a period of six months. Our results bring to light the presence of different types of sellers in this market, and the differences in website designs and strategies they use for success in this market

    Understanding IS Success Model and Valence Framework in Sellers’ Acceptance of Cross-border E-commerce

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    Cross-border e-commerce becomes more and more popular and general. The foci of researches in e-commerce have moved from domestic towards to global market. Yet, most of extant literatures are from buyer’s perspective, whereas sellers are also important in the success of cross-border e-commerce. In this study, we are aiming to identify the elements of the success of cross-border e-commerce and the relationship with trust and intention to use from seller’s perspective. To do so, we apply a mixed method to accomplish this research. We have identified the key factors which sellers are concerned about, and why they engage in cross-border e-commerce. In addition, we have developed new dimensions with associated items for system quality, service quality, perceived benefit and perceived cost in the context of cross-border e-commerce. The theoretical contributions and practical contributions have been discussed lastly


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    The negative influence of consumer perceived product uncertainty on buying intention has long been found and studied by marketing researchers and practitioners. Identifying uncertainty mitigators hence has drawn extensive attention from traditional and digital market researchers. This study extends this line of study by exploring the effect of various e-commerce website facilities from a novel perspective – the communication theory view. Drawing on the Initial Interaction Theory (IIT) from communication literature, we view buyer-seller interactions as an initial communication process that aims to acquire information in order to reduce description uncertainty and performance uncertainty. In line with IIT, we propose a framework that incorporates perceived effectiveness of product descriptions, perceived media richness, and perceived effectiveness of feedback systems as the facilitators of passive, interac-tive, and active communication strategies in order to reduce product uncertainty. Research hypotheses are tested based on a survey of 325 subjects. Our findings confirm the saliency of these facilitators in mitigating buyer perceived uncertainty towards tourism products. Theoretical and practical implica-tions of the findings are discussed

    A model to enhance the perceived trustworthiness of Eastern Cape essential oil producers selling through electronic marketplaces

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    Eastern Cape Province farmers in the natural essential oils industry are yet to fully realise the use of electronic commerce (e-commerce) platforms, such as electronic marketplaces (e-marketplaces) for business purposes. This is due to the issues that include lack of awareness, poor product quality, untrusted payment gateways and unsuccessful delivery that are associated with e-marketplaces. As a result, farmers do not trust e-marketplaces and therefore hesitate to engage in e-marketplaces for business purposes. This is further complicated by natural essential oils buyers‟ tendency of preferring face-to-face interaction with a supplier rather than online interaction as they need quality assurance. As such, this research proposes a model to enhance the perceived trustworthiness of natural essential oil producers in the Eastern Cape Province selling through e-marketplaces. The model constitutes the factors that could be considered in assisting essential oil producers to create a perception of trustworthiness to buyers in e-marketplaces. These factors were evaluated amongst five organisations involved in the production, retail or processing of essential oils using a multiple-case study methodology. The study‟s use of multiple-case study was applied within the interpretivist paradigm and five cases were considered. Interviews, document analysis and observations were used for data collection. Data analysis was done using within-case analysis followed by cross-case analysis to establish factors of trust. The essential oil producers based in the Gauteng, Kwazulu-Natal and Western Cape provinces were cases that had been successfully using e-marketplaces for a notable period of time. Accordingly, factors that contributed to the successful use of e-marketplaces informed the proposed model of this research. The model proposes that perceived trustworthiness of enterprises in e-marketplaces can be achieved through following the uncertainty reduction stages (Entry, Personal and Exit) and applying uncertainty reduction strategies (passive, active and interactive)

    Examining Consumer Pre-purchase Deliberation Process in an Online Marketplace

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    The research objective of this study was to examine the consumer pre-purchase deliberation process in an online marketplace. Especially, examining the role of extrinsic quality (website-related quality), intrinsic quality (business operation-related quality), reputation of the retailer (other consumers’ opinions), attitude toward the retailer, and intention to transact with the retailer in an online marketplace context was main purpose of this study. To collect the data, extensive online survey was performed. The data were analyzed through structural equation modeling test. Findings revealed that there are significant positive relationships among extrinsic quality, intrinsic quality, reputation of the retailer, attitude toward the retailer, and intention to transact with the retailer in an online marketplace. Especially, influence of extrinsic quality on intrinsic quality was considerably strong. However, influence of the reputation of the retailer showed weak influence on attitude toward the retailer unlike the suggestions of previous studies. In addition, the result of this study revealed that there is double-layered structure (extrinsic and intrinsic quality) in the quality of the retailer, which has not been conceptualized and empirically tested in the previous studies. Managerial and academic implications and future research directions based on the findings were offered

    Product Uncertainty in Online Marketplaces in China: An Econometric Model

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    Most studies on online marketplaces focus on seller uncertainty and rely on data from online marketplaces in the U.S. This paper extends this literature by focusing on product uncertainty and defining its two dimensions - description uncertainty (identifying the product‘s characteristics) and fit uncertainty (matching product characteristics with the buyer’s needs). It also examines the distinction, relationship, and relative effects of the two dimensions of product uncertainty on actual product returns, and how online marketplaces can use IT-enabled mechanisms to mitigate product uncertainty. The proposed hypotheses are tested with data from 144 buyers in Taobao’s online marketplace in China using an econometric model. The results stress the role of product presentations in reducing description uncertainty and of online communication, both between the buyer and the seller and also among buyers, in reducing fit uncertainty. The paper draws implications for reducing product uncertainty in online marketplaces with the aid of IT
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