71 research outputs found

    Microwave Radiometry at Frequencies From 500 to 1400 MHz: An Emerging Technology for Earth Observations

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    icrowave radiometry has provided valuable spaceborne observations of Earth’s geophysical properties for decades. The recent SMOS, Aquarius, and SMAP satellites have demonstrated the value of measurements at 1400 MHz for observ- ing surface soil moisture, sea surface salinity, sea ice thickness, soil freeze/thaw state, and other geophysical variables. However, the information obtained is limited by penetration through the subsur- face at 1400 MHz and by a reduced sensitivity to surface salinity in cold or wind-roughened waters. Recent airborne experiments have shown the potential of brightness temperature measurements from 500–1400 MHz to address these limitations by enabling sensing of soil moisture and sea ice thickness to greater depths, sensing of temperature deep within ice sheets, improved sensing of sea salinity in cold waters, and enhanced sensitivity to soil moisture under veg- etation canopies. However, the absence of significant spectrum re- served for passive microwave measurements in the 500–1400 MHz band requires both an opportunistic sensing strategy and systems for reducing the impact of radio-frequency interference. Here, we summarize the potential advantages and applications of 500–1400 MHz microwave radiometry for Earth observation and review recent experiments and demonstrations of these concepts. We also describe the remaining questions and challenges to be addressed in advancing to future spaceborne operation of this technology along with recommendations for future research activities

    Characteristics of the Global Radio Frequency Interference in the Protected Portion of L-Band

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA’s) Soil Moisture Active–Passive (SMAP) radiometer has been providing geolocated power moments measured within a 24 MHz band in the protected portion of L-band, i.e., 1400–1424 MHz, with 1.2 ms and 1.5 MHz time and frequency resolutions, as its Level 1A data. This paper presents important spectral and temporal properties of the radio frequency interference (RFI) in the protected portion of L-band using SMAP Level 1A data. Maximum and average bandwidth and duration of RFI signals, average RFI-free spectrum availability, and variations in such properties between ascending and descending satellite orbits have been reported across the world. The average bandwidth and duration of individual RFI sources have been found to be usually less than 4.5 MHz and 4.8 ms; and the average RFI-free spectrum is larger than 20 MHz in most regions with exceptions over the Middle East and Central and Eastern Asia. It has also been shown that, the bandwidth and duration of RFI signals can vary as much as 10 MHz and 10 ms, respectively, between ascending and descending orbits over certain locations. Furthermore, to identify frequencies susceptible to RFI contamination in the protected portion of L-band, observed RFI signals have been assigned to individual 1.5 MHz SMAP channels according to their frequencies. It has been demonstrated that, contrary to common perception, the center of the protected portion can be as RFI contaminated as its edges. Finally, there have been no significant correlations noted among different RFI properties such as amplitude, bandwidth, and duration within the 1400–1424 MHz ban

    Development of Radio Frequency Interference Detection Algorithm for Passive Microwave Remote Sensing

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    Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) signals are man-made sources that are increasingly plaguing passive microwave remote sensing measurements. RFI is of insidious nature, with some signals low power enough to go undetected but large enough to impact science measurements and their results. With the launch of the European Space Agency (ESA) Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite in November 2009 and the upcoming launches of the new NASA sea-surface salinity measuring Aquarius mission in June 2011 and soil-moisture measuring Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission around 2015, active steps are being taken to detect and mitigate RFI at L-band. An RFI detection algorithm was designed for the Aquarius mission. The algorithm performance was analyzed using kurtosis based RFI ground-truth. The algorithm has been developed with several adjustable location dependant parameters to control the detection statistics (false-alarm rate and probability of detection). The kurtosis statistical detection algorithm has been compared with the Aquarius pulse detection method. The comparative study determines the feasibility of the kurtosis detector for the SMAP radiometer, as a primary RFI detection algorithm in terms of detectability and data bandwidth. The kurtosis algorithm has superior detection capabilities for low duty-cycle radar like pulses, which are more prevalent according to analysis of field campaign data. Most RFI algorithms developed have generally been optimized for performance with individual pulsed-sinusoidal RFI sources. A new RFI detection model is developed that takes into account multiple RFI sources within an antenna footprint. The performance of the kurtosis detection algorithm under such central-limit conditions is evaluated. The SMOS mission has a unique hardware system, and conventional RFI detection techniques cannot be applied. Instead, an RFI detection algorithm for SMOS is developed and applied in the angular domain. This algorithm compares brightness temperature values at various incidence angles for a particular grid location. This algorithm is compared and contrasted with other algorithms present in the visibility domain of SMOS, as well as the spatial domain. Initial results indicate that the SMOS RFI detection algorithm in the angular domain has a higher sensitivity and lower false-alarm rate than algorithms developed in the other two domains.Ph.D.Atmospheric and Space SciencesUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/86308/1/samisra_1.pd

    Improved Monitoring of the Changjiang River Plume in the East China Sea During the Monsoon Season Using Satellite Borne L-Band Radiometers

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    Measurement of sea surface salinity (SSS) from Satellite borne L-band (1.4 GHz, 21cm) radiometers (NASA Aquarius/SAC-D and ESA SMOS) in the East China Sea (ECS) is challenging due to the uncertainty of SSS caused by land thermal emissions in the antenna side lobes and because of strong radio frequency interference (RFI) due to illegally emitted man-made sources. RFI contamination in the ECS has gradually decreased because of the on-going international efforts to eliminate broadcasts in the protected L-band radio-astronomy frequency band. The present dissertation focuses on carefully eliminating the remaining RFI contamination in retrieved SSS, and masking out regions close to the coast that are likely contaminated by thermal emissions from the land. Afterward, observation of SSS during the summer monsoon season in the ECS was conducted to demonstrate low salinity (\u3c 28 psu) Changjiang Diluted Water (CDW) which is a mixture of Changjiang River (CR) plume mixing and the ambient ocean water causing ecosystem disruptions as far east as the Korean peninsula. In this study, during southeasterly wind, CDW was observed to be horizontally advected east-northeastward due to Ekman flow. In addition, monthly averaged Aquarius SSS presented one-month lagged robust relationship with freshwater flux. Despite limits on temporal information of SMOS, the detachment of CDW from its formation region and northeastward advection was successfully observed after the arrival of the tropical storm Matmo in the mainland China

    Aquarius Active-Passive RFI Environment at L-Band

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    Active/Passive instrument combinations (i.e., radiometer and radar) are being developed at L-band for remote sensing of sea surface salinity and soil moisture. Aquarius is already in orbit and SMAP is planned for launch in the Fall of 2014. Aquarius has provided for the first time a simultaneous look at the Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) environment from space for both active and passive instruments. The RFI environment for the radiometer observations is now reasonably well known and examples from Aquarius are presented in this manuscript that show that RFI is an important consideration for the scatterometer as well. In particular, extensive areas of the USA, Europe and Asia exhibit strong RFI in both the radiometer band at 1.41 GHz and in the band at 1.26 GHz employed by the Aquarius scatterometer. Furthermore, in areas such as the USA, where RFI at 1.4 GHz is relatively well controlled, RFI in the scatterometer band maybe the limiting consideration for the operation of combination active/passive instruments

    Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Project Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document SMAP L1B Radiometer Data Product: L1B_TB

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    The purpose of the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) radiometer calibration algorithm is to convert Level 0 (L0) radiometer digital counts data into calibrated estimates of brightness temperatures referenced to the Earth's surface within the main beam. The algorithm theory in most respects is similar to what has been developed and implemented for decades for other satellite radiometers; however, SMAP includes two key features heretofore absent from most satellite borne radiometers: radio frequency interference (RFI) detection and mitigation, and measurement of the third and fourth Stokes parameters using digital correlation. The purpose of this document is to describe the SMAP radiometer and forward model, explain the SMAP calibration algorithm, including approximations, errors, and biases, provide all necessary equations for implementing the calibration algorithm and detail the RFI detection and mitigation process. Section 2 provides a summary of algorithm objectives and driving requirements. Section 3 is a description of the instrument and Section 4 covers the forward models, upon which the algorithm is based. Section 5 gives the retrieval algorithm and theory. Section 6 describes the orbit simulator, which implements the forward model and is the key for deriving antenna pattern correction coefficients and testing the overall algorithm

    Radio-frequency interference mitigating hyperspectral L-band radiometer

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    Radio-frequency interference (RFI) can significantly contaminate the measured radiometric signal of current spaceborne L-band passive microwave radiometers. These spaceborne radiometers operate within the protected passive remote sensing and radio-astronomy frequency allocation of 1400–1427 MHz but nonetheless are still subjected to frequent RFI intrusions. We present a unique surface-based and airborne hyperspectral 385 channel, dual polarization, L-band Fourier transform, RFI-detecting radiometer designed with a frequency range from 1400 through  ≈  1550 MHz. The extended frequency range was intended to increase the likelihood of detecting adjacent RFI-free channels to increase the signal, and therefore the thermal resolution, of the radiometer instrument. The external instrument calibration uses three targets (sky, ambient, and warm), and validation from independent stability measurements shows a mean absolute error (MAE) of 1.0 K for ambient and warm targets and 1.5 K for sky. A simple but effective RFI removal method which exploits the large number of frequency channels is also described. This method separates the desired thermal emission from RFI intrusions and was evaluated with synthetic microwave spectra generated using a Monte Carlo approach and validated with surface-based and airborne experimental measurements

    Impact of signal quantization on the performance of RFI mitigation algorithms

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    Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) is currently a major problem in Communications and Earth Observation, but it is even more dramatic in Microwave Radiometry because of the low power levels of the received signals. Its impact has been attested in several Earth Observation missions. On-board mitigation systems are becoming a requirement to detect and remove affected measurements, increasing thus radiometric accuracy and spatial coverage. However, RFI mitigation methods have not been tested yet in the context of some particular radiometer topologies, which rely on the use of coarsely quantized streams of data. In this study, the impact of quantization and sampling in the performance of several known RFI mitigation algorithms is studied under different conditions. It will be demonstrated that in the presence of clipping, quantization changes fundamentally the time-frequency properties of the contaminated signal, strongly impairing the performance of most mitigation methods. Important design considerations are derived from this analysis that must be taken into account when defining the architecture of future instruments. In particular, the use of Automatic Gain Control (AGC) systems is proposed, and its limitations are discussedPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Real-Time Detection and Filtering of Radio Frequency Interference On-board a Spaceborne Microwave Radiometer: The CubeRRT Mission

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    The Cubesat Radiometer Radio frequency interference Technology validation mission (CubeRRT) was developed to demonstrate real-time on-board detection and filtering of radio frequency interference (RFI) for wide bandwidth microwave radiometers. CubeRRT’s key technology is its radiometer digital backend (RDB) that is capable of measuring an instantaneous bandwidth of 1 GHz and of filtering the input signal into an estimated total power with and without RFI contributions. CubeRRT’s on-board RFI processing capability dramatically reduces the volume of data that must be downlinked to the ground and eliminates the need for ground-based RFI processing. RFI detection is performed by resolving the input bandwidth into 128 frequency sub-channels, with the kurtosis of each sub-channel and the variations in power across frequency used to detect non-thermal contributions. RFI filtering is performed by removing corrupted frequency sub-channels prior to the computation of the total channel power. The 1 GHz bandwidth input signals processed by the RDB are obtained from the payload’s antenna (ANT) and radiometer front end (RFE) subsystems that are capable of tuning across RF center frequencies from 6 to 40 GHz. The CubeRRT payload was installed into a 6U spacecraft bus provided by Blue Canyon Technologies that provides spacecraft power, communications, data management, and navigation functions. The design, development, integration and test, and on-orbit operations of CubeRRT are described in this paper. The spacecraft was delivered on March 22nd, 2018 for launch to the International Space Station (ISS) on May 21st, 2018. Since its deployment from the ISS on July 13th, 2018, the CubeRRT RDB has completed more than 5000 hours of operation successfully, validating its robustness as an RFI processor. Although CubeRRT’s RFE subsystem ceased operating on September 8th, 2018, causing the RDB input thereafter to consist only of internally generated noise, CubeRRT’s key RDB technology continues to operate without issue and has demonstrated its capabilities as a valuable subsystem for future radiometry missions
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