250 research outputs found

    A Collection of Definitions of Intelligence

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    This paper is a survey of a large number of informal definitions of ``intelligence'' that the authors have collected over the years. Naturally, compiling a complete list would be impossible as many definitions of intelligence are buried deep inside articles and books. Nevertheless, the 70-odd definitions presented here are, to the authors' knowledge, the largest and most well referenced collection there is.Comment: 12 LaTeX page

    Towards a functional model of mental disorders incorporating the laws of thermodynamics

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    The current paper presents the hypothesis that the understanding of mental disorders can be advanced by incorporating the laws of thermodynamics, specifically relating to energy conservation and energy transfer. These ideas, along with the introduction of the notion that entropic activities are symptomatic of inefficient energy transfer or disorder, were used to propose a model of understanding mental ill health as resulting from the interaction of entropy, capacity and work (environmental demands). The model was applied to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and was shown to be compatible with current thinking about this condition, as well as emerging models of mental disorders as complex networks. A key implication of the proposed model is that it argues that all mental disorders require a systemic functional approach, with the advantage that it offers a number of routes into the assessment, formulation and treatment for mental health problems

    Операционная система искусственного интеллекта: базовые определения

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    В статье кратко проанализировано состояние в области определений понятия «искусственный интеллект». Применительно к задаче разработки операционной системы искусственного интеллекта (ИИ) предложены: иерархическая структура взаимодействия, которая включает ИИ индивидуального типа и ИИ коллективного типа, при условии, что обе логических структуры базируются на физическом операционном носителе ИИ индивидуального типа; определение ИИ индивидуального типа; определение ИИ коллективного типа. Отличительной особенностью предложенных определений является то, что они в большей степени по сравнению с известными допускают моделирование с помощью известных методов и подходов.The article briefly analyzes the current definitions of the concept "artificial intelligence". As applied to the development of the operating system of artificial intelligence (AIOS) it is proposed: the hierarchical structure of AIOS with the interaction of “AI-individual type” and “AI-collective type”, when both logical structures are based in the physical operating medium of “AI-individual type”; the definition of “AI-individual type”; the definition of “AI-collective type”. A distinctive feature of presented definitions is that they, if compared with known ones, allow the simulation using known methods and approaches

    Can intelligence explode?

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    The technological singularity refers to a hypothetical scenario in which technological advances virtually explode. The most popular scenario is the creation of super-intelligent algorithms that recursively create ever higher intelligences. It took many decades for these ideas to spread from science fiction to popular science magazines and finally to attract the attention of serious philosophers. David Chalmers' (JCS, 2010) article is the first comprehensive philosophical analysis of the singularity in a respected philosophy journal. The motivation of my article is to augment Chalmers' and to discuss some issues not addressed by him, in particular what it could mean for intelligence to explode. In this course, I will (have to) provide a more careful treatment of what intelligence actually is, separate speed from intelligence explosion, compare what super-intelligent participants and classical human observers might experience and do, discuss immediate implications for the diversity and value of life, consider possible bounds on intelligence, and contemplate intelligences right at the singularity