31 research outputs found

    Factorized Geometrical Autofocus for Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing

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    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery is a very useful resource for the civilian remote sensing community and for the military. This however presumes that images are focused. There are several possible sources for defocusing effects. For airborne SAR, motion measurement errors is the main cause. A defocused image may be compensated by way of autofocus, estimating and correcting erroneous phase components. Standard autofocus strategies are implemented as a separate stage after the image formation (stand-alone autofocus), neglecting the geometrical aspect. In addition, phase errors are usually assumed to be space invariant and confined to one dimension. The call for relaxed requirements on inertial measurement systems contradicts these criteria, as it may introduce space variant phase errors in two dimensions, i.e. residual space variant Range Cell Migration (RCM). This has motivated the development of a new autofocus approach. The technique, termed the Factorized Geometrical Autofocus (FGA) algorithm, is in principle a Fast Factorized Back-Projection (FFBP) realization with a number of adjustable (geometry) parameters for each factorization step. By altering the aperture in the time domain, it is possible to correct an arbitrary, inaccurate geometry. This in turn indicates that the FGA algorithm has the capacity to compensate for residual space variant RCM. In appended papers the performance of the algorithm is demonstrated for geometrically constrained autofocus problems. Results for simulated and real (Coherent All RAdio BAnd System II (CARABAS II)) Ultra WideBand (UWB) data sets are presented. Resolution and Peak to SideLobe Ratio (PSLR) values for (point/point-like) targets in FGA and reference images are similar within a few percents and tenths of a dB. As an example: the resolution of a trihedral reflector in a reference image and in an FGA image respectively, was measured to approximately 3.36 m/3.44 m in azimuth, and to 2.38 m/2.40 m in slant range; the PSLR was in addition measured to about 6.8 dB/6.6 dB. The advantage of a geometrical autofocus approach is clarified further by comparing the FGA algorithm to a standard strategy, in this case the Phase Gradient Algorithm (PGA)

    Factorized Geometrical Autofocus for Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing

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    This paper describes a factorized geometrical autofocus (FGA) algorithm, specifically suitable for ultrawideband synthetic aperture radar. The strategy is integrated in a fast factorized back-projection chain and relies on varying track parameters step by step to obtain a sharp image; focus measures are provided by an object function (intensity correlation). The FGA algorithm has been successfully applied on synthetic and real (Coherent All RAdio BAnd System II) data sets, i.e., with false track parameters introduced prior to processing, to set up constrained problems involving one geometrical quantity. Resolution (3 dB in azimuth and slant range) and peak-to-sidelobe ratio measurements in FGA images are comparable with reference results (within a few percent and tenths of a decibel), demonstrating the capacity to compensate for residual space variant range cell migration. The FGA algorithm is finally also benchmarked (visually) against the phase gradient algorithm to emphasize the advantage of a geometrical autofocus approach

    Low-cost, high-resolution, drone-borne SAR imaging

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    Combined MAM-PCA autofocus for stripmap SAR

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    The nonparametric phase curvature algorithm (PCA) is commonly used to estimate residual motion error in stripmap SAR. The algorithm is capable of estimating second and higher order errors, as well as high frequency errors. However, its dependence on dominant scatterers restricts its application to a wide variety of scenes. Such a limitation is encountered in focusing a polarimetric L-band SAR dataset collected from an agricultural field. The lack of dominant scatterers in the scene results in inaccurate error estimation when PCA is applied directly. Another autofocus scheme, the Multi-aperture Mapdrift (MAM), is used first to eliminate the low order motion errors. This improves the focusing quality of the existing targets. The enhanced point targets are then suitable for PCA to remove the remaining higher order motion errors. The novel MAM-PCA combination significantly improves the image contrast compared to that obtained from the approaches applied separately. Point target based comparison of MAM, PCA and MAM-PCA show that the proposed technique improves the overall quality of the target profile

    An Efficient Solution to the Factorized Geometrical Autofocus Problem

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    This paper describes a new search strategy within the scope of factorized geometrical autofocus (FGA) and synthetic-aperture-radar processing. The FGA algorithm is a fast factorized back-projection formulation with six adjustable geometry parameters. By tuning the flight track step by step and maximizing focus quality by means of an object function, a sharp image is formed. We propose an efficient two-stage approach for the geometrical variation. The first stage is a low-order (few parameters) parallel search procedure involving small image areas. The second stage then combines the local hypotheses into one global autofocus solution, without the use of images. This method has been applied successfully on ultrawideband CARABAS II data. Errors due to a constant acceleration are superposed on the measured track prior to processing, giving a 6-D autofocus problem. Image results, including resolution, peak-to-sidelobe ratio and magnitude values for point-like targets, finally confirm the validity of the strategy. The results also verify the prediction that there are several satisfying autofocus solutions for the same radar data

    Computational Algorithms for Improved Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Focusing

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    High-resolution radar imaging is an area undergoing rapid technological and scientific development. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) are imaging radars with an ever-increasing number of applications for both civilian and military users. The advancements in phased array radar and digital computing technologies move the trend of this technology towards higher spatial resolution and more advanced imaging modalities. Signal processing algorithm development plays a key role in making full use of these technological developments.In SAR and ISAR imaging, the image reconstruction process is based on using the relative motion between the radar and the scene. An important part of the signal processing chain is the estimation and compensation of this relative motion. The increased spatial resolution and number of receive channels cause the approximations used to derive conventional algorithms for image reconstruction and motion compensation to break down. This leads to limited applicability and performance limitations in non-ideal operating conditions.This thesis presents novel research in the areas of data-driven motion compensation and image reconstruction in non-cooperative ISAR and Multichannel Synthetic Aperture Radar (MSAR) imaging. To overcome the limitations of conventional algorithms, this thesis proposes novel algorithms leading to increased estimation performance and image quality. Because a real-time imaging capability is important in many applications, special emphasis is placed on the computational aspects of the algorithms.For non-cooperative ISAR imaging, the thesis proposes improvements to the range alignment, time window selection, autofocus, time-frequency-based image reconstruction and cross-range scaling procedures. These algorithms are combined into a computationally efficient non-cooperative ISAR imaging algorithm based on mathematical optimization. The improvements are experimentally validated to reduce the computational burden and significantly increase the image quality under complex target motion dynamics.Time domain algorithms offer a non-approximated and general way for image reconstruction in both ISAR and MSAR. Previously, their use has been limited by the available computing power. In this thesis, a contrast optimization approach for time domain ISAR imaging is proposed. The algorithm is demonstrated to produce improved imaging performance under the most challenging motion compensation scenarios. The thesis also presents fast time domain algorithms for MSAR. Numerical simulations confirm that the proposed algorithms offer a reasonable compromise between computational speed and image quality metrics

    Phase History Decomposition for Efficient Scatterer Classification in SAR Imagery

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    A new theory and algorithm for scatterer classification in SAR imagery is presented. The automated classification process is operationally efficient compared to existing image segmentation methods requiring human supervision. The algorithm reconstructs coarse resolution subimages from subdomains of the SAR phase history. It analyzes local peaks in the subimages to determine locations and geometric shapes of scatterers in the scene. Scatterer locations are indicated by the presence of a stable peak in all subimages for a given subaperture, while scatterer shapes are indicated by changes in pixel intensity. A new multi-peak model is developed from physical models of electromagnetic scattering to predict how pixel intensities behave for different scatterer shapes. The algorithm uses a least squares classifier to match observed pixel behavior to the model. Classification accuracy improves with increasing fractional bandwidth and is subject to the high-frequency and wide-aperture approximations of the multi-peak model. For superior computational efficiency, an integrated fast SAR imaging technique is developed to combine the coarse resolution subimages into a final SAR image having fine resolution. Finally, classification results are overlaid on the SAR image so that analysts can deduce the significance of the scatterer shape information within the image context

    Technique-Based Exploitation Of Low Grazing Angle SAR Imagery Of Ship Wakes

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    The pursuit of the understanding of the effect a ship has on water is a field of study that is several hundreds of years old, accelerated during the years of the industrial revolution where the efficiency of a ship’s engine and hull determined the utility of the burgeoning globally important sea lines of communication. The dawn of radar sensing and electronic computation have expanding this field of study still further where new ground is still being broken. This thesis looks to address a niche area of synthetic aperture radar imagery of ship wakes, specifically the imaging geometry utilising a low grazing angle, where significant non-linear effects are often dominant in the environment. The nuances of the synthetic aperture radar processing techniques compounded with the low grazing angle geometry to produce unusual artefacts within the imagery. It is the understanding of these artefacts that is central to this thesis. A sub-aperture synthetic aperture radar technique is applied to real data alongside coarse modelling of a ship and its wake before finally developing a full hydrodynamic model for a ship’s wake from first principles. The model is validated through comparison with previously developed work. The analysis shows that the resultant artefacts are a culmination of individual synthetic aperture radar anomalies and the reaction of the radar energy to the ambient sea surface and spike events

    Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Sonar Signal Processing for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Operating Shallow Water

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    The goal of the research was to develop best practices for image signal processing method for InSAS systems for bathymetric height determination. Improvements over existing techniques comes from the fusion of Chirp-Scaling a phase preserving beamforming techniques to form a SAS image, an interferometric Vernier method to unwrap the phase; and confirming the direction of arrival with the MUltiple SIgnal Channel (MUSIC) estimation technique. The fusion of Chirp-Scaling, Vernier, and MUSIC lead to the stability in the bathymetric height measurement, and improvements in resolution. This method is computationally faster, and used less memory then existing techniques