92 research outputs found

    Niching genetic algorithms for optimization in electromagnetics. I. Fundamentals

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    Niching methods extend genetic algorithms and permit the investigation of multiple optimal solutions in the search space. In this paper, we review and discuss various strategies of niching for optimization in electromagnetics. Traditional mathematical problems and an electromagnetic benchmark are solved using niching genetic algorithms to show their interest in real world optimization

    Synthesis of a compact wind profile using evolutionary algorithms for wind turbine system with storage

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    In this paper, the authors investigate two methodologies for synthesizing compact wind speed profiles by means of evolutionary algorithms. Such profile can be considered as input parameter in a prospective design process by optimization of a passive wind system with storage. Compact profiles are obtained by aggregating elementary patterns in order to fulfil some target indicators. The main difference between both methods presented in the paper is related to the choice of these indicators. In the first method, they are related to the storage system features while they only depend on wind features in the second

    Signal synthesis by means of evolutionary algorithms

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    In this article, we investigate a procedure for generating signals with genetic algorithms. Signals are obtained from elementary patterns characterized by different degrees of freedom. These patterns are repeated and combined in order to reach specific signal shapes. The whole signal parametrization has to be determined by solving a difficult inverse problem of high dimensionality and strong multimodality. This can be carried out using evolutionary algorithms with the aim of finding all pattern configurations in the signal. The different signal synthesis schemes are evaluated, tested and applied to the generation of particular railway driving profiles

    Fitness sharing and niching methods revisited

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    Interest in multimodal optimization function is expanding rapidly since real-world optimization problems often require the location of multiple optima in the search space. In this context, fitness sharing has been used widely to maintain population diversity and permit the investigation of many peaks in the feasible domain. This paper reviews various strategies of sharing and proposes new recombination schemes to improve its efficiency. Some empirical results are presented for high and a limited number of fitness function evaluations. Finally, the study compares the sharing method with other niching techniques

    Context based clearing procedure: A niching method for genetic algorithms

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    AbstractIn this paper we present CBC (context based clearing), a procedure for solving the niching problem. CBC is a clearing technique governed by the amount of heterogeneity in a subpopulation as measured by the standard deviation. CBC was tested using the M7 function, a massively multimodal deceptive optimization function typically used for testing the efficiency of finding global optima in a search space. The results are compared with a standard clearing procedure. Results show that CBC reaches global optima several generations earlier than in the standard clearing procedure. In this work the target was to test the effectiveness of context information in controlling clearing. A subpopulation includes a fixed number of candidates rather than a fixed radius. Each subpopulation is then cleared either totally or partially according to the heterogeneity of its candidates. This automatically regulates the radius size of the area cleared around the pivot of the subpopulation

    A study on using genetic niching for query optimisation in document retrieval

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    International audienceThis paper presents a new genetic approach for query optimisation in document retrieval. The main contribution of the paper is to show the effectiveness of the genetic niching technique to reach multiple relevant regions of the document space. Moreover, suitable merging procedures have been proposed in order to improve the retrieval evaluation. Experimental results obtained using a TREC sub-collection indicate that the proposed approach is promising for applications

    Comparing multimodal optimization and illumination

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    International audienceIllumination algorithms are a recent addition to the evolutionary computation toolbox that allows the generation of many diverse and high-performing solutions in a single run. Nevertheless, traditional multimodal optimization algorithms also search for diverse and high-performing solutions: could some multimodal optimization algorithms be beeer at illumination than illumination algorithms? In this study, we compare two illumination algorithms (Novelty Search with Local Competition (NSLC), MAP-Elites) with two multimodal optimization ones (Clearing, Restricted Tournament Selection) in a maze navigation task. e results show that Clearing can have comparable performance to MAP-Elites and NSLC
