2 research outputs found

    IoT Based Smart Classroom

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    A classroom is a place where there is always room for development; therefore just as the development for a student results in the ease of living, similarly a smart classroom focuses on the structural development leading to effective time and energy utilization. This project offers three major upgradation in classroom; the first being able to book a classroom dynamically using Raspberry Pi and toggling lights and fans using NodeMCU and a mobile application which also helps notify a student about the subject of the lecture, the time and the venue related to the commencement of a period. The second section of this project inputs the attendance of a student check in, using a portable real-time biometric system whose data can further be used to calculate the attendance statistics of each student which can be viewed by the respective student or the teachers can keep a track on their own assigned class using the mobile application. And the last part of the project focuses on keeping track of all the lights and fans, which are on after the lecture. After the lecture is done, it will check the status of the room, whether some other teacher for some other subject is using the lecture hall. Also when the teacher ends the class, the lights and fans will be switched off after 5 minutes buffer provided for the students to checkout. It will wait for 15 minutes and if it still does not receive any request then it will switch off the lights and fans of that particular lecture hall

    Otimizando procedimentos com uso da IOT no gerenciamento inteligente das salas de aula da Esmat

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    This project shows the building process of a low cost prototype based on IoT technology - Internet of Things with the purpose of optimizing the use of environments in an academic institution. This prototype brings rewards when used, such as reducing repetitive work on collaborators, saving resources - avoiding waste and reducing energy consumption, and preserving the lifespan and efficiency of electronic equipment through the communication of these “things” with digital systems and people. The low cost is obtained with the use of the arduino prototyping board used to control communication within the environment, through an embedded system and its peripherals that send signals to the equipment to act in accordance with what is programmed in the room scheduling procedure, which is also an electronic academic management system, SAV – Secretaria Acadêmica Virtual - Academic Secretary Virtual. The prototype implanted in the classroom, communicates with the equipment so that the environment is previously prepared to receive academic activities by controlling lamps, sockets, computers, multimedia projectors, air conditioners and audio equipment and.Este projeto mostra o processo de produção de um protótipo com baixo custo baseado na tecnologia IoT – Internet of Things (Internet das Coisas) com o objetivo de otimizar a utilização de ambientes em uma instituição acadêmica. Este protótipo traz recompensas ao ser utilizado, como a redução de trabalho repetitivo de servidores, economia de recursos - evitando desperdícios e diminuição de consumo de energia e ainda, preservando a vida útil e eficiência de equipamentos eletrônicos através da comunicação dessas coisas com sistemas e pessoas. O baixo custo é obtido com a utilização da placa de prototipagem arduino utilizada para controlar a comunicação dentro do ambiente, através de um sistema embarcado e seus periféricos que enviam sinais para os equipamentos atuarem consonante com o que está programado no sistema de agendamento da sala de aula, que também, é um sistema eletrônico de gestão acadêmica, a SAV – Secretaria Acadêmica Virtual. O protótipo implantado na sala de aula comunica-se com os equipamentos para que o ambiente esteja previamente preparado para receber as atividades acadêmicas acionando lâmpadas, tomadas, computador, projetor multimídia, condicionadores de ar e equipamento de áudio