6 research outputs found

    Understanding Android App Piggybacking:A Systematic Study of Malicious Code Grafting

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    The Android packaging model offers ample opportunities for malware writers to piggyback malicious code in popular apps, which can then be easily spread to a large user base. Although recent research has produced approaches and tools to identify piggybacked apps, the literature lacks a comprehensive investigation into such phenomenon. We fill this gap by 1) systematically building a large set of piggybacked and benign apps pairs, which we release to the community, 2) empirically studying the characteristics of malicious piggybacked apps in comparison with their benign counterparts, and 3) providing insights on piggybacking processes. Among several findings providing insights, analysis techniques should build upon to improve the overall detection and classification accuracy of piggybacked apps, we show that piggybacking operations not only concern app code but also extensively manipulates app resource files, largely contradicting common beliefs. We also find that piggybacking is done with little sophistication, in many cases automatically, and often via library code

    Challenges and Outlook in Machine Learning-based Malware Detection for Android

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    Just like in traditional desktop computing, one of the major security issues in mobile computing lies in malicious software. Several recent studies have shown that Android, as today’s most widespread Operating System, is the target of most of the new families of malware. Manually analysing an Android application to determine whether it is malicious or not is a time- consuming process. Furthermore, because of the complexity of analysing an application, this task can only be conducted by highly-skilled—hence hard to come by—professionals. Researchers naturally sought to transfer this process from humans to computers to lower the cost of detecting malware. Machine-Learning techniques, looking at patterns amongst known malware and inferring models of what discriminates malware from goodware, have long been summoned to build malware detectors. The vast quantity of data involved in malware detection, added to the fact that we do not know a priori how to express in technical terms the difference between malware and goodware, indeed makes the malware detection question a seemingly textbook example of a possible Machine- Learning application. Despite the vast amount of literature published on the topic of detecting malware with machine- learning, malware detection is not a solved problem. In this Thesis, we investigate issues that affect performance evaluation and that thus may render current machine learning-based mal- ware detectors for Android hardly usable in practical settings, and we propose an approach to overcome those issues. While the experiments presented in this thesis all rely on feature-sets obtained through lightweight static analysis, several of our findings could apply equally to all Machine Learning-based malware detection approaches. In the first part of this thesis, background information on machine-learning and on malware detection is provided, and the related work is described. A snapshot of the malware landscape in Android application markets is then presented. The second part discusses three pitfalls hindering the evaluation of malware detectors. We show with extensive experiments how validation methodology, History-unaware dataset construction and the choice of a ground truth can heavily interfere with the performance results of malware detectors. In a third part, we present an practical approach to detect Android Malware in real-world settings. We then propose several research paths to get closer to our long term goal of building practical, dependable and predictable Android Malware detectors

    Leveraging the Use of API Call Traces for Mobile Security

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    The growing popularity of Android applications has generated increased concerns over the danger of piracy and the spread of malware. A popular way to distribute malware in the mobile world is through the repackaging of legitimate apps. This process consists of downloading, unpacking, manipulating, recompiling an application, and publishing it again in an app store. In this thesis, we conduct an empirical study of over 15,000 apps to gain insights into the factors that drive the spread of repackaged apps. We also examine the motivations of developers who publish repackaged apps and those of users who download them, as well as the factors that determine which apps are chosen for repackaging, and the ways in which the apps are modified during the repackaging process. We have also studied android applications structure to investigate the locations where malicious code are more probable to be embedded into legitimate applications. We observed that service components contain key characteristics that entice attackers to misuse them. Therefore, we have focus on studying the behavior of malicious and benign services. Whereas benign services tend to inform the user of the background operations, malicious services tend to do long running operations and have a loose connection with rest of the code. These findings lead us to propose an approach to detect malware by studying the services’ behavior. To model the services’ behavior, we used API calls as feature sets. We proposed a hybrid approach using static and dynamic analysis to extract the API calls through the service lifecycle. Finally, we used the list of API calls preponderantly present in both malware as well as benign services as the feature set. We applied machine learning algorithms to use the feature set to classify malicious services and benign services