5,693 research outputs found

    Robust multi-modal and multi-unit feature level fusion of face and iris biometrics

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    Multi-biometrics has recently emerged as a mean of more robust and effcient personal verification and identification. Exploiting information from multiple sources at various levels i.e., feature, score, rank or decision, the false acceptance and rejection rates can be considerably reduced. Among all, feature level fusion is relatively an understudied problem. This paper addresses the feature level fusion for multi-modal and multi-unit sources of information. For multi-modal fusion the face and iris biometric traits are considered, while the multi-unit fusion is applied to merge the data from the left and right iris images. The proposed approach computes the SIFT features from both biometric sources, either multi- modal or multi-unit. For each source, the extracted SIFT features are selected via spatial sampling. Then these selected features are finally concatenated together into a single feature super-vector using serial fusion. This concatenated feature vector is used to perform classification. Experimental results from face and iris standard biometric databases are presented. The reported results clearly show the performance improvements in classification obtained by applying feature level fusion for both multi-modal and multi-unit biometrics in comparison to uni-modal classification and score level fusion

    Score Fusion by Maximizing the Area under the ROC Curve

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-02172-5_61Information fusion is currently a very active research topic aimed at improving the performance of biometric systems. This paper proposes a novel method for optimizing the parameters of a score fusion model based on maximizing an index related to the Area Under the ROC Curve. This approach has the convenience that the fusion parameters are learned without having to specify the client and impostor priors or the costs for the different errors. Empirical results on several datasets show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.Work supported by the Spanish projects DPI2006-15542-C04 and TIN2008-04571 and the Generalitat Valenciana - Consellería d’Educació under an FPI scholarship.Villegas Santamaría, M.; Paredes Palacios, R. (2009). Score Fusion by Maximizing the Area under the ROC Curve. En Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: 4th Iberian Conference, IbPRIA 2009 Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal, June 10-12, 2009 Proceedings. Springer Verlag (Germany). 473-480. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-02172-5_61S473480Toh, K.A., Kim, J., Lee, S.: Biometric scores fusion based on total error rate minimization. Pattern Recognition 41(3), 1066–1082 (2008)Jain, A., Nandakumar, K., Ross, A.: Score normalization in multimodal biometric systems. Pattern Recognition 38(12), 2270–2285 (2005)Gutschoven, B., Verlinde, P.: Multi-modal identity verification using support vector machines (svm). In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information Fusion. FUSION 2000, vol. 2, pp. THB3/3–THB3/8 (July 2000)Ma, Y., Cukic, B., Singh, H.: A classification approach to multi-biometric score fusion. In: Kanade, T., Jain, A., Ratha, N.K. (eds.) AVBPA 2005. LNCS, vol. 3546, pp. 484–493. Springer, Heidelberg (2005)Maurer, D.E., Baker, J.P.: Fusing multimodal biometrics with quality estimates via a bayesian belief network. Pattern Recogn. 41(3), 821–832 (2008)Ling, C.X., Huang, J., Zhang, H.: Auc: a statistically consistent and more discriminating measure than accuracy. In: Proc. of IJCAI 2003, pp. 519–524 (2003)Yan, L., Dodier, R.H., Mozer, M., Wolniewicz, R.H.: Optimizing classifier performance via an approximation to the wilcoxon-mann-whitney statistic. In: Machine Learning, Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference (ICML 2003), Washington, DC, USA, pp. 848–855. AAAI Press, Menlo Park (2003)Marrocco, C., Molinara, M., Tortorella, F.: Exploiting auc for optimal linear combinations of dichotomizers. Pattern Recogn. Lett. 27(8), 900–907 (2006)Marrocco, C., Duin, R.P.W., Tortorella, F.: Maximizing the area under the roc curve by pairwise feature combination. Pattern Recogn. 41(6), 1961–1974 (2008)Paredes, R., Vidal, E.: Learning prototypes and distances: a prototype reduction technique based on nearest neighbor error minimization. Pattern Recognition 39(2), 180–188 (2006)Villegas, M., Paredes, R.: Simultaneous learning of a discriminative projection and prototypes for nearest-neighbor classification. In: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. CVPR 2008, pp. 1–8 (2008)Nandakumar, K., Chen, Y., Dass, S.C., Jain, A.: Likelihood ratio-based biometric score fusion. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 30(2), 342–347 (2008)Poh, N., Bengio, S.: A score-level fusion benchmark database for biometric authentication. In: Kanade, T., Jain, A., Ratha, N.K. (eds.) AVBPA 2005. LNCS, vol. 3546, pp. 1059–1070. Springer, Heidelberg (2005)National Institute of Standards and Technology: NIST Biometric Scores Set - Release 1 (BSSR1) (2004), http://www.itl.nist.gov/iad/894.03/biometricscores/Bengio, S., Mariéthoz, J., Keller, M.: The expected performance curve. In: Proceedings of the Second Workshop on ROC Analysis in ML, pp. 9–16 (2005

    An Evaluation of Score Level Fusion Approaches for Fingerprint and Finger-vein Biometrics

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    Biometric systems have to address many requirements, such as large population coverage, demographic diversity, varied deployment environment, as well as practical aspects like performance and spoofing attacks. Traditional unimodal biometric systems do not fully meet the aforementioned requirements making them vulnerable and susceptible to different types of attacks. In response to that, modern biometric systems combine multiple biometric modalities at different fusion levels. The fused score is decisive to classify an unknown user as a genuine or impostor. In this paper, we evaluate combinations of score normalization and fusion techniques using two modalities (fingerprint and finger-vein) with the goal of identifying which one achieves better improvement rate over traditional unimodal biometric systems. The individual scores obtained from finger-veins and fingerprints are combined at score level using three score normalization techniques (min-max, z-score, hyperbolic tangent) and four score fusion approaches (minimum score, maximum score, simple sum, user weighting). The experimental results proved that the combination of hyperbolic tangent score normalization technique with the simple sum fusion approach achieve the best improvement rate of 99.98%.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables, conference, NISK 201

    Design and implementation of a multi-modal biometric system for company access control

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    This paper is about the design, implementation, and deployment of a multi-modal biometric system to grant access to a company structure and to internal zones in the company itself. Face and iris have been chosen as biometric traits. Face is feasible for non-intrusive checking with a minimum cooperation from the subject, while iris supports very accurate recognition procedure at a higher grade of invasivity. The recognition of the face trait is based on the Local Binary Patterns histograms, and the Daughman\u2019s method is implemented for the analysis of the iris data. The recognition process may require either the acquisition of the user\u2019s face only or the serial acquisition of both the user\u2019s face and iris, depending on the confidence level of the decision with respect to the set of security levels and requirements, stated in a formal way in the Service Level Agreement at a negotiation phase. The quality of the decision depends on the setting of proper different thresholds in the decision modules for the two biometric traits. Any time the quality of the decision is not good enough, the system activates proper rules, which ask for new acquisitions (and decisions), possibly with different threshold values, resulting in a system not with a fixed and predefined behaviour, but one which complies with the actual acquisition context. Rules are formalized as deduction rules and grouped together to represent \u201cresponse behaviors\u201d according to the previous analysis. Therefore, there are different possible working flows, since the actual response of the recognition process depends on the output of the decision making modules that compose the system. Finally, the deployment phase is described, together with the results from the testing, based on the AT&T Face Database and the UBIRIS database
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