8 research outputs found

    Termination of Grounding is Not Preserved by Strongly Equivalent Transformations

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    The operation of a typical answer set solver begins with grounding—replacing the given program with a program without variables that has the same answer sets. When the given program contains function symbols, the process of grounding may not terminate. In this note we give an example of a pair of consistent, strongly equivalent programs such that one of them can be grounded by LPARSE, DLV, and gringo, and the other cannot

    Comparing the Reasoning Capabilities of Equilibrium Theories and Answer Set Programs

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    [Abstract] Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a well established logical approach in artificial intelligence that is widely used for knowledge representation and problem solving. Equilibrium logic extends answer set semantics to more general classes of programs and theories. When intertheory relations are studied in ASP, or in the more general form of equilibrium logic, they are usually understood in the form of comparisons of the answer sets or equilibrium models of theories or programs. This is the case for strong and uniform equivalence and their relativised and projective versions. However, there are many potential areas of application of ASP for which query answering is relevant and a comparison of programs in terms of what can be inferred from them may be important. We formulate and study some natural equivalence and entailment concepts for programs and theories that are couched in terms of inference and query answering. We show that, for the most part, these new intertheory relations coincide with their model-theoretic counterparts. We also extend some previous results on projective entailment for theories and for the new connective called fork.This research has received partial support from the European Cooperation in Science & Technology (COST) Action CA17124. The third author acknowledges the funding of project PID 2020-116201GB-I00 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain) and also the financial support supplied by the Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional (accreditations GPC ED431B 2022/23 and 2019–2022 ED431G-2019/01). The last author has been supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) grant Y698Xunta de Galicia; ED431B 2022/23Xunta de Galicia; ED431G-2019/0

    A semantical framework for hybrid knowledge bases

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    In the ongoing discussion about combining rules and ontologies on the Semantic Web a recurring issue is how to combine first-order classical logic with nonmonotonic rule languages. Whereas several modular approaches to define a combined semantics for such hybrid knowledge bases focus mainly on decidability issues, we tackle the matter from a more general point of view. In this paper, we show how Quantified Equilibrium Logic (QEL) can function as a unified framework which embraces classical logic as well as disjunctive logic programs under the (open) answer set semantics. In the proposed variant of QEL, we relax the unique names assumption, which was present in earlier versions of QEL. Moreover, we show that this framework elegantly captures the existing modular approaches for hybrid knowledge bases in a unified way

    Strong Equivalence and Program's Structure in Arguing Essential Equivalence between Logic Programs

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    Answer set programming is a prominent declarative programming paradigm used in formulating combinatorial search problems and implementing distinct knowledge representation formalisms. It is common that several related and yet substantially different answer set programs exist for a given problem. Sometimes these encodings may display significantly different performance. Uncovering {\em precise formal} links between these programs is often important and yet far from trivial. This paper claims the correctness of a number of interesting program rewritings

    ASP(AC): Answer Set Programming with Algebraic Constraints

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    Weighted Logic is a powerful tool for the specification of calculations over semirings that depend on qualitative information. Using a novel combination of Weighted Logic and Here-and-There (HT) Logic, in which this dependence is based on intuitionistic grounds, we introduce Answer Set Programming with Algebraic Constraints (ASP(AC)), where rules may contain constraints that compare semiring values to weighted formula evaluations. Such constraints provide streamlined access to a manifold of constructs available in ASP, like aggregates, choice constraints, and arithmetic operators. They extend some of them and provide a generic framework for defining programs with algebraic computation, which can be fruitfully used e.g. for provenance semantics of datalog programs. While undecidable in general, expressive fragments of ASP(AC) can be exploited for effective problem-solving in a rich framework. This work is under consideration for acceptance in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming.Comment: 32 pages, 16 pages are appendi