13,687 research outputs found

    Forbidden minor characterizations for low-rank optimal solutions to semidefinite programs over the elliptope

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    We study a new geometric graph parameter \egd(G), defined as the smallest integer rβ‰₯1r\ge 1 for which any partial symmetric matrix which is completable to a correlation matrix and whose entries are specified at the positions of the edges of GG, can be completed to a matrix in the convex hull of correlation matrices of \rank at most rr. This graph parameter is motivated by its relevance to the problem of finding low rank solutions to semidefinite programs over the elliptope, and also by its relevance to the bounded rank Grothendieck constant. Indeed, \egd(G)\le r if and only if the rank-rr Grothendieck constant of GG is equal to 1. We show that the parameter \egd(G) is minor monotone, we identify several classes of forbidden minors for \egd(G)\le r and we give the full characterization for the case r=2r=2. We also show an upper bound for \egd(G) in terms of a new tree-width-like parameter \sla(G), defined as the smallest rr for which GG is a minor of the strong product of a tree and KrK_r. We show that, for any 2-connected graph Gβ‰ K3,3G\ne K_{3,3} on at least 6 nodes, \egd(G)\le 2 if and only if \sla(G)\le 2.Comment: 33 pages, 8 Figures. In its second version, the paper has been modified to accommodate the suggestions of the referees. Furthermore, the title has been changed since we feel that the new title reflects more accurately the content and the main results of the pape

    Forbidden Directed Minors and Kelly-width

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    Partial 1-trees are undirected graphs of treewidth at most one. Similarly, partial 1-DAGs are directed graphs of KellyWidth at most two. It is well-known that an undirected graph is a partial 1-tree if and only if it has no K_3 minor. In this paper, we generalize this characterization to partial 1-DAGs. We show that partial 1-DAGs are characterized by three forbidden directed minors, K_3, N_4 and M_5

    On edge-group choosability of graphs

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    In this paper, we study the concept of edge-group choosability of graphs. We say that G is edge k-group choosable if its line graph is k-group choosable. An edge-group choosability version of Vizing conjecture is given. The evidence of our claim are graphs with maximum degree less than 4, planar graphs with maximum degree at least 11, planar graphs without small cycles, outerplanar graphs and near-outerplanar graphs
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