375 research outputs found

    A Characterization of Certain Excluded-Minor Classes of Matroids

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    A result of Walton and the author establishes that every 3-connected matroid of rank and corank at least three has one of five six-element rank-3 self-dual matroids as a minor. This paper characterizes two classes of matroids that arise when one excludes as minors three of these five matroids. One of these results extends the author\u27s characterization of the ternary matroids with no M(K4)-minor, while the other extends Tutte\u27s excluded-minor characterization of binary matroids. © 1989, Academic Press Limited. All rights reserved

    On Binary And Regular Matroids Without Small Minors

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    The results of this dissertation consist of excluded-minor results for Binary Matroids and excluded-minor results for Regular Matroids. Structural theorems on the relationship between minors and k-sums of matroids are developed here in order to provide some of these characterizations. Chapter 2 of the dissertation contains excluded-minor results for Binary Matroids. The first main result of this dissertation is a characterization of the internally 4-connected binary matroids with no minor that is isomorphic to the cycle matroid of the prism+e graph. This characterization generalizes results of Mayhew and Royle [18] for binary matroids and results of Dirac [8] and Lovász [15] for graphs. The results of this chapter are then extended from the class of internally 4-connected matroids to the class of 3-connected matroids. Chapter 3 of the dissertation contains the second main result, a decomposition theorem for regular matroids without certain minors. This decomposition theorem is used to obtain excluded-minor results for Regular Matroids. Wagner, Lovász, Oxley, Ding, Liu, and others have characterized many classes of graphs that are H-free for graphs H with at most twelve edges (see [7]). We extend several of these excluded-minor characterizations to regular matroids in Chapter 3. We also provide characterizations of regular matroids excluding several graphic matroids such as the octahedron, cube, and the Möbius Ladder on eight vertices. Both theoretical and computer-aided proofs of the results of Chapters 2 and 3 are provided in this dissertation

    Delta-matroids as subsystems of sequences of Higgs Lifts

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    In [30], Tardos studied special delta-matroids obtained from sequences of Higgs lifts; these are the full Higgs lift delta-matroids that we treat and around which all of our results revolve. We give an excluded-minor characterization of the class of full Higgs lift delta-matroids within the class of all delta-matroids, and we give similar characterizations of two other minor-closed classes of delta-matroids that we define using Higgs lifts. We introduce a minor-closed, dual-closed class of Higgs lift delta-matroids that arise from lattice paths. It follows from results of Bouchet that all delta-matroids can be obtained from full Higgs lift delta-matroids by removing certain feasible sets; to address which feasible sets can be removed, we give an excluded-minor characterization of deltamatroids within the more general structure of set systems. Many of these excluded minors occur again when we characterize the delta-matroids in which the collection of feasible sets is the union of the collections of bases of matroids of different ranks, and yet again when we require those matroids to have special properties, such as being paving

    On two classes of nearly binary matroids

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    We give an excluded-minor characterization for the class of matroids M in which M\e or M/e is binary for all e in E(M). This class is closely related to the class of matroids in which every member is binary or can be obtained from a binary matroid by relaxing a circuit-hyperplane. We also provide an excluded-minor characterization for the second class.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures. This paper has been accepted for publication in the European Journal of Combinatorics. This is the final version of the pape

    The Lattice of Cyclic Flats of a Matroid

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    A flat of a matroid is cyclic if it is a union of circuits. The cyclic flats of a matroid form a lattice under inclusion. We study these lattices and explore matroids from the perspective of cyclic flats. In particular, we show that every lattice is isomorphic to the lattice of cyclic flats of a matroid. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for a lattice Z of sets and a function r on Z to be the lattice of cyclic flats of a matroid and the restriction of the corresponding rank function to Z. We define cyclic width and show that this concept gives rise to minor-closed, dual-closed classes of matroids, two of which contain only transversal matroids.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure. The new version addresses earlier work by Julie Sims that the authors learned of after submitting the first versio

    Splitters and Decomposers for Binary Matroids

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    Let EX[M1…,Mk]EX[M_1\dots, M_k] denote the class of binary matroids with no minors isomorphic to M1,…,MkM_1, \dots, M_k. In this paper we give a decomposition theorem for EX[S10,S10∗]EX[S_{10}, S_{10}^*], where S10S_{10} is a certain 10-element rank-4 matroid. As corollaries we obtain decomposition theorems for the classes obtained by excluding the Kuratowski graphs EX[M(K3,3),M∗(K3,3),M(K5),M∗(K5)]EX[M(K_{3,3}), M^*(K_{3,3}), M(K_5), M^*(K_5)] and EX[M(K3,3),M∗(K3,3)]EX[M(K_{3,3}), M^*(K_{3,3})]. These decomposition theorems imply results on internally 44-connected matroids by Zhou [\ref{Zhou2004}], Qin and Zhou [\ref{Qin2004}], and Mayhew, Royle and Whitte [\ref{Mayhewsubmitted}].Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1403.775

    Matroids with nine elements

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    We describe the computation of a catalogue containing all matroids with up to nine elements, and present some fundamental data arising from this cataogue. Our computation confirms and extends the results obtained in the 1960s by Blackburn, Crapo and Higgs. The matroids and associated data are stored in an online database, and we give three short examples of the use of this database.Comment: 22 page
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