7 research outputs found

    A Characterization for Decidable Separability by Piecewise Testable Languages

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    The separability problem for word languages of a class C\mathcal{C} by languages of a class S\mathcal{S} asks, for two given languages II and EE from C\mathcal{C}, whether there exists a language SS from S\mathcal{S} that includes II and excludes EE, that is, I⊆SI \subseteq S and S∩E=∅S\cap E = \emptyset. In this work, we assume some mild closure properties for C\mathcal{C} and study for which such classes separability by a piecewise testable language (PTL) is decidable. We characterize these classes in terms of decidability of (two variants of) an unboundedness problem. From this, we deduce that separability by PTL is decidable for a number of language classes, such as the context-free languages and languages of labeled vector addition systems. Furthermore, it follows that separability by PTL is decidable if and only if one can compute for any language of the class its downward closure wrt. the scattered substring ordering (i.e., if the set of scattered substrings of any language of the class is effectively regular). The obtained decidability results contrast some undecidability results. In fact, for all (non-regular) language classes that we present as examples with decidable separability, it is undecidable whether a given language is a PTL itself. Our characterization involves a result of independent interest, which states that for any kind of languages II and EE, non-separability by PTL is equivalent to the existence of common patterns in II and EE

    Deciding Piecewise Testable Separability for Regular Tree Languages

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    The piecewise testable separability problem asks, given two input languages, whether there exists a piecewise testable language that contains the first input language and is disjoint from the second. We prove a general characterisation of piecewise testable separability on languages in a well-quasiorder, in terms of ideals of the ordering. This subsumes the known characterisations in the case of finite words. In the case of finite ranked trees ordered by homeomorphic embedding, we show using effective representations for tree ideals that it entails the decidability of piecewise testable separability when the input languages are regular. A final byproduct is a new proof of the decidability of whether an input regular language of ranked trees is piecewise testable, which was first shown in the unranked case by Bojanczyk, Segoufin, and Straubing [Log. Meth. in Comput. Sci., 8(3:26), 2012]

    The Diagonal Problem for Higher-Order Recursion Schemes is Decidable

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    A non-deterministic recursion scheme recognizes a language of finite trees. This very expressive model can simulate, among others, higher-order pushdown automata with collapse. We show decidability of the diagonal problem for schemes. This result has several interesting consequences. In particular, it gives an algorithm that computes the downward closure of languages of words recognized by schemes. In turn, this has immediate application to separability problems and reachability analysis of concurrent systems.Comment: technical report; to appear in LICS'1

    On the Separability Problem of String Constraints

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    We address the separability problem for straight-line string constraints. The separability problem for languages of a class C by a class S asks: given two languages A and B in C, does there exist a language I in S separating A and B (i.e., I is a superset of A and disjoint from B)? The separability of string constraints is the same as the fundamental problem of interpolation for string constraints. We first show that regular separability of straight line string constraints is undecidable. Our second result is the decidability of the separability problem for straight-line string constraints by piece-wise testable languages, though the precise complexity is open. In our third result, we consider the positive fragment of piece-wise testable languages as a separator, and obtain an ExpSpace algorithm for the separability of a useful class of straight-line string constraints, and a Pspace-hardness result

    Cost Automata, Safe Schemes, and Downward Closures

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    Higher-order recursion schemes are an expressive formalism used to define languages of possibly infinite ranked trees. They extend regular and context-free grammars, and are equivalent to simply typed λY\lambda Y-calculus and collapsible pushdown automata. In this work we prove, under a syntactical constraint called safety, decidability of the model-checking problem for recursion schemes against properties defined by alternating B-automata, an extension of alternating parity automata for infinite trees with a boundedness acceptance condition. We then exploit this result to show how to compute downward closures of languages of finite trees recognized by safe recursion schemes.Comment: accepted at ICALP'2

    A Characterization for Decidable Separability by Piecewise Testable Languages

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    The separability problem for word languages of a class C\mathcal{C} by languages of a class S\mathcal{S} asks, for two given languages II and EE from C\mathcal{C}, whether there exists a language SS from S\mathcal{S} that includes II and excludes EE, that is, I⊆SI \subseteq S and S∩E=∅S\cap E = \emptyset. In this work, we assume some mild closure properties for C\mathcal{C} and study for which such classes separability by a piecewise testable language (PTL) is decidable. We characterize these classes in terms of decidability of (two variants of) an unboundedness problem. From this, we deduce that separability by PTL is decidable for a number of language classes, such as the context-free languages and languages of labeled vector addition systems. Furthermore, it follows that separability by PTL is decidable if and only if one can compute for any language of the class its downward closure wrt. the scattered substring ordering (i.e., if the set of scattered substrings of any language of the class is effectively regular). The obtained decidability results contrast some undecidability results. In fact, for all (non-regular) language classes that we present as examples with decidable separability, it is undecidable whether a given language is a PTL itself. Our characterization involves a result of independent interest, which states that for any kind of languages II and EE, non-separability by PTL is equivalent to the existence of common patterns in II and EE