6 research outputs found

    Bayesian networks for disease diagnosis: What are they, who has used them and how?

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    A Bayesian network (BN) is a probabilistic graph based on Bayes' theorem, used to show dependencies or cause-and-effect relationships between variables. They are widely applied in diagnostic processes since they allow the incorporation of medical knowledge to the model while expressing uncertainty in terms of probability. This systematic review presents the state of the art in the applications of BNs in medicine in general and in the diagnosis and prognosis of diseases in particular. Indexed articles from the last 40 years were included. The studies generally used the typical measures of diagnostic and prognostic accuracy: sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, precision, and the area under the ROC curve. Overall, we found that disease diagnosis and prognosis based on BNs can be successfully used to model complex medical problems that require reasoning under conditions of uncertainty.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, Student PhD first pape

    Dynamic Network Construction and Updating Techniques for the Diagnoses of Acute Abdominal Pain

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    Computing diagnoses in domains with continuously changing data is a difficult, but essential aspect of solving many problems. To address this task, this paper describes a dynamic influence diagram (ID) construction and updating system, DYNASTY, and its application to constructing a decision-theoretic model to diagnose acute abdominal pain, a domain in which the findings evolve during the diagnostic process. For a system which evolves over time, DYNASTY constructs a parsimonious ID, and then dynamically updates the ID, rather than constructing a new network from scratch for every time interval. In addition, DYNASTY contains algorithms for testing the sensitivity of the constructed network\u27s system parameters. The main contributions of this paper are: (1) presenting an efficient temporal influence diagram technique based on parsimonious model construction; and (2) formalizing the principles underlying a diagnostic tool for acute abdominal pain which explicitly models time-varying findings

    Reasoning with uncertainty using Nilsson's probabilistic logic and the maximum entropy formalism

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    An expert system must reason with certain and uncertain information. This thesis is concerned with the process of Reasoning with Uncertainty. Nilsson's elegant model of "Probabilistic Logic" has been chosen as the framework for this investigation, and the information theoretical aspect of the maximum entropy formalism as the inference engine. These two formalisms, although semantically compelling, offer major complexity problems to the implementor. Probabilistic Logic models the complete uncertainty space, and the maximum entropy formalism finds the least commitment probability distribution within the uncertainty space. The main finding in this thesis is that Nilsson's Probabilistic Logic can be successfully developed beyond the structure proposed by Nilsson. Some deficiencies in Nilsson's model have been uncovered in the area of probabilistic representation, making Probabilistic Logic less powerful than Bayesian Inference techniques. These deficiencies are examined and a new model of entailment is presented which overcomes these problems, allowing Probabilistic Logic the full representational power of Bayesian Inferencing. The new model also preserves an important extension which Nilsson's Probabilistic Logic has over Bayesian Inference: the ability to use uncertain evidence. Traditionally, the probabilistic, solution proposed by the maximum entropy formalism is arrived at by solving non-linear simultaneous equations for the aggregate factors of the non- linear terms. In the new model the maximum entropy algorithms are shown to have the highly desirable property of tractability. Although these problems have been solved for probabilistic entailment the problems of complexity are still prevalent in large databases of expert rules. This thesis also considers the use of heuristics and meta level reasoning in a complex knowledge base. Finally, a description of an expert system using these techniques is given

    Definición y estudios de redes bayesianas aplicadas a ciencias de la salud y de la vida

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    Las redes bayesianas son modelos gráficos probabilísticos que expresan las relaciones de dependencia condicional en un conjunto de variables. Desde su concepción, las redes bayesianas han estado profundamente ligadas a las Ciencias de la Salud y de la Vida, especialmente en el área clínica. Existe una bibliografía extensa sobre aplicaciones de las redes bayesianas a este ámbito. Sin embargo, el análisis de algoritmos de aprendizaje de redes y parámetros, y su aptitud en función de factores como la cantidad de variables, la naturaleza de los datos o la complejidad de la estructura de dependencia no es un tema común en la literatura. En este trabajo, analizamos la aplicación de estas técnicas a problemas descritos en la bibliografía, exploramos el software bnlearn disponible en el lenguaje de programación R documentando nuestro código y evaluamos las estrategias de aprendizaje que mejor se ajustan a cada tipo de datos. Esperamos con ello aportar conocimiento sobre las redes bayesianas y proporcionar un punto de partida para su estudio a profesionales sanitarios e investigadores