4 research outputs found

    Have Your Cake and Eat it Too? Managing Knowledge in Hybrid Agile-Traditional Development Projects

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    This research examines how knowledge management elements of systems development projects are adapted to correspond with the increasing use of agile practices. Using a single, longitudinal case study, we draw on interview data from an initial CRM implementation that used a traditional approach, followed by a second project phase employing a hybrid agile-traditional approach. Oriented using the concept of ambidexterity, our findings suggest that some knowledge management elements remained traditional, others became strongly agile, and some integrated both approaches together in a hybrid manner. Our study aids practitioners by providing insights into the opportunities and pitfalls of managing knowledge within hybrid development projects. For researchers, this paper applies the concept of ambidexterity in an agile development context as it relates to knowledge management. Our findings extend the literature on the incremental trade-offs that companies face when attempting to simultaneously explore and exploit two development approaches

    Modelo metodológico de implementación del proceso de Codificación de la Gestión del Conocimiento en Organizaciones Desarrolladoras de Software en Colombia

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    El propósito de este documento es presentar el diseño de un modelo metodológico de implementación del Proceso de Codificación del Conocimiento para organizaciones desarrolladoras de software. La construcción de este diseño se realizó en tres fases. La primera fase consistió en una revisión sistemática de literatura de artículos científicos publicados entre los años 2004 y 2013. En la segunda fase se hizo una primera selección de los componentes candidatos del modelo tomando como base el resultado de la revisión sistemática de literatura, las definiciones de Codificación de Conocimiento y la experiencia profesional de los autores en la industria de software. En la tercera fase se seleccionaron los componentes finales del modelo, para lo cual, se tuvieron en cuenta sus dimensiones y la relación del proceso de Codificación con los otros procesos de gestión de conocimiento. Como resultado se obtuvo un diseño de un modelo metodológico de implementación del proceso con sus respectivas dimensiones, las dos primeras fueron sugeridas por la literatura y la tercera fue propuesta por los autores de esta tesis: Conocimiento Codificado Nuevo CCN, Conocimiento Codificado Existente CCE y Conocimiento Codificado Susceptible a Cambios CCSC. Para cada una de ellas se especificaron actividades, tareas, roles, productos de trabajo y herramientas de apoyo.Abstract. The purpose of this document is to present the design of an implementation methodological model of Knowledge Codification Process inside software development companies. The structure of this design was done in three phases. The first one consisted in a sytematic literature review of scientific articles published between 2004 and 2013. The second phase contained a first selection of the candidate components of the methodological model starting with of the outcome literature systematic review, Knowledge Codification definitions and the profesional experience of the authors in the software industry. In the last one, the final components of the methodological model were selected, for which, their dimensions and the relation of the Codification with the others knowledge management processes were considered. As a result, we obtained an implementation methodological model of the Knowledge Codification Process with their respective dimensions, the first two were suggested by the literature and the authors proposed the third one: Codification of New Knowledge CNK, Codification of Existing Knowledge CEK, and Codification of Existing Knowledge Susceptible to Change CEKSC. For each of them, activities, tasks, roles, work products and tools.Maestrí

    Modelo de identificação de habilidades empreendedoras em desenvolvedores de software à luz da abordagem ágil

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de ProduçãoO interesse de empresas produtoras de software por temas como empreendedorismo e métodos ágeis normalmente está associado à expectativa de obtenção de ganho para o negócio. Tal ganho visa o aumento da qualidade e da produtividade, que são decorrentes de aspectos como o comprometimento e a satisfação dos desenvolvedores de software. No presente trabalho considera-se que a cultura organizacional representa um fator preponderante tanto em iniciativas de adoção de métodos ágeis quanto na promoção de habilidades empreendedoras. O objetivo geral dessa tese é verificar se a cultura ágil promove habilidades empreendedoras em desenvolvedores de software, o que é feito através da elaboração de um modelo de identificação de habilidades empreendedoras em desenvolvedores de software à luz da abordagem ágil. Tendo como base a pesquisa bibliográfica, foi elaborado um modelo de representação da cultura ágil de desenvolvimento de software e em seguida foram inseridas habilidades empreendedoras no modelo. A coerência e aplicabilidade do modelo foram verificadas por meio de pesquisa qualitativa. A pesquisa utiliza-se de entrevistas realizadas junto a especialistas, o que possibilitou verificar empiricamente as teorias relacionadas no modelo. Também foi realizada pesquisa de campo junto a especialistas, sendo que os resultados foram tabulados e testados. Entre os principais resultados obtidos estão a verificação de que a adoção de determinadas práticas ágeis contribui para a promoção de habilidades empreendedoras e a constatação de que tanto as práticas ágeis como as habilidades empreendedoras em desenvolvedores de software podem ser visualizadas como artefatos visíveis de uma cultura ágil sustentada por um conjunto de princípios, valores e suposições básicas compartilhadas.The interest of software companies in issues such as entrepreneurship and agile methods is normally associated to the expectation of obtaining improvements for the business. These gains seek to increase quality and productivity, resulting from factors such as the commitment and satisfaction of the software developers. This study considers that the organizational culture represents a preponderant factor both in initiatives for the adoption of agile methods and in the promotion of entrepreneurial skills. The general objective of this thesis is to verify if the agile culture promotes entrepreneurial skills in software developers. The study is conducted through the preparation of a model for the identification of entrepreneurial skills in software developers from the perspective of the agile approach. Based on a bibliographic study, a model was prepared for the representation of an agile software development culture. Entrepreneurial skills were then inserted in the model. The coherence and applicability of the model were verified by means of a qualitative study. The research included interviews with specialists that allowed empirically verifying the theories presented in the model. A field study was also conducted among specialists, and the results were tabulated and tested. The main results include the verification that adoption of certain agile practices contributes to the promotion of entrepreneurial abilities and the finding that both agile practices and entrepreneurial abilities in software developers can be visualized as visible artifacts of an agile culture sustained by a set of principles, values and basic shared suppositions