38 research outputs found

    Low-fi skin vision: A case study in rapid prototyping a sensory substitution system

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    We describe the design process we have used to develop a minimal, twenty vibration motor Tactile Vision Sensory Substitution (TVSS) system which enables blind-folded subjects to successfully track and bat a rolling ball and thereby experience 'skin vision'. We have employed a low-fi rapid prototyping approach to build this system and argue that this methodology is particularly effective for building embedded interactive systems. We support this argument in two ways. First, by drawing on theoretical insights from robotics, a discipline that also has to deal with the challenge of building complex embedded systems that interact with their environments; second, by using the development of our TVSS as a case study: describing the series of prototypes that led to our successful design and highlighting what we learnt at each stage

    Technology inspired design for pervasive healthcare

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    Pervasive healthcare technologies are increasingly using novel sensory devices that are able to measure phenomena that could not be measured before. To develop novel healthcare applications that use these largely untested technologies, it is important to have a design process that allows proper exploration of the capabilities of the novel technologies. We focus on the technology-inspired design process that was used in the development of a system to support posture and provide guidance by nudging people, and how this has lead us to explore pervasive healthcare applications

    Good vibrations: Guiding body movements with vibrotactile feedback

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    We describe the ongoing development of a system to support the teaching of good posture and bowing technique to novice violin players. Using an inertial motion capture system we can track in real-time a player’s bowing action and how it deviates from a target trajectory set by their music teacher. The system provides real-time vibrotactile feedback on the correctness of the student’s posture and bowing action. We present the findings of an initial study that shows that vibrotactile feedback can guide arm movements in one and two dimension pointing tasks. The advantages of vibrotactile feedback for teaching basic bowing technique to novice violin players are that it does not place demands on the students’ visual and auditory systems which are already heavily involved in the activity of music making, and is understood with little training

    Back to practice, a decade of research in E-government

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    E-government is a multidisciplinary field of research based initially on empirical insights from practice. Efforts to theoretically found the field have opened perspectives from multiple research domains. The goal of this chapter is to review evolution of the e-government field from an institutional and an academic point of view. Our position is that e-government is an emergent multidisciplinary field of research in which focus on practice is a prominent characteristic. Each chapter of the book is then briefly presented and is positioned according to a vision of the e-government domain of research.E-government, Case study, E-administration, Public domain

    Explorations of the impact of "sticky" local information on the locus of innovation : a progress review

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    Title from cover. "April, 1998."Includes bibliographical references (p. 14-16).Another version of this paper is available in the MIT Open Access Articles collection at https://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/127233.Eric von Hippel

    Adapting market research to the rapid evolution of needs for new products and services

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 21-23).Eric von Hippel

    "Sticky information" and the locus of problem solving : implications for innovation

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 25-27).Another version of this paper is available in the MIT Open Access Articles collection at https://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/127247.Funded by the Sloan Foundation.Eric von Hippel

    The changing face of human-computer interaction in the age of ubiquitous computing

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    HCI is reinventing itself. No longer only about being user centered, it has set its sights on pastures new, embracing a much broader and far-reaching set of interests. From emotional, eco-friendly, embodied experiences to context, constructivism and culture, HCI research is changing apace: from what it looks at, the lenses it uses and what it has to offer. Part of this is as a reaction to what is happening in the world; ubiquitous technologies are proliferating and transforming how we live our lives. We are becoming more connected and more dependent on technology. The home, the crèche, outdoors, public places and even the human body are now being experimented with as potential places to embed computational devices, even to the extent of invading previously private and taboo aspects of our lives. In this paper, I examine the diversity of lifestyle and technological transformations in our midst and outline some 'difficult' questions these raise together with alternative directions for HCI research and practice