4,797 research outputs found

    Sampling-Based Query Re-Optimization

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    Despite of decades of work, query optimizers still make mistakes on "difficult" queries because of bad cardinality estimates, often due to the interaction of multiple predicates and correlations in the data. In this paper, we propose a low-cost post-processing step that can take a plan produced by the optimizer, detect when it is likely to have made such a mistake, and take steps to fix it. Specifically, our solution is a sampling-based iterative procedure that requires almost no changes to the original query optimizer or query evaluation mechanism of the system. We show that this indeed imposes low overhead and catches cases where three widely used optimizers (PostgreSQL and two commercial systems) make large errors.Comment: This is the extended version of a paper with the same title and authors that appears in the Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD 2016

    Scalable aggregation predictive analytics: a query-driven machine learning approach

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    We introduce a predictive modeling solution that provides high quality predictive analytics over aggregation queries in Big Data environments. Our predictive methodology is generally applicable in environments in which large-scale data owners may or may not restrict access to their data and allow only aggregation operators like COUNT to be executed over their data. In this context, our methodology is based on historical queries and their answers to accurately predict ad-hoc queries’ answers. We focus on the widely used set-cardinality, i.e., COUNT, aggregation query, as COUNT is a fundamental operator for both internal data system optimizations and for aggregation-oriented data exploration and predictive analytics. We contribute a novel, query-driven Machine Learning (ML) model whose goals are to: (i) learn the query-answer space from past issued queries, (ii) associate the query space with local linear regression & associative function estimators, (iii) define query similarity, and (iv) predict the cardinality of the answer set of unseen incoming queries, referred to the Set Cardinality Prediction (SCP) problem. Our ML model incorporates incremental ML algorithms for ensuring high quality prediction results. The significance of contribution lies in that it (i) is the only query-driven solution applicable over general Big Data environments, which include restricted-access data, (ii) offers incremental learning adjusted for arriving ad-hoc queries, which is well suited for query-driven data exploration, and (iii) offers a performance (in terms of scalability, SCP accuracy, processing time, and memory requirements) that is superior to data-centric approaches. We provide a comprehensive performance evaluation of our model evaluating its sensitivity, scalability and efficiency for quality predictive analytics. In addition, we report on the development and incorporation of our ML model in Spark showing its superior performance compared to the Spark’s COUNT method

    Neo: A Learned Query Optimizer

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    Query optimization is one of the most challenging problems in database systems. Despite the progress made over the past decades, query optimizers remain extremely complex components that require a great deal of hand-tuning for specific workloads and datasets. Motivated by this shortcoming and inspired by recent advances in applying machine learning to data management challenges, we introduce Neo (Neural Optimizer), a novel learning-based query optimizer that relies on deep neural networks to generate query executions plans. Neo bootstraps its query optimization model from existing optimizers and continues to learn from incoming queries, building upon its successes and learning from its failures. Furthermore, Neo naturally adapts to underlying data patterns and is robust to estimation errors. Experimental results demonstrate that Neo, even when bootstrapped from a simple optimizer like PostgreSQL, can learn a model that offers similar performance to state-of-the-art commercial optimizers, and in some cases even surpass them

    Statistical structures for internet-scale data management

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    Efficient query processing in traditional database management systems relies on statistics on base data. For centralized systems, there is a rich body of research results on such statistics, from simple aggregates to more elaborate synopses such as sketches and histograms. For Internet-scale distributed systems, on the other hand, statistics management still poses major challenges. With the work in this paper we aim to endow peer-to-peer data management over structured overlays with the power associated with such statistical information, with emphasis on meeting the scalability challenge. To this end, we first contribute efficient, accurate, and decentralized algorithms that can compute key aggregates such as Count, CountDistinct, Sum, and Average. We show how to construct several types of histograms, such as simple Equi-Width, Average-Shifted Equi-Width, and Equi-Depth histograms. We present a full-fledged open-source implementation of these tools for distributed statistical synopses, and report on a comprehensive experimental performance evaluation, evaluating our contributions in terms of efficiency, accuracy, and scalability