10 research outputs found

    Simplified methods for next generation IP access networks planning

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    The scope of this paper is to derive a set of simple formulas providing a traffic aggregation in important points of an Internet access networks. The paper shows that the resources associated to the access network depend on user type-, technology and service parameter. Existing calculation methodologies applies on individual approximations whereas this proposal exposes the combined application of these individual and wellknown approximations providing a scheme of generic dimensioning formulas. The dimensioning formulas for a generic applications are derived for the three main levels: connection, session and burst level, and the traffic aggregation is considered through three different and combined variables describing users, accesses and services forming a cube with three axes. The adaptation of corresponding parameters following the different axes allows the calculation of complete access network traffic scenarios, grouped by the so called CASUAL concept: Cube of Accesses / Services / Users. A set of CASUAL based tools allows an estimation of the aggregated traffic in different access points as multiplexers, IP point of presence or edge routers

    Approximation to a behavioral model for estimating traffic aggregation scenarios

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    This article provides a comparison among different methods for estimating the aggregation of Internet traffic resulting from different users, network-access types and corresponding services. Some approximate models usually used as isolated methods are combined with a temporally scaled ON-OFF model with binomial approximations. The aggregation problem is solved using a new form of parameterization based on the composition of the source traffic accordingly to the concrete characteristics of the users, the accesses and the services. This is a new concept, called CASUAL, included within an overall network planning methodology for the design and dimensioning of Next Generation Internet

    Worst case burstiness increase due to FIFO multiplexing

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    We consider a FIFO multiplexer fed by flows that are individually constrained by arrival curves, and look for the best possible arrival curve for every output flow. This problem arises in scenarios where aggregate multiplexing is performed, such as differentiated services or front ends to optical switches. We obtain an exact result for a fluid model and for piecewise linear concave arrival curves, which are common in practice and correspond to combinations of leaky buckets

    Theories and Models for Internet Quality of Service

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    We survey recent advances in theories and models for Internet Quality of Service (QoS). We start with the theory of network calculus, which lays the foundation for support of deterministic performance guarantees in networks, and illustrate its applications to integrated services, differentiated services, and streaming media playback delays. We also present mechanisms and architecture for scalable support of guaranteed services in the Internet, based on the concept of a stateless core. Methods for scalable control operations are also briefly discussed. We then turn our attention to statistical performance guarantees, and describe several new probabilistic results that can be used for a statistical dimensioning of differentiated services. Lastly, we review recent proposals and results in supporting performance guarantees in a best effort context. These include models for elastic throughput guarantees based on TCP performance modeling, techniques for some quality of service differentiation without access control, and methods that allow an application to control the performance it receives, in the absence of network support

    Advances in Internet Quality of Service

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    We describe recent advances in theories and architecture that support performance guarantees needed for quality of service networks. We start with deterministic computations and give applications to integrated services, differentiated services, and playback delays. We review the methods used for obtaining a scalable integrated services support, based on the concept of a stateless core. New probabilistic results that can be used for a statistical dimensioning of differentiated services are explained; some are based on classical queuing theory, while others capitalize on the deterministic results. Then we discuss performance guarantees in a best effort context; we review: methods to provide some quality of service in a pure best effort environment; methods to provide some quality of service differentiation without access control, and methods that allow an application to control the performance it receives, in the absence of network support

    A Calculus for End-to-end Statistical Service Guarantees

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    The deterministic network calculus offers an elegant framework for determining delays and backlog in a network with deterministic service guarantees to individual traffic flows. A drawback of the deterministic network calculus is that it only provides worst-case bounds. Here we present a network calculus for statistical service guarantees, which can exploit the statistical multiplexing gain of sources. We introduce the notion of an effective service curve as a probabilistic bound on the service received by an individual flw, and construct an effective service curve for a network where capacities are provisioned exclusively to aggregates of flows. Numerical examples demonstrate that the calculus is able to extract a significant amount of multiplexing gain in networks with a large number of flows

    Determinism Enhancement and Reliability Assessment in Safety Critical AFDX Networks

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    RÉSUMÉ AFDX est une technologie basée sur Ethernet, qui a été développée pour répondre aux défis qui découlent du nombre croissant d’applications qui transmettent des données de criticité variable dans les systèmes modernes d’avionique modulaire intégrée (Integrated Modular Avionics). Cette technologie de sécurité critique a été notamment normalisée dans la partie 7 de la norme ARINC 664, dont le but est de définir un réseau déterministe fournissant des garanties de performance prévisibles. En particulier, AFDX est composé de deux réseaux redondants, qui fournissent la haute fiabilité requise pour assurer son déterminisme. Le déterminisme de AFDX est principalement réalisé par le concept de liens virtuels (Virtual Links), qui définit une connexion unidirectionnelle logique entre les points terminaux (End Systems). Pour les liens virtuels, les limites supérieures des délais de bout en bout peuvent être obtenues en utilisant des approches comme calcul réseau, mieux connu sous l’appellation Network Calculus. Cependant, il a été prouvé que ces limites supérieures sont pessimistes dans de nombreux cas, ce qui peut conduire à une utilisation inefficace des ressources et augmenter la complexité de la conception du réseau. En outre, en raison de l’asynchronisme de leur fonctionnement, il existe plusieurs sources de non-déterminisme dans les réseaux AFDX. Ceci introduit un problème en lien avec la détection des défauts en temps réel. En outre, même si un mécanisme de gestion de la redondance est utilisé pour améliorer la fiabilité des réseaux AFDX, il y a un risque potentiel souligné dans la partie 7 de la norme ARINC 664. La situation citée peut causer une panne en dépit des transmissions redondantes dans certains cas particuliers. Par conséquent, l’objectif de cette thèse est d’améliorer la performance et la fiabilité des réseaux AFDX. Tout d’abord, un mécanisme fondé sur l’insertion de trames est proposé pour renforcer le déterminisme de l’arrivée des trames au sein des réseaux AFDX. Parce que la charge du réseau et la bande passante moyenne utilisée augmente due à l’insertion de trames, une stratégie d’agrégation des Sub-Virtual Links est introduite et formulée comme un problème d’optimisation multi-objectif. En outre, trois algorithmes ont été développés pour résoudre le problème d’optimisation multi-objectif correspondant. Ensuite, une approche est introduite pour incorporer l’analyse de la performance dans l’évaluation de la fiabilité en considérant les violations des délais comme des pannes.----------ABSTRACT AFDX is an Ethernet-based technology that has been developed to meet the challenges due to the growing number of data-intensive applications in modern Integrated Modular Avionics systems. This safety critical technology has been standardized in ARINC 664 Part 7, whose purpose is to define a deterministic network by providing predictable performance guarantees. In particular, AFDX is composed of two redundant networks, which provide the determinism required to obtain the desired high reliability. The determinism of AFDX is mainly achieved by the concept of Virtual Link, which defines a logical unidirectional connection from one source End System to one or more destination End Systems. For Virtual Links, the end-to-end delay upper bounds can be obtained by using the Network Calculus. However, it has been proved that such upper bounds are pessimistic in many cases, which may lead to an inefficient use of resources and aggravate network design complexity. Besides, due to asynchronism, there exists a source of non-determinism in AFDX networks, namely frame arrival uncertainty in a destination End System. This issue introduces a problem in terms of real-time fault detection. Furthermore, although a redundancy management mechanism is employed to enhance the reliability of AFDX networks, there still exist potential risks as pointed out in ARINC 664 Part 7, which may fail redundant transmissions in some special cases. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to improve the performance and the reliability of AFDX networks. First, a mechanism based on frame insertion is proposed to enhance the determinism of frame arrival within AFDX networks. As the network load and the average bandwidth used by a Virtual Link increase due to frame insertion, a Sub-Virtual Link aggregation strategy, formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem, is introduced. In addition, three algorithms have been developed to solve the corresponding multi-objective optimization problem. Next, an approach is introduced to incorporate performance analysis into reliability assessment by considering delay violations as failures. This allowed deriving tighter probabilistic upper bounds for Virtual Links that could be applied in AFDX network certification. In order to conduct the necessary reliability analysis, the well-known Fault-Tree Analysis technique is employed and Stochastic Network Calculus is applied to compute the upper bounds with various probability limits

    Analyse et évaluation de techniques de commutation Ethernet pour l'interconnexion des systèmes avioniques

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    Les nouvelles générations d'aéronefs embarquent de plus en plus de systèmes avioniques, pour augmenter à la fois la sécurité et le confort des passagers, tout en maintenant une haute rentabilité pour les compagnies aériennes. Ces nouvelles fonctions entraînent une forte hausse des échanges de données, ce qui nécessite plus de débit et de possibilités d'interconnexion. Les bus classiques de communications avioniques ne peuvent répondre à cette nouvelle demande, ce qui a poussé les constructeurs Airbus et Boeing à installer à bord un réseau de communication utilisant la technologie Ethernet commuté. Le principal apport de cette thèse est le développement d'une méthode de preuve du déterminisme de ce type de réseaux, démonstration fondamentale pour permettre leur certification aéronautique. Cette méthode, utilisant la théorie du Network Calculus, a été retenue par Airbus pour la certification du réseau AFDX de l'A380. Nous proposons également des optimisations de ce réseau (politiques de service des commutateurs, interconnexion des éléments réseau) en vue d'améliorer les résultats de son analyse de déterminisme par la méthode précédente. Enfin, nous proposons une extension de nature stochastique à notre méthode déterministe, qui pourrait dans le cadre d'un futur programme permettre de dimensionner au plus juste les ressources physiques du réseau