63 research outputs found

    CERIF – Is the standard helping to improve CRIS?

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    Governments and organizations are creating Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) to follow the growth of the amount of research data, providing tools to collect, preserve and disseminate that data. At the same time, we are facing the appearance of standards designed to regulate CRIS development. Common European Research Information Format (CERIF) is a standard for managing and exchanging research data. There are several types of CRIS – institutional, regional, national and international. In this work we have just considered the national and international types of CRIS worldwide. Only seven of them were CERIF compliant. The aim of this study is to conclude if the use of CERIF is increasing the number of features in CRIS and how deep CERIF-compliant CRIS are adopting CERIF. Applying all the criteria considered in our methodology, only ten CRIS were analyzed, four of which are CERIF-compliant. CERIF tends to increase similarities between CRIS, in terms of its features and its data models. However, the need for customization of such systems leads to various implementations of the standard, creating an opposite effect of the one referred before. CRIS non CERIF compliant have as central focus the researchers. The CERIF takes CRIS to focus also on projects and institutions of the research domain. With this exception, the CERIF doesn’t show an increase of the number of features. We also consider the use of Dublin Core to increase interoperability between CRIS

    Customization of digital library of PhD dissertations for citizens

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    PHD UNS is digital library of PhD dissertations defended at University of Novi Sad. A web page for basic and advanced search has been developed in order to improve discoverability of dissertations stored in the digital library. This paper presents customization of PHD UNS web search pages for citizens out of academy. The customization includes extension of available representation styles and implementation of automatic recommendations of PhD dissertations. Representation styles are extended with textual representation specially designed for non-academic citizens and visual representation based on word clouds. Automatic recommendations are based on collaborative approach built on PhD download history, i.e., performed on the basis of what other ‘similar’ users have found useful. The PHD UNS digital library logs information for each dissertation downloading. Besides basic information about downloaded dissertation, those logs also contain information about client machine which requested downloading. Those logs have been used in order to prove our customization really improve non-academic users’ experience

    7 Essays on Impact

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    Edited by Dr Andrew Dean, Dr Michael Wykes & Hilary Stevens, University of ExeterThrough the Jisc-funded DESCRIBE Project we have sought to undertake a rigorous assessment of current standards relating to the evidence of impacts arising from Higher Education research. This document contains seven valuable essays each exploring the topic of Impact. Each essay is distinct and we have sought to enable selected thought-leaders and Impact experts to both review the status quo, and to look to the future, making suggestions and recommendations for the development of Impact in the sector. DESCRIBE has been managed by the University of Exeter’s Research and Knowledge Transfer team in partnership with the Marchmont Observatory. We have sought to combine the latest thinking on research Impact with examples and recommendations which are practical and rooted in the art of the possible.JISC DIINN1

    Standard metapodataka za znanstvene podatke CERIF u implementaciji XML-a

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    Organizacija, očuvanje i umrežavanje podataka iz znanstvenih istraživanja u svim područjima znanstvenog djelovanja neophodan su dio znanstvenog rada. Sve je više svjetskih sveučilišta i znanstvenih projekata koji zahtijevaju da se, osim objavljenih znanstvenih rezultata u radovima, i drugi podaci vezani za istraživanja sačuvaju te učine dostupnima. Ne postoji svjetski konsenzus o standardnom načinu kojim bi se svi ti raznoliki podaci oblikovali i učinili dostupnima. U posljednjih nekoliko godina CERIF (Common European Research Information Format) je iznjedrio kao najprihvaćeni standard, barem u europskom kontekstu. Implementacija koncepcijskog modela jest u XML-u. U radu je opisan sam teorijski model, njegove komponente te su dani primjeri u XML-u. Moguće implikacije za budućnost ukratko su raspravljene

    CRIS-IR 2006

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    The recognition of entities and their relationships in document collections is an important step towards the discovery of latent knowledge as well as to support knowledge management applications. The challenge lies on how to extract and correlate entities, aiming to answer key knowledge management questions, such as; who works with whom, on which projects, with which customers and on what research areas. The present work proposes a knowledge mining approach supported by information retrieval and text mining tasks in which its core is based on the correlation of textual elements through the LRD (Latent Relation Discovery) method. Our experiments show that LRD outperform better than other correlation methods. Also, we present an application in order to demonstrate the approach over knowledge management scenarios.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) Denmark's Electronic Research Librar

    The current state and future perspectives of the research information infrastructure in Croatia

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the existing Croatian research information infrastructure and to outline a new model of the Croatian Current Research Information System (CroRIS), required for the systematical monitoring and evaluation of the research processes and output of the Croatian public research and higher education institutions, as well as for the increasing of their international visibility. Based on the results of the analysis of the existing research information infrastructure in Croatia, the general outline of the new CERIF-based CroRIS model is proposed. The analysis of the existing research information infrastructure showed that there are some functional parts which could be reused and/or used as a basis for the implementation of the proposed CroRIS model. The proposed model represents a concept which would allow a quality decision and science-policy making in Croatia

    Towards Interoperable Research Infrastructures for Environmental and Earth Sciences

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    This open access book summarises the latest developments on data management in the EU H2020 ENVRIplus project, which brought together more than 20 environmental and Earth science research infrastructures into a single community. It provides readers with a systematic overview of the common challenges faced by research infrastructures and how a ‘reference model guided’ engineering approach can be used to achieve greater interoperability among such infrastructures in the environmental and earth sciences. The 20 contributions in this book are structured in 5 parts on the design, development, deployment, operation and use of research infrastructures. Part one provides an overview of the state of the art of research infrastructure and relevant e-Infrastructure technologies, part two discusses the reference model guided engineering approach, the third part presents the software and tools developed for common data management challenges, the fourth part demonstrates the software via several use cases, and the last part discusses the sustainability and future directions

    IMPRESA WP3: Case Study Synthesis Report

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    This synthesis report, which provides a comparative analysis of individual case studies of science-based agricultural innovation, is a deliverable of the IMPRESA (the IMPact of RESearch on EU Agriculture) project. It compares and contrasts the impact pathways from agricultural research through the causal framework of case-specific individual research-based innovations. The synthesis is based on comprehensive and detailed case study reports prepared by research teams of six of the partner institutions working on the project