4 research outputs found

    A branch-and-price-and-cut algorithm for resource constrained pickup and delivery problems

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    We study a multicommodity, multiperiod, resource-constrained pickup-and-delivery problem inspired by the short-term planning of maintenance services at offshore wind farms. To begin a maintenance service, different types of relatively scarce servicemen need to be delivered (transported) to the service locations. We develop resource-exceeding route (RER) inequalities, which are inspired by knapsack cover inequalities, to model the scarcity of servicemen. In addition to a traditional separation approach, we present a column-dependent constraints approach so as to include the RER inequalities in the mathematical formulation. An alternative pricing strategy is developed to correctly include the column-dependent constraints. The resulting approach is broadly applicable to any routing problem that involves a set of scarce resources. We present a branch-and-price-and-cut algorithm to compare both approaches that include RER inequalities. The branch-and-price-and-cut algorithm relies on efficiently solving a new variant of the elementary resource-constrained shortest-path problem, using a tailored pulse algorithm developed specifically to solve it. Computational experiments show that the RER inequalities significantly tighten the root node relaxations. The column-dependent constraints approach then searches the branch-and-bound tree more effectively and appears to be competitive with the traditional separation procedure. Both approaches are able to solve instances of up to 92 nodes over 21 periods to optimality

    A Branch-and-Price-and-Cut Algorithm for Resource-Constrained Pickup and Delivery Problems

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    Reliable reserve-crew scheduling for airlines

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    We study the practical setting in which regular- and reserve-crew schedules are dynamically maintained up to the day of executing the schedule. At each day preceding the execution of the schedule, disruptions occur due to sudden unavailability of personnel, making the planned regular and reserve-crew schedules infeasible for its execution day. This paper studies the fundamental question how to repair the schedules’ infeasibility in the days preceding the execution, taking into account labor regulations. We propose a robust repair strategy that maintains flexibility in order to cope with additional future disruptions. The flexibility in reserve-crew usage is explicitly considered through evaluating the expected shortfall of the reserve-crew schedule based on a Markov chain formulation. The core of our approach relies on iteratively solving a set-covering formulation, which we call the Robust Crew Recovery Problem, which encapsulates this flexibility notion for reserve crew usage. A tailored branch-and-price algorithm is developed for solving the Robust Crew Recovery Problem to optimality. The corresponding pricing problem is efficiently solved by a newly developed pulse algorithm. Based on actual data from a medium-sized hub-and-spoke airline, we show that embracing our approach leads to fewer flight cancellations and fewer last-minute alterations, compared to repairing disrupted schedules without considering our robust measure.</p

    A Branch-and-Price-and-Cut Algorithm for Resource-Constrained Pickup and Delivery Problems

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