52,325 research outputs found

    A Boundary Property for Upper Domination

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    An upper dominating set in a graph is a minimal (with respect to set inclusion) dominating set of maximum cardinality. The problem of finding an upper dominating set is generally NP-hard, but can be solved in polynomial time in some restricted graph classes, such as P4-free graphs or 2K2-free graphs. For classes defined by finitely many forbidden induced subgraphs, the boundary separating difficult instances of the problem from polynomially solvable ones consists of the so called boundary classes. However, none of such classes has been identified so far for the upper dominating set problem. In the present paper, we discover the first boundary class for this problem

    A lower bound for disconnection by random interlacements

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    We consider the vacant set of random interlacements on Z^d, with d bigger or equal to 3, in the percolative regime. Motivated by the large deviation principles obtained in our recent work arXiv:1304.7477, we investigate the asymptotic behavior of the probability that a large body gets disconnected from infinity by the random interlacements. We derive an asymptotic lower bound, which brings into play tilted interlacements, and relates the problem to some of the large deviations of the occupation-time profile considered in arXiv:1304.7477.Comment: 28 pages, appeared in the Electronic Journal of Probabilit

    Finiteness of outer automorphism groups of random right-angled Artin groups

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    We consider the outer automorphism group Out(A_Gamma) of the right-angled Artin group A_Gamma of a random graph Gamma on n vertices in the Erdos--Renyi model. We show that the functions (log(n)+log(log(n)))/n and 1-(log(n)+log(log(n)))/n bound the range of edge probability functions for which Out(A_Gamma) is finite: if the probability of an edge in Gamma is strictly between these functions as n grows, then asymptotically Out(A_Gamma) is almost surely finite, and if the edge probability is strictly outside of both of these functions, then asymptotically Out(A_Gamma) is almost surely infinite. This sharpens results of Ruth Charney and Michael Farber from their preprint "Random groups arising as graph products", arXiv:1006.3378v1.Comment: 29 pages. Mostly rewritten, results tightened, statements corrected, gaps fille

    Half domination arrangements in regular and semi-regular tessellation type graphs

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    We study the problem of half-domination sets of vertices in vertex transitive infinite graphs generated by regular or semi-regular tessellations of the plane. In some cases, the results obtained are sharp and in the rest, we show upper bounds for the average densities of vertices in half-domination sets.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure

    Stochastic domination for the Ising and fuzzy Potts models

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    We discuss various aspects concerning stochastic domination for the Ising model and the fuzzy Potts model. We begin by considering the Ising model on the homogeneous tree of degree dd, \Td. For given interaction parameters J1J_1, J2>0J_2>0 and external field h_1\in\RR, we compute the smallest external field h~\tilde{h} such that the plus measure with parameters J2J_2 and hh dominates the plus measure with parameters J1J_1 and h1h_1 for all h≥h~h\geq\tilde{h}. Moreover, we discuss continuity of h~\tilde{h} with respect to the three parameters J1J_1, J2J_2, hh and also how the plus measures are stochastically ordered in the interaction parameter for a fixed external field. Next, we consider the fuzzy Potts model and prove that on \Zd the fuzzy Potts measures dominate the same set of product measures while on \Td, for certain parameter values, the free and minus fuzzy Potts measures dominate different product measures. For the Ising model, Liggett and Steif proved that on \Zd the plus measures dominate the same set of product measures while on \T^2 that statement fails completely except when there is a unique phase.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure
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