6 research outputs found

    A Proposed Framework for Financial Institutions Using Blockchain Tecnology

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    Blockchain technology plays a pivotal role in the banking industry, being recognized as one of the most crucial sectors. With the financial market expanding and the demand for banking services on the rise, the need for a robust banking system capable of offering top-notch services to clients is paramount. Regrettably, the current banking system in Egypt falls short of meeting these requirements. However, there is hope on the horizon, as blockchain technology has garnered widespread interest in the global banking community for its potential to mitigate fraud and other threats to banking operations. This study offers a concise overview of various blockchain architectures and trading systems, delving into their types and the popular platforms currently being utilized worldwide., such as Automated Clearing House (ACH)

    "Security Model for a Central Bank in Latin America using Blockchain"

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    "Banking institutions in Latin America are the target of increasingly sophisticated and advanced cyber-attacks and threats, which increase every year and leave substantial economic losses, due to the high level of global interconnection and digitization of their operations. The objective of this work is to design a model to guarantee information security in a Central Bank in Latin America using Blockchain technology. Exploratory research, observation and inductive and deductive methods are used to propose Blockchain solutions in a Central Bank. The results are a model for secure transactions in Blockchain, Smart Contract functions and a data management process. It was concluded that the security model for a central bank provides high level of information management and storage of transactions in a secure and immutable way.

    Prototipo de seguridad para el Banco Central del Ecuador en Blockchain Híbrido

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    Se revisaron modelos transaccionales de Bancos Centrales en Latinoamérica en artículos científicos que presentaron problemas en la gestión de la información y nuevas propuestas en confiabilidad en valores digitales. El problema es que las organizaciones utilizan otros modelos transaccionales de monedas digitales y Ecuador no adopta un modelo de gestión sobre transacciones digitales, la información de los bancos pierde la confiabilidad con temas relacionados a robos informáticos o vulnerabilidad en los sistemas financieros. El objetivo de este documento es realizar un prototipo de modelo para brindar seguridad a la información en el Banco Central del Ecuador basado en Blockchain híbrido. Se utiliza la técnica de la investigación exploratoria, la observación, el método deductivo, el método inductivo para plantear las premisas en Blockchain híbrido al Banco Central. Los resultados son un prototipo de arquitectura para transacciones seguras en Blockchain híbrido, funciones generales del Smart Contract, un algoritmo de gestión de datos expresado en técnicas de diagrama de flujo, y una estructura de datos para almacenamiento. Se concluyó que el prototipo de seguridad de la información para las transacciones proporciona alto nivel de gestión de la información y almacenamiento de las transacciones de manera segura e inmutable

    Criptomoedas em Portugal: um estudo quantitativo exploratório

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    O impacto das criptomoedas na economia mundial tem se tornado cada vez mais evidente. Desde o surgimento da primeira criptomoeda, a Bitcoin, observa-se um aumento tanto no número de criptomoedas em circulação como na capitalização geral do mercado de criptomoedas. O objetivo principal deste estudo é ampliar o conhecimento acerca da compreensão e utilização que se faz das criptomoedas em Portugal. A metodologia adotada no presente estudo foi de natureza quantitativa exploratória, envolvendo a elaboração e divulgação de um inquérito por meio de questionário à comunidade do ISCAP - Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto. A maioria perceciona ter pouco conhecimento sobre criptomoedas. No entanto, a perceção de maior conhecimento traduz-se em maior conhecimento efetivo sobre criptomoedas. A percentagem de inquiridos que incluem criptomoedas em seus portfólios ainda é baixa (21%) e as três motivações mais importantes foram o interesse pela tecnologia, a obtenção de lucros elevados e a crença em serem as moedas do futuro. A grande maioria usou-as como investimento especulativo de curto prazo e as criptomoedas mais utilizadas são a Bitcoin, a Ethereum e a Cardano.The impact of cryptocurrencies on the world economy has become increasingly evident. Since the emergence of the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, there has been an increase in both the number of cryptocurrencies in circulation and the overall capitalization of the cryptocurrency market. The main objective of this study is to expand knowledge about the understanding and use of cryptocurrencies in Portugal. The methodology adopted in this study was of a quantitative exploratory nature, involving the preparation and dissemination of a questionnaire survey to the community of ISCAP- -Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto. The majority perceive that they have little knowledge of cryptocurrencies. However, the perception of greater knowledge translates into greater actual knowledge about cryptocurrencies. The percentage of respondents who include cryptocurrencies in their portfolios is still low (21%) and the three most important motivations were interest in technology, making high profits and the belief that they are the currencies of the future. The vast majority used them as a short-term speculative investment and the most used cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin, Ethereum and Cardano