35 research outputs found

    FDD Channel Estimation Via Covariance Estimation in Wideband Massive MIMO Systems

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    [Abstract] A method for channel estimation in wideband massive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output systems using hybrid digital analog architectures is developed. The proposed method is useful for Frequency-Division Duplex at either sub-6 GHz or millimeter wave frequency bands and takes into account the beam squint effect caused by the large bandwidth of the signals. To circumvent the estimation of large channel vectors, the posed algorithm relies on the slow time variation of the channel spatial covariance matrix, thus allowing for the utilization of very short training sequences. This is possibledue to the exploitation of the channel structure. After identifying the channel covariance matrix, the channel is estimated on the basis of the recovered information. To that end, we propose a novel method that relies on estimating the tap delays and the gains as sociated with each path. As a consequence, the proposed channel estimator achieves low computational complexity and significantly reduces the training overhead. Moreover, our numerical simulations show better performance results compared to the minimum mean-squared error solution.Xunta de Galicia; ED431G2019/01Agencia Estatal de Investigación de España; TEC2016-75067-C4-1-RAgencia Estatal de Investigación de España; RED2018-102668-TAgencia Estatal de Investigación de España; PID2019-104958RB-C4

    Time-Domain Channel Estimation for Extremely Large MIMO THz Communications with Beam Squint

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    In this paper, we study the problem of extremely large (XL) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel estimation in the Terahertz (THz) frequency band, considering the presence of propagation delays across the entire array apertures, which leads to frequency selectivity, a problem known as beam squint. Multi-carrier transmission schemes which are usually deployed to address this problem, suffer from high peak-to-average power ratio, which is specifically dominant in THz communications where low transmit power is realized. Diverging from the usual approach, we devise a novel channel estimation problem formulation in the time domain for single-carrier (SC) modulation, which favors transmissions in THz, and incorporate the beam-squint effect in a sparse vector recovery problem that is solved via sparse optimization tools. In particular, the beam squint and the sparse MIMO channel are jointly tracked by using an alternating minimization approach that decomposes the two estimation problems. The presented performance evaluation results validate that the proposed SC technique exhibits superior performance than the conventional one as well as than state-of-the-art multi-carrier approaches