1,054 research outputs found

    DDC-PIM: Efficient Algorithm/Architecture Co-design for Doubling Data Capacity of SRAM-based Processing-In-Memory

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    Processing-in-memory (PIM), as a novel computing paradigm, provides significant performance benefits from the aspect of effective data movement reduction. SRAM-based PIM has been demonstrated as one of the most promising candidates due to its endurance and compatibility. However, the integration density of SRAM-based PIM is much lower than other non-volatile memory-based ones, due to its inherent 6T structure for storing a single bit. Within comparable area constraints, SRAM-based PIM exhibits notably lower capacity. Thus, aiming to unleash its capacity potential, we propose DDC-PIM, an efficient algorithm/architecture co-design methodology that effectively doubles the equivalent data capacity. At the algorithmic level, we propose a filter-wise complementary correlation (FCC) algorithm to obtain a bitwise complementary pair. At the architecture level, we exploit the intrinsic cross-coupled structure of 6T SRAM to store the bitwise complementary pair in their complementary states (Q/Q‾Q/\overline{Q}), thereby maximizing the data capacity of each SRAM cell. The dual-broadcast input structure and reconfigurable unit support both depthwise and pointwise convolution, adhering to the requirements of various neural networks. Evaluation results show that DDC-PIM yields about 2.84×2.84\times speedup on MobileNetV2 and 2.69×2.69\times on EfficientNet-B0 with negligible accuracy loss compared with PIM baseline implementation. Compared with state-of-the-art SRAM-based PIM macros, DDC-PIM achieves up to 8.41×8.41\times and 2.75×2.75\times improvement in weight density and area efficiency, respectively.Comment: 14 pages, to be published in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD

    Efficient Hardware Architectures for Accelerating Deep Neural Networks: Survey

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    In the modern-day era of technology, a paradigm shift has been witnessed in the areas involving applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Deep Learning (DL). Specifically, Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have emerged as a popular field of interest in most AI applications such as computer vision, image and video processing, robotics, etc. In the context of developed digital technologies and the availability of authentic data and data handling infrastructure, DNNs have been a credible choice for solving more complex real-life problems. The performance and accuracy of a DNN is a way better than human intelligence in certain situations. However, it is noteworthy that the DNN is computationally too cumbersome in terms of the resources and time to handle these computations. Furthermore, general-purpose architectures like CPUs have issues in handling such computationally intensive algorithms. Therefore, a lot of interest and efforts have been invested by the research fraternity in specialized hardware architectures such as Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC), and Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Array (CGRA) in the context of effective implementation of computationally intensive algorithms. This paper brings forward the various research works carried out on the development and deployment of DNNs using the aforementioned specialized hardware architectures and embedded AI accelerators. The review discusses the detailed description of the specialized hardware-based accelerators used in the training and/or inference of DNN. A comparative study based on factors like power, area, and throughput, is also made on the various accelerators discussed. Finally, future research and development directions are discussed, such as future trends in DNN implementation on specialized hardware accelerators. This review article is intended to serve as a guide for hardware architectures for accelerating and improving the effectiveness of deep learning research.publishedVersio

    NeuroSim Simulator for Compute-in-Memory Hardware Accelerator: Validation and Benchmark

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    Compute-in-memory (CIM) is an attractive solution to process the extensive workloads of multiply-and-accumulate (MAC) operations in deep neural network (DNN) hardware accelerators. A simulator with options of various mainstream and emerging memory technologies, architectures, and networks can be a great convenience for fast early-stage design space exploration of CIM hardware accelerators. DNN+NeuroSim is an integrated benchmark framework supporting flexible and hierarchical CIM array design options from a device level, to a circuit level and up to an algorithm level. In this study, we validate and calibrate the prediction of NeuroSim against a 40-nm RRAM-based CIM macro post-layout simulations. First, the parameters of a memory device and CMOS transistor are extracted from the foundry’s process design kit (PDK) and employed in the NeuroSim settings; the peripheral modules and operating dataflow are also configured to be the same as the actual chip implementation. Next, the area, critical path, and energy consumption values from the SPICE simulations at the module level are compared with those from NeuroSim. Some adjustment factors are introduced to account for transistor sizing and wiring area in the layout, gate switching activity, post-layout performance drop, etc. We show that the prediction from NeuroSim is precise with chip-level error under 1% after the calibration. Finally, the system-level performance benchmark is conducted with various device technologies and compared with the results before the validation. The general conclusions stay the same after the validation, but the performance degrades slightly due to the post-layout calibration

    FINN: A Framework for Fast, Scalable Binarized Neural Network Inference

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    Research has shown that convolutional neural networks contain significant redundancy, and high classification accuracy can be obtained even when weights and activations are reduced from floating point to binary values. In this paper, we present FINN, a framework for building fast and flexible FPGA accelerators using a flexible heterogeneous streaming architecture. By utilizing a novel set of optimizations that enable efficient mapping of binarized neural networks to hardware, we implement fully connected, convolutional and pooling layers, with per-layer compute resources being tailored to user-provided throughput requirements. On a ZC706 embedded FPGA platform drawing less than 25 W total system power, we demonstrate up to 12.3 million image classifications per second with 0.31 {\mu}s latency on the MNIST dataset with 95.8% accuracy, and 21906 image classifications per second with 283 {\mu}s latency on the CIFAR-10 and SVHN datasets with respectively 80.1% and 94.9% accuracy. To the best of our knowledge, ours are the fastest classification rates reported to date on these benchmarks.Comment: To appear in the 25th International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, February 201

    Cross-Layer Design of Highly Scalable and Energy-Efficient AI Accelerator Systems Using Photonic Integrated Circuits

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has experienced remarkable success in recent years, solving complex computational problems across various domains, including computer vision, natural language processing, and pattern recognition. Much of this success can be attributed to the advancements in deep learning algorithms and models, particularly Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). In recent times, deep ANNs have achieved unprecedented levels of accuracy, surpassing human capabilities in some cases. However, these deep ANN models come at a significant computational cost, with billions to trillions of parameters. Recent trends indicate that the number of parameters per ANN model will continue to grow exponentially in the foreseeable future. To meet the escalating computational demands of ANN models, the hardware accelerators used for processing ANNs must offer lower latency and higher energy efficiency. Unfortunately, traditional electronic implementations of ANN hardware accelerators, including CPUs, Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs), and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), have fallen short of meeting the latency and energy efficiency requirements for processing deep ANN models. Furthermore, the interconnection network subsystems in these electronic accelerator systems, designed to facilitate large-scale data transfers between processing cores and memory/control units within the accelerator systems, have become bottlenecks that hinder the throughput, latency, and energy efficiency of deep ANN model processing. Fortunately, Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs)-based accelerator systems, featuring photonic network subsystems are promising alternatives to conventional electronic accelerators. PIC-based accelerator systems operate in the optical domain, delivering processing at the speed of light with ultra-low latency, minimal dynamic energy consumption, and high throughput. These advantages stem from the wavelength division multiplexing capabilities and the absence of distance-dependent impedance in PICs. Furthermore, these characteristics enable the implementation of high-performance photonic network subsystems within PIC-based accelerator systems. Additionally, PIC-based accelerator systems offer inherent optical nonlinearities. Despite these numerous advantages over electronic accelerators, PIC-based systems still encounter several challenges due to limited optical power budget, susceptibility to crosstalk and other sources of noise caused by the analog operation, high area consumption, and restricted functional flexibility of PICs. These challenges manifest in various ways. (i) The existence of a significant trade-off between the achievable processing core size and the supported bit precision that impedes the scalability of processing cores. (ii) The limited reconfigurability, in terms of supported computing size and precision, makes them less adaptable to modern ANN models with diverse computational and precision demands. (iii) The reliance on electronic adder networks for accumulation diminishes the latency and energy consumption benefits of PIC-based accelerator systems due to frequent analog-to-digital conversions and memory accesses involved in accumulations. My research has contributed several solutions that overcome a multitude of these challenges and improve the throughput, energy efficiency, and flexibility of PIC-based AI accelerator systems. I identified and analyzed factors that affect the scalability and reconfigurability of PIC-based AI accelerator systems. I proposed several novel PIC-based accelerator architectures with enhancements at the circuit level, architecture level, and system level to improve scalability, reconfigurability, and functional flexibility. At the circuit level, these enhancements serve to decrease optical signal losses, reduce control complexity, enable adaptability for various ANN processing tasks, and lower power and area consumption. The architecture-level improvements mitigate crosstalk noise, facilitate functional reconfigurability, enable in-situ and flexible spatio-temporal accumulation, and provide flexible support for different dataflows. The system-level enhancements involve the integration of stochastic computing with PIC-based accelerators to break the inherent trade-off between scalability and supported bit precision. Additionally, applying stochastic computing enhances the flexibility of PIC-based accelerators, allowing them to support mixed-precision ANN models. These cross-layer enhancements collectively contribute to the design of PIC-based AI accelerator systems, resulting in improved throughput, energy efficiency, scalability, and reconfigurability
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