39 research outputs found

    An iterative-bijective approach to generalizations of Schur's theorem

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    We start with a bijective proof of Schur's theorem due to Alladi and Gordon and describe how a particular iteration of it leads to some very general theorems on colored partitions. These theorems imply a number of important results, including Schur's theorem, Bressoud's generalization of a theorem of G\"ollnitz, two of Andrews' generalizations of Schur's theorem, and the Andrews-Olsson identities.Comment: 16 page

    Double series representations for Schur's partition function and related identities

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    We prove new double summation hypergeometric qq-series representations for several families of partitions, including those that appear in the famous product identities of G\"ollnitz, Gordon, and Schur. We give several different proofs for our results, using bijective partitions mappings and modular diagrams, the theory of qq-difference equations and recurrences, and the theories of summation and transformation for qq-series. We also consider a general family of similar double series and highlight a number of other interesting special cases.Comment: 19 page

    A unifying combinatorial approach to refined little G\"ollnitz and Capparelli's companion identities

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    Berkovich-Uncu have recently proved a companion of the well-known Capparelli's identities as well as refinements of Savage-Sills' new little G\"ollnitz identities. Noticing the connection between their results and Boulet's earlier four-parameter partition generating functions, we discover a new class of partitions, called kk-strict partitions, to generalize their results. By applying both horizontal and vertical dissections of Ferrers' diagrams with appropriate labellings, we provide a unified combinatorial treatment of their results and shed more lights on the intriguing conditions of their companion to Capparelli's identities.Comment: This is the second revision submitted to JCTA in June, comments are welcom

    A new four parameter q-series identity and its partition implications

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    We prove a new four parameter q-hypergeometric series identity from which the three parameter key identity for the Goellnitz theorem due to Alladi, Andrews, and Gordon, follows as a special case by setting one of the parameters equal to 0. The new identity is equivalent to a four parameter partition theorem which extends the deep theorem of Goellnitz and thereby settles a problem raised by Andrews thirty years ago. Some consequences including a quadruple product extension of Jacobi's triple product identity, and prospects of future research are briefly discussed.Comment: 25 pages, in Sec. 3 Table 1 is added, discussion is added at the end of Sec. 5, minor stylistic changes, typos eliminated. To appear in Inventiones Mathematica