7 research outputs found


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    The evolution from a Goods-dominant logic (GD-logic) into a Service-dominant logic (SD-logic) is marked by fundamental changes in how we leverage resources for innovation. The current paper offers a review of service-dominant logic (SD-logic) resources within the field of Information Systems (IS). It uses a scoping review method of papers from the senior scholars’ basket of journals and the two flagship IS conferences: ECIS and ICIS. The review is focused on examining the theoretical and empirical applications of SD-logic in order to develop a basic conceptual classification of resources within IS that contributes into understanding service innovation in market and society. Four main conceptualizations of resources were identified in the reviewed papers of which only two embrace resources as conceptualized in SD-logic. Also, the review suggests that the field of IS does not seem to have yet maturely embraced SD-logic and has not sufficiently made its way into dominant journals and conferences with the field

    Inovatividade, criatividade e gestão do conhecimento em bares, restaurantes e casas noturnas: um estudo em estabelecimentos de Curitiba – PR

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    Bars, restaurants and nightclubs represent an important segment in the tourism context, especially given its economic and social impact. However, few studies have associated the elements that could explain its competitive bases, specifically, knowledge management (KM), innovativeness (IN) and organizational creativity (OC) and, consequently, innovative performance (IP). Therefore, the present study seeks to find relationships between these elements and revenues in these segments. It is an exploratory study which employed multiple correspondence analysis, conducted on a sample of 60 companies in these segments in Curitiba - PR, which indicated that the bars, restaurants and nightclubs that more intensely perceive the KM practices, IN and OC are those with a higher IP and also register higher classes billing.Bares, restaurantes y clubes nocturnos representan un segmento importante en el contexto del turismo, especialmente teniendo en cuenta su impacto económico y social. Sin embargo, pocos estudios han asociado los elementos que podrían explicar sus bases competitivas, en concreto, la gestión del conocimiento (KM), innovación (IN) y la creatividad organizacional (CO) y, en consecuencia, el desempeño innovador (DI). Por lo tanto, el presente estudio busca encontrar relaciones entre estos elementos y los ingresos en estos segmentos. Se trata de un estudio exploratorio que empleó el análisis de correspondencias múltiples, realizado sobre una muestra de 60 empresas en estos segmentos en Curitiba - PR, lo que indica que los bares, restaurantes y clubes nocturnos que realizan mejor las prácticas de GC, IN y CO son los que tienen un DI mayor, pero también registró clases más altas de facturación.Bares, restaurantes e casas noturnas representam um segmento de destaque no contexto turístico, especialmente dado seu impacto econômico e social. Porém, poucos estudos os têm associado a elementos que possam explicitar suas bases competitivas, especificamente, a gestão do conhecimento (GC), inovatividade (IN) e criatividade organizacional (CO) e, consequente, desempenho inovador (DI). Assim sendo, o presente estudo busca encontrar relações entre estes elementos e o faturamento nestes segmentos. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório que empregou análise de correspondência múltipla, efetuado em uma amostra de 60 empresas destes segmentos no município de Curitiba – PR, que indicou que os bares, restaurantes e casas noturnas que mais intensamente percebem as práticas de GC, IN e CO são aqueles que apresentam um DI mais elevado, como também registram classes mais elevadas de faturamento

    Relaciones entre Gestión del Conocimiento, Facturación y Número de Funcionarios en Empresas Graduadas por Incubadoras.

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    O artigo analisa a existência de similaridades entre empresas graduadas em incubadoras no que diz respeito à eficácia percebida em algumas práticas de Gestão do Conhecimento (GC) considerando-se o número de funcionários e o faturamento. O estudo foi elaborado a partir da constatação de carência de pesquisas que busquem associar a GC ao número de funcionários bem como ao faturamento das empresas. Além disso, aplicou-se em empresas graduadas por incubadoras, em virtude da importância destas na formação de organizações sustentáveis. Trata-se de uma análise quantitativa, realizada a partir de testes bivariados. Os resultados indicam que, em 66,67% dos casos, as percepções mais eficazes das práticas de GC foram encontradas nas empresas que mais possuem funcionários. Em relação ao faturamento, o padrão se repete em apenas 40% dos agrupamentos formados por essa variável. Ainda que nos demais casos não se tenham registrado diferenças estatisticamente significativas, na maioria absoluta das vezes, as mais acentuadas percepções de eficácia estão associadas tanto às organizações que registraram um número maior de funcionários como àquelas que se classificaram como pertencentes às classes de maior faturamento.The article analyzes the existence of similarities between companies graduated in incubators with regard to the perceived effectiveness of some Knowledge Management (KM) practices in relation to the number of employees and revenues. This study was elaborated from the findings that there is a lack of researches that seek to associate KM to the number of employees, as well as the companies’ revenues. Furthermore, a research was applied in graduated companies by incubators, because of their importance in the creation of sustainable organizations. This is a quantitative analysis, performed with bivariate tests. The results indicate that, in 66.67% of the cases, the most effective perceptions of KM practices were found in companies that have more employees. In relation to revenues, the pattern repeats itself in only 40% of the groups formed by this variable. Although in the remaining cases there were no statistically significant differences, in the absolute majority of cases, the greater perceptions of efficacy are associated to organizations that reported a greater number of employees, as well as to those that belong to the higher revenues classes.El artículo analiza la existencia de semejanzas entre empresas graduadas en incubadoras en lo que se refiere a la eficacia percibida en algunas prácticas de Gestión del Conocimiento (GC), considerando el número de funcionarios y la facturación. El estudio fue elaborado a partir de la constatación de falta de investigaciones que busquen asociar la GC al número de funcionarios tanto como a la facturación de las empresas. Además, se aplicó en empresas graduadas por incubadoras, en virtud de la importancia de las mismas en la formación de organizaciones sostenibles. Se trata de un análisis cuantitativo, realizado a partir de testes bivariados. Los resultados indican que, en 66,67% de los casos, las percepciones más eficaces de las prácticas de GC fueron encontradas en las empresas que más funcionarios poseen. En relación a la facturación, el modelo se repite en apenas 40% de las agrupaciones formadas por esa variable. Aunque en los demás casos no se hayan registrado diferencias estadísticamente significativas, en la mayoría absoluta de las veces, las más acentuadas percepciones de eficacia están asociadas tanto a las organizaciones que registraron un número mayor de funcionarios como a aquellas que se clasificaron como pertenecientes a las clases de mayor facturación

    Multiple Criteria Decision Models for Nurse-Patient Assignment: Balancing Workload and Continuity of Care

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    Continuity of care is critical for delivering high-quality care, yet has seldom been considered in models supporting nurse-patient assignment decisions within inpatient units. Research in the nursing literature suggests that assigning nurses to patients they have cared for previously can help reduce care-related error rates and increase patient satisfaction. However, it is also essential to ensure that patient workloads are allocated to nursing staff in a balanced manner to avoid overwork and burnout. This study investigates the tradeoffs associated with the assignment of patients to nurses in inpatient settings under the dual objective of maximizing continuity of care and minimizing workload imbalance. We develop a hybrid method that balances the need for fair workload distribution and continuity of care, and demonstrate the extent of the tradeoff between the level of continuity achieved and the associated cost in workload balance. To reduce the impact of this tradeoff, we relax the goal of maximizing continuity by introducing an acuity threshold. Here, patients with acuity values above the threshold vi are targeted for continuity-based assignment, and remaining patients are assigned to minimize workload imbalance. We evaluate the utility of introducing the threshold under a variety of hospital environmental conditions using a simulation model of the inpatient environment. Our findings show that it is possible to provide a substantial continuity assignment with a marginal impact on workload imbalance under the hybrid policy using the acuity threshold. In virtually all cases studied, the results show that it is possible to use the acuity threshold and gain the benefits of continuity of care, even under conditions of a strong preference for minimizing acuity imbalance

    The conceptualization and investigation of user capital and its impact on effective use and information systems success

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    The use and success of Information Systems (IS) is becoming increasingly reliant on users. Therefore, this study sought to develop and test a construct around the notion of User Capital, which this research defines as the attributes possessed by an individual that enable them to use an IS to perform tasks. User Capital was formed by the dimensions of self-regulation, competence, mastery orientation, and attitude. To test the construct a largely quantitative field study approach was adopted. User Capital was found to be a significant driver of effective use and a key construct in the examination of IS success