5 research outputs found

    A Review of Predictive Analytic Applications of Bayesian Network

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    Malware can be defined as malicious software that infiltrates a network and computer host in a variety of ways, from software flaws to social engineering. Due to the polymorphic and stealth nature of malware attacks, a signature-based analysis that is done statically is no longer sufficient to solve such a problem. Therefore, a behavioral or anomalous analysis will provide a more dynamic approach for the solution. However recent studies have shown that current behavioral methods at the network-level have several issues such as the inability to predict zero-day attacks, high-level assumptions, non-inferential analysis and performance issues. Other than performance issues, this study has identified common scientific characteristics which are reduced parameter, θ and lack of priori information p(θ) that causes the problems. Previous methods were proposed to address the problem however were still unable to resolve the stated scientific hitches. Due to the shortcomings, the Bayesian Network in terms of its probabilistic modelling would be the best method to deal with the stated scientific glitches which also have been proven in the area of Clinical Expert Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition. This study will critically review the predictive analytic applications of Bayesian Network model in different research domain such as Clinical Expert Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition and discover any potential approach available in the domain of Computer Networks. Based on the review, this paper has identified several Bayesian Network properties which have been used to overcome the abovementioned problems. Those properties will be applied in future studies to model the Behavioral Malware Predictive Analytics

    Condition Monitoring of Wind Turbines Using Intelligent Machine Learning Techniques

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    Wind Turbine condition monitoring can detect anomalies in turbine performance which have the potential to result in unexpected failure and financial loss. This study examines common Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) data over a period of 20 months for 21 pitch regulated 2.3 MW turbines and is presented in three manuscripts. First, power curve monitoring is targeted applying various types of Artificial Neural Networks to increase modeling accuracy. It is shown how the proposed method can significantly improve network reliability compared with existing models. Then, an advance technique is utilized to create a smoother dataset for network training followed by establishing dynamic ANFIS network. At this stage, designed network aims to predict power generation in future hours. Finally, a recursive principal component analysis is performed to extract significant features to be used as input parameters of the network. A novel fusion technique is then employed to build an advanced model to make predictions of turbines performance with favorably low errors

    Fault Detection Based on Tracking Differentiator Applied on the Suspension System of Maglev Train

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    A fault detection method based on the optimized tracking differentiator is introduced. It is applied on the acceleration sensor of the suspension system of maglev train. It detects the fault of the acceleration sensor by comparing the acceleration integral signal with the speed signal obtained by the optimized tracking differentiator. This paper optimizes the control variable when the states locate within or beyond the two-step reachable region to improve the performance of the approximate linear discrete tracking differentiator. Fault-tolerant control has been conducted by feedback based on the speed signal acquired from the optimized tracking differentiator when the acceleration sensor fails. The simulation and experiment results show the practical usefulness of the presented method

    Failure Diagnosis and Prognosis of Safety Critical Systems: Applications in Aerospace Industries

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    Many safety-critical systems such as aircraft, space crafts, and large power plants are required to operate in a reliable and efficient working condition without any performance degradation. As a result, fault diagnosis and prognosis (FDP) is a research topic of great interest in these systems. FDP systems attempt to use historical and current data of a system, which are collected from various measurements to detect faults, diagnose the types of possible failures, predict and manage failures in advance. This thesis deals with FDP of safety-critical systems. For this purpose, two critical systems including a multifunctional spoiler (MFS) and hydro-control value system are considered, and some challenging issues from the FDP are investigated. This research work consists of three general directions, i.e., monitoring, failure diagnosis, and prognosis. The proposed FDP methods are based on data-driven and model-based approaches. The main aim of the data-driven methods is to utilize measurement data from the system and forecast the remaining useful life (RUL) of the faulty components accurately and efficiently. In this regard, two dierent methods are developed. A modular FDP method based on a divide and conquer strategy is presented for the MFS system. The modular structure contains three components:1) fault diagnosis unit, 2) failure parameter estimation unit and 3) RUL unit. The fault diagnosis unit identifies types of faults based on an integration of neural network (NN) method and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) technique. Failure parameter estimation unit observes the failure parameter via a distributed neural network. Afterward, the RUL of the system is predicted by an adaptive Bayesian method. In another work, an innovative data-driven FDP method is developed for hydro-control valve systems. The idea is to use redundancy in multi-sensor data information and enhance the performance of the FDP system. Therefore, a combination of a feature selection method and support vector machine (SVM) method is applied to select proper sensors for monitoring of the hydro-valve system and isolate types of fault. Then, adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems (ANFIS) method is used to estimate the failure path. Similarly, an online Bayesian algorithm is implemented for forecasting RUL. Model-based methods employ high-delity physics-based model of a system for prognosis task. In this thesis, a novel model-based approach based on an integrated extended Kalman lter (EKF) and Bayesian method is introduced for the MFS system. To monitor the MFS system, a residual estimation method using EKF is performed to capture the progress of the failure. Later, a transformation is utilized to obtain a new measure to estimate the degradation path (DP). Moreover, the recursive Bayesian algorithm is invoked to predict the RUL. Finally, relative accuracy (RA) measure is utilized to assess the performance of the proposed methods

    A Bayesian Approach to Diagnosis and Prognosis Using Built-In Test

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