16 research outputs found

    On Reduced Input-Output Dynamic Mode Decomposition

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    The identification of reduced-order models from high-dimensional data is a challenging task, and even more so if the identified system should not only be suitable for a certain data set, but generally approximate the input-output behavior of the data source. In this work, we consider the input-output dynamic mode decomposition method for system identification. We compare excitation approaches for the data-driven identification process and describe an optimization-based stabilization strategy for the identified systems

    Optimization of damping positions in a mechanical system

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    This paper deals with damping optimization of the mechanical system based on the minimization of the so-called "average displacement amplitude". Further, we propose three different approaches to solving this minimization problems, and present their performance on two examples

    Using second-order information in gradient sampling methods for nonsmooth optimization

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    In this article, we show how second-order derivative information can be incorporated into gradient sampling methods for nonsmooth optimization. The second-order information we consider is essentially the set of coefficients of all second-order Taylor expansions of the objective in a closed ball around a given point. Based on this concept, we define a model of the objective as the maximum of these Taylor expansions. Iteratively minimizing this model (constrained to the closed ball) results in a simple descent method, for which we prove convergence to minimal points in case the objective is convex. To obtain an implementable method, we construct an approximation scheme for the second-order information based on sampling objective values, gradients and Hessian matrices at finitely many points. Using a set of test problems, we compare the resulting method to five other available solvers. Considering the number of function evaluations, the results suggest that the method we propose is superior to the standard gradient sampling method, and competitive compared to other methods

    Optimization-Based Parametric Model Order Reduction via H<sub>2</sub> ⊗ L<sub>2</sub> First-Order Necessary Conditions

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    Structure Preserving Model Order Reduction by Parameter Optimization

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    Model order reduction (MOR) methods that are designed to preserve structural features of a given full order model (FOM) often suffer from a lower accuracy when compared to their non structure preserving counterparts. In this paper, we present a framework for MOR based on direct parameter optimization. This means that the elements of the system matrices are iteratively varied to minimize an objective functional that measures the difference between the FOM and the reduced order model (ROM). Structural constraints are encoded in the parametrization of the ROM. The method only depends on frequency response data and can thus be applied to a wide range of dynamical systems. We illustrate the effectiveness of our method on a port-Hamiltonian and on a symmetric second order system in a comparison with other structure preserving MOR algorithms.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figure