5 research outputs found

    A Millimeter-Wave Coexistent RFIC Receiver Architecture in 0.18-µm SiGe BiCMOS for Radar and Communication Systems

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    Innovative circuit architectures and techniques to enhance the performance of several key BiCMOS RFIC building blocks applied in radar and wireless communication systems operating at the millimeter-wave frequencies are addressed in this dissertation. The former encapsulates the development of an advanced, low-cost and miniature millimeter-wave coexistent current mode direct conversion receiver for short-range, high-resolution radar and high data rate communication systems. A new class of broadband low power consumption active balun-LNA consisting of two common emitters amplifiers mutually coupled thru an AC stacked transformer for power saving and gain boosting. The active balun-LNA exhibits new high linearity technique using a constant gm cell transconductance independent of input-outputs variations based on equal emitters’ area ratios. A novel multi-stages active balun-LNA with innovative technique to mitigate amplitude and phase imbalances is proposed. The new multi-stages balun-LNA technique consists of distributed feed-forward averaging recycles correction for amplitude and phase errors and is insensitive to unequal paths parasitic from input to outputs. The distributed averaging recycles correction technique resolves the amplitude and phase errors residuals in a multi-iterative process. The new multi-stages balun-LNA averaging correction technique is frequency independent and can perform amplitude and phase calibrations without relying on passive lumped elements for compensation. The multi-stage balun-LNA exhibits excellent performance from 10 to 50 GHz with amplitude and phase mismatches less than 0.7 dB and 2.86º, respectively. Furthermore, the new multi-stages balun-LNA operates in current mode and shows high linearity with low power consumption. The unique balun-LNA design can operates well into mm-wave regions and is an integral block of the mm-wave radar and communication systems. The integration of several RFIC blocks constitutes the broadband millimeter-wave coexistent current mode direct conversion receiver architecture operating from 22- 44 GHz. The system and architectural level analysis provide a unique understanding into the receiver characteristics and design trade-offs. The RF front-end is based on the broadband multi-stages active balun-LNA coupled into a fully balanced passive mixer with an all-pass in-phase/quadrature phase generator. The trans-impedance amplifier converts the input signal current into a voltage gain at the outputs. Simultaneously, the high power input signal current is channelized into an anti-aliasing filter with 20 dB rejection for out of band interferers. In addition, the dissertation demonstrates a wide dynamic range system with small die area, cost effective and very low power consumption

    A Millimeter-Wave Coexistent RFIC Receiver Architecture in 0.18-µm SiGe BiCMOS for Radar and Communication Systems

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    Innovative circuit architectures and techniques to enhance the performance of several key BiCMOS RFIC building blocks applied in radar and wireless communication systems operating at the millimeter-wave frequencies are addressed in this dissertation. The former encapsulates the development of an advanced, low-cost and miniature millimeter-wave coexistent current mode direct conversion receiver for short-range, high-resolution radar and high data rate communication systems. A new class of broadband low power consumption active balun-LNA consisting of two common emitters amplifiers mutually coupled thru an AC stacked transformer for power saving and gain boosting. The active balun-LNA exhibits new high linearity technique using a constant gm cell transconductance independent of input-outputs variations based on equal emitters’ area ratios. A novel multi-stages active balun-LNA with innovative technique to mitigate amplitude and phase imbalances is proposed. The new multi-stages balun-LNA technique consists of distributed feed-forward averaging recycles correction for amplitude and phase errors and is insensitive to unequal paths parasitic from input to outputs. The distributed averaging recycles correction technique resolves the amplitude and phase errors residuals in a multi-iterative process. The new multi-stages balun-LNA averaging correction technique is frequency independent and can perform amplitude and phase calibrations without relying on passive lumped elements for compensation. The multi-stage balun-LNA exhibits excellent performance from 10 to 50 GHz with amplitude and phase mismatches less than 0.7 dB and 2.86º, respectively. Furthermore, the new multi-stages balun-LNA operates in current mode and shows high linearity with low power consumption. The unique balun-LNA design can operates well into mm-wave regions and is an integral block of the mm-wave radar and communication systems. The integration of several RFIC blocks constitutes the broadband millimeter-wave coexistent current mode direct conversion receiver architecture operating from 22- 44 GHz. The system and architectural level analysis provide a unique understanding into the receiver characteristics and design trade-offs. The RF front-end is based on the broadband multi-stages active balun-LNA coupled into a fully balanced passive mixer with an all-pass in-phase/quadrature phase generator. The trans-impedance amplifier converts the input signal current into a voltage gain at the outputs. Simultaneously, the high power input signal current is channelized into an anti-aliasing filter with 20 dB rejection for out of band interferers. In addition, the dissertation demonstrates a wide dynamic range system with small die area, cost effective and very low power consumption

    Microwave and Millimeter-wave Concurrent Multiband Low-Noise Amplifiers and Receiver Front-end in SiGe BiCMOS Technology

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    A fully integrated SiGe BiCMOS concurrent multiband receiver front-end and its building blocks including multiband low-noise amplifiers (LNAs), single-to-differential amplifiers and mixer are presented for various Ku-/K-/Ka-band applications. The proposed concurrent multiband receiver building blocks and receiver front-end achieve the best stopband rejection performances as compared to the existing multiband LNAs and receivers. First, a novel feedback tri-band load composed of two inductor feedback notch filters is proposed to overcome the low Q-factor of integrated passive inductors, and hence it provides superior stopband rejection ratio (SRR). A new 13.5/24/35-GHz concurrent tri-band LNA implementing the feedback tri-band load is presented. The developed tri-band LNA is the first concurrent tri-band LNA operating up to millimeter-wave region. By expanding the operating principle of the feedback tri-band load, a 21.5/36.5-GHz concurrent dual-band LNA with an inductor feedback dual-band load and another 23/36-GHz concurrent dual-band LNA with a new transformer feedback dual-band load are also presented. The latter provides more degrees of freedom for the creation of the stopband and passbands as compared to the former. A 22/36-GHz concurrent dual-band single-to-differential LNA employing a novel single-to-differential transformer feedback dual-band load is presented. The developed LNA is the first true concurrent dual-band single-to-differential amplifier. A novel 24.5/36.5 GHz concurrent dual-band merged single-to-differential LNA and mixer implementing the proposed single-to-differential transformer feedback dual-band load is also presented. With a 21-GHz LO signal, the down-converted dual IF bands are located at 3.5/15.5 GHz for two passband signals at 24.5/36.5 GHz, respectively. The proposed merged LNA and mixer is the first fully integrated concurrent dual-band mixer operating up to millimeter-wave frequencies without using any switching mechanism. Finally, a 24.5/36.5-GHz concurrent dual-band receiver front-end is proposed. It consists of the developed concurrent dual-band LNA using the single-to-single transformer feedback dual-band load and the developed concurrent dual-band merged LNA and mixer employing the single-to-differential transformer feedback dual-band load. The developed concurrent dual-band receiver front-end achieves the highest gain and the best NF performances with the largest SRRs, while operating at highest frequencies up to millimeter-wave region, among the concurrent dual-band receivers reported to date

    Microwave and Millimeter-wave Concurrent Multiband Low-Noise Amplifiers and Receiver Front-end in SiGe BiCMOS Technology

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    A fully integrated SiGe BiCMOS concurrent multiband receiver front-end and its building blocks including multiband low-noise amplifiers (LNAs), single-to-differential amplifiers and mixer are presented for various Ku-/K-/Ka-band applications. The proposed concurrent multiband receiver building blocks and receiver front-end achieve the best stopband rejection performances as compared to the existing multiband LNAs and receivers. First, a novel feedback tri-band load composed of two inductor feedback notch filters is proposed to overcome the low Q-factor of integrated passive inductors, and hence it provides superior stopband rejection ratio (SRR). A new 13.5/24/35-GHz concurrent tri-band LNA implementing the feedback tri-band load is presented. The developed tri-band LNA is the first concurrent tri-band LNA operating up to millimeter-wave region. By expanding the operating principle of the feedback tri-band load, a 21.5/36.5-GHz concurrent dual-band LNA with an inductor feedback dual-band load and another 23/36-GHz concurrent dual-band LNA with a new transformer feedback dual-band load are also presented. The latter provides more degrees of freedom for the creation of the stopband and passbands as compared to the former. A 22/36-GHz concurrent dual-band single-to-differential LNA employing a novel single-to-differential transformer feedback dual-band load is presented. The developed LNA is the first true concurrent dual-band single-to-differential amplifier. A novel 24.5/36.5 GHz concurrent dual-band merged single-to-differential LNA and mixer implementing the proposed single-to-differential transformer feedback dual-band load is also presented. With a 21-GHz LO signal, the down-converted dual IF bands are located at 3.5/15.5 GHz for two passband signals at 24.5/36.5 GHz, respectively. The proposed merged LNA and mixer is the first fully integrated concurrent dual-band mixer operating up to millimeter-wave frequencies without using any switching mechanism. Finally, a 24.5/36.5-GHz concurrent dual-band receiver front-end is proposed. It consists of the developed concurrent dual-band LNA using the single-to-single transformer feedback dual-band load and the developed concurrent dual-band merged LNA and mixer employing the single-to-differential transformer feedback dual-band load. The developed concurrent dual-band receiver front-end achieves the highest gain and the best NF performances with the largest SRRs, while operating at highest frequencies up to millimeter-wave region, among the concurrent dual-band receivers reported to date

    Millimeter-Wave Concurrent Dual-Band BiCMOS RFIC Transmitter for Radar and Communication Systems

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    This dissertation presents new circuit architectures and techniques for improving the performance of several key BiCMOS RFIC building blocks used in radar and wireless communication systems operating up to millimeter-wave frequencies, and the development of an advanced, low-cost and miniature millimeter-wave concurrent dual-band transmitter for short-range, high-resolution radar and high-rate communication systems. A new type of low-power active balun consisting of a common emitter amplifier with degenerative inductor and a common collector amplifier is proposed. The parasitic neutralization and compensation techniques are used to keep the balun well balanced at very high frequencies and across an ultra-wide bandwidth. A novel RF switch architecture with ultra-high isolation and possible gain is proposed, analyzed and demonstrated. The new RF switch architecture achieves an ultra-high isolation through implementation of a new RF leaking cancellation technique. A new class of concurrent dual-band impedance matching networks and technique for synthesizing them are presented together with a 25.5/37-GHz concurrent dual-band PA. These matching networks enable simultaneous matching of two arbitrary loads to two arbitrary sources at two different frequencies, utilizing the impedance-equivalence properties of LC networks that any LC network can be equivalent to an inductor, capacitor, open or short at different frequencies. K- and Ka-band ultra-low-leakage RF-pulse formers capable of producing very narrow RF pulses in the order of 200 ps with small rising and falling time for short-range high-resolution radar and high-data-rate communication systems are also developed. The complete transmitter exhibiting unique characteristics obtained from capabilities of producing very narrow and tunable RF pulses with extremely RF leakage and working concurrently in dual bands at 24.5 and 35 GHz was designed. Capability of generating narrow and tunable RF pulses allows the radar system to flexibly work at high and multiple range resolutions. The extremely low RF leakage allows the transmitter to share one antenna system with receiver, turn on the PA at all time, comply the transmitting spectrum requirements, increase the system dynamic range, avoid harming to other systems; hence improving system size, cost and performance. High data-rate in communication systems is achieved as the consequence of transmitting very narrow RF pulses at high rates. In addition, the dissertation demonstrates a design approach for low chip-area, cost and power consumption systems in which a single dual-band component (power amplifier) is designed to operate with two RF signals simultaneously