4 research outputs found

    Spoofing prevention via RF power profiling in wireless network-on-chip

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    With increasing integration in SoCs, the Network-on-Chip (NoC) connecting of cores and accelerators is of paramount importance to provide low-latency and high-throughput communication. Due to limits of scaling of electrical wires, especially for long multi-mm distances on-chip, alternate technologies such as Wireless NoC (WNoC) have shown promise. Since WNoCs can provide low-latency one-hop transfers across the entire chip, there has been a recent surge in research demonstrating their performance and energy benefits. However, little to no work has studied the additional security challenges that are unique to WNoCs. In this work, we study the potential threat of spoofing attacks in WNoCs due to malicious hardware trojans. We introduce Veritas, a drop-in solution aimed at detecting and correcting such spoofing attacks. To this end, our solution exploits the static propagation environment of WNoCs to associate each node to a power profile. We demonstrate that, with small area and power overheads, Veritas works well in a variety of settings.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A 1.67 pJ/Conversion-step 8-bit SAR-Flash ADC Architecture in 90-nm CMOS Technology

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    A novice advanced architecture of 8-bit analog todigital converter is introduced and analyzed in this work. Thestructure of proposed ADC is based on the sub-ranging ADCarchitecture in which a 4-bit resolution flash-ADC is utilized. Theproposed ADC architecture is designed by employing a comparatorwhich is equipped with common mode current feedback andgain boosting technique (CMFD-GB) and a residue amplifier. Theproposed 8 bits ADC structure can achieve the speed of 140 megasamplesper second. The proposed ADC architecture is designedat a resolution of 8 bits at 10 MHz sampling frequency. DNL andINL values of the proposed design are -0.94/1.22 and -1.19/1.19respectively. The ADC design dissipates a power of 1.24 mWwith the conversion speed of 0.98 ns. The magnitude of SFDRand SNR from the simulations at Nyquist input is 39.77 and 35.62decibel respectively. Simulations are performed on a SPICE basedtool in 90 nm CMOS technology. The comparison shows betterperformance for the proposed ADC design in comparison toother ADC architectures regarding speed, resolution and powerconsumption

    Design of Highly Efficient Analog-To-Digital Converters

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    The demand of higher data rates in communication systems is reflected in the constant evolution of communication standards. LTE-A and WiFi 802.11ac promote the use of carrier aggregation to increase the data rate of a wireless receiver. Recent DTV receivers promote the concept of full band capture to avoid the implementation of complex analog operations such as: filtering, equalization, modulation/demodulation, etc. All these operations can be implemented in a robust manner in the digital domain. Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) are located at the heart of such architectures and require to have larger bandwidths and higher dynamic ranges. However, at higher data rates the power efficiency of ADCs tends to degrade. Moreover, while the scale of channel length in CMOS devices directly benefits the power, speed and area of digital circuits, analog circuits suffer from lower intrinsic gain and higher device mismatch. Thus, it has been difficult to design high-speed ADCs with low-power operation using traditional architectures without relying on increasingly complex digital calibration algorithms. This research presents three ADCs that introduce novel architectures to relax the specifications of the analog circuits and reduce the complexity of the digital calibration algorithms. A low-pass sigma delta ADC with 15 MHz of bandwidth is introduced. The system uses a low-power 7-bit quantizer from which the four most significant bits are used for the operation of the sigma delta ADC. The remaining three least significant bits are used for the realization of a frequency domain algorithm for quantization noise improvement. The prototype was implemented in 130 nm CMOS technology. For this prototype, the use of the 7-bit quantizer and algorithm improved the SNDR from 69 dB to 75 dB. The obtained FoM was 145 fJ/conversion-step. In a second project, the problem of high power consumption demanded from closed loop operational amplifiers operating at Giga hertz frequency is addressed. Especially the dependency of the power consumption to the closed loop gain. This project presents a low-pass sigma delta ADC with 75 MHz bandwidth. The traditional summing amplifier used for excess loop compensation delay is substituted by a summing amplifier with current buffer that decouples the power consumption dependency with the closed loop gain. The prototype was designed in 40 nm CMOS technology achieving 64.9 dB peak SNDR. The operating frequency was 3.2 GHz, the total power consumption was 22 mW and FoM of 106 fJ/conversion-step. In a third project, the same approach of decoupling the power consumption requirements from the closed loop gain is applied to a pipelined ADC. The traditional capacitive multiplying DAC used in the residual amplifier is substituted by a current mode DAC and a transimpedance amplifier. The prototype was implemented in 40 nm CMOS technology achieving 58 dB peak SNDR and 76 dB SFDR with 200 MHz sampling frequency. The ADC consumes 8.4 mW with a FoM of 64 fJ/Conversion-step

    Conception d'un réseau de plots configurables multifonctions analogiques et numériques combiné à un réseau de distribution de puissance intégrés à l'échelle de la tranche de silicium

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    RÉSUMÉ De nos jours, les systèmes électroniques sont en constante croissance en taille et en complexité. Cette complexité combinée à la réduction du temps de mise en marché rendant le design de systèmes électroniques un grand défi pour les designers. Une plateforme de prototypage a récemment été introduite afin de s’attaquer toutes ces contraintes à la fois. Cette plateforme s’appuie sur l’implémentation d’un circuit configurable à l’échelle d’une tranche de silicium complète de 200mm de diamètre. Cette surface est recouverte d’une mer de plots conducteurs configurables appelés NanoPads. Ces NanoPads sont suffisamment petits pour supporter des billes d’un diamètre de 250 μm et d’un espacement de 500 μm et sont regroupés en matrices de 4×4 pour former des Cellules, qui sont à leur tour assemblées en Réticules de 32×32. Ces Réticules sont ensuite photo-répétés sur toute la surface d’une tranche de silicium et sont interconnectés entre eux pour former le WaferIC. Cet arrangement particulier de plots conducteurs configurables permet à un usager de déposer sur la surface active du WaferIC les circuits intégrés constituant un système électronique, sans tenir en compte l’orientation spatiale de ces derniers, de créer un schéma d’interconnexions, de distribution la puissance et de débuter le prototypage du système en question. Une version préliminaire a été fabriquées et testées avec succès et permet d’alimenter des circuits -intégrés et de configurer le WaferIC pour les interconnecter. Cette thèse par articles présente une nouvelle version du WaferIC avec une nouvelle proposition de distribution de la puissance avec une approche de maîtres-esclaves qui met en valeur l’utilisation de plusieurs rails d’alimentation afin d’améliorer le rendement énergétique. Il est également mis de l’avant un réseau très dense de convertisseurs analogique-numérique (CAN) et numérique-analogique (CNA) de plus de 300k éléments, tolérant aux défectuosités et aux défauts de fabrication. Ce réseau de CAN-CNA permet d’améliorer le WaferIC avec la transmission de signaux analogiques, en plus des signaux numériques. Ce manuscrit comporte trois articles : un publié chez « Springer Science & Business Media Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing », un publié chez « IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I : Regular Papers » et finalement un soumis chez « IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration ».----------ABSTRACT Nowadays, electronic systems are in constant growth, size and complexity; combined with time to market it makes a challenge for electronic system designers. A prototyping platform has been recently introduced and addresses all those constraints at once. This platform is based on an active 200 mm in diameter wafer-scale circuit, which is covered with a set of small configurable and conductive pads called NanoPads. These NanoPads are designed to be small enough to support any integrated-circuit μball of a 250 μm diameter and 500 μm of pitch. They are assembled in a 4×4 matrix, forming a Unit-Cell, which are grouped in a Reticle-Image of 32×32. These Reticle-Images are photo-repeated over the entire surface of a 200 mm in diameter wafer and are interconnected together using interreticle stitching. This active wafer-scale circuit is called a WaferIC. This particular topology and distribution of NanoPads allows an electronic system designer to manually deposit any integrated-circuit (IC) on the active alignment insensitive surface of the WaferIC, to build the netlist linking all the ICs, power-up the systems and start the prototyping of the system. In this manuscript-based thesis, we present an improved version of the WaferIC with a novel approach for the power distribution network with a master-slave topology, which makes the use of embedded dual-power-rail voltage regulators in order to improve the power efficiency and decrease thermal dissipation. We also propose a default-tolerant network of analog to digital (ADC) and digital to analog (DAC) converters of more than 300k. This ADC-DAC network allows the WaferIC to not only support digital ICs but also propagate analog signals from one NanoPad to another. This thesis includes 3 papers : one submission to "Springer Science & Business Media Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing", one submission to "IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I : Regular Papers" and finally one submission to "IEEE Transactions on Very Large-Scale Integration". These papers propose novel architectures of dualrail voltage regulators, configurable analog buffers and configurable voltage references, which can be used as a DAC. A novel approach for a power distribution network and the integration of all the presented architectures is also proposed with the fabrication of a testchip in CMOS 0.18 μm technology, which is a small-scale version of the WaferIC