541 research outputs found

    Adaptive multibeam antennas for spacelab. Phase A: Feasibility study

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    The feasibility was studied of using adaptive multibeam multi-frequency antennas on the spacelab, and to define the experiment configuration and program plan needed for a demonstration to prove the concept. Three applications missions were selected, and requirements were defined for an L band communications experiment, an L band radiometer experiment, and a Ku band communications experiment. Reflector, passive lens, and phased array antenna systems were considered, and the Adaptive Multibeam Phased Array (AMPA) was chosen. Array configuration and beamforming network tradeoffs resulted in a single 3m x 3m L band array with 576 elements for high radiometer beam efficiency. Separate 0.4m x 0.4 m arrays are used to transmit and receive at Ku band with either 576 elements or thinned apertures. Each array has two independently steerable 5 deg beams, which are adaptively controlled

    System Aspects of Active Phased Arrays

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    Reconfigurable Reflectarrays and Array Lenses for Dynamic Antenna Beam Control: A Review

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    Advances in reflectarrays and array lenses with electronic beam-forming capabilities are enabling a host of new possibilities for these high-performance, low-cost antenna architectures. This paper reviews enabling technologies and topologies of reconfigurable reflectarray and array lens designs, and surveys a range of experimental implementations and achievements that have been made in this area in recent years. The paper describes the fundamental design approaches employed in realizing reconfigurable designs, and explores advanced capabilities of these nascent architectures, such as multi-band operation, polarization manipulation, frequency agility, and amplification. Finally, the paper concludes by discussing future challenges and possibilities for these antennas.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figure

    A 6-bit vector-sum phase shifter with a decoder based control circuit for x-band phased-arrays

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    This letter presents a 6-bit vector-sum phase shifter with a novel control circuitry for X-band phased-arrays using a 0.25-m SiGe BiCMOS technology. A balanced active balun and highly accurate I/Q network are employed to generate the reference in-phase and quadrature vectors. The desired phase is synthesized by modulating and summing the generated reference vectors using current steering VGAs that are controlled by a decoder based control circuit. The phase shifter resulted in a measured RMS phase error <2.8 between 9.6-11.7 GHz and <5.6 between 8.2-12 GHz, achieving 6-bit phase resolution. The chip size is 1.870.88 mm2, excluding pads. To the best of authors’ knowledge, this is the first demonstration of a digitally controlled 6-bit vector-sum phase shifter for X-band

    Design methods for 60GHz beamformers in CMOS

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    The 60GHz band is promising for applications such as high-speed short-range wireless personal-area network (WPAN), real-time video streaming at rates of several-Gbps, automotive radar, and mm-Wave imaging, since it provides a large amount of bandwidth that can freely (i.e. without a license) be used worldwide. However, transceivers at 60GHz pose several additional challenges over microwave transceivers. In addition to the circuit design challenges of implementing high performance 60GHz RF circuits in mainstream CMOS technology, the path loss at 60GHz is significantly higher than at microwave frequencies because of the smaller size of isotropic antennas. This can be overcome by using phased array technology. This thesis studies the new concepts and design techniques that can be used for 60GHz phased array systems. It starts with an overview of various applications at mm-wave frequencies, such as multi-Gbps radio at 60GHz, automotive radar and millimeter-wave imaging. System considerations of mm-wave receivers and transmitters are discussed, followed by the selection of a CMOS technology to implement millimeter-wave (60GHz) systems. The link budget of a 60GHz WPAN is analyzed, which leads to the introduction of phased array techniques to improve system performance. Different phased array architectures are studied and compared. The system requirements of phase shifters are discussed. Several types of conventional RF phase shifters are reviewed. A 60GHz 4-bit passive phase shifter is designed and implemented in a 65nm CMOS technology. Measurement results are presented and compared to published prior art. A 60GHz 4-bit active phase shifter is designed and integrated with low noise amplifier and combiner for a phased array receiver. This is implemented in a 65nm CMOS technology, and the measurement results are presented. The design of a 60GHz 4-bit active phase shifter and its integration with power amplifier is also presented for a phased array transmitter. This is implemented in a 65nm CMOS technology. The measurement results are also presented and compared to reported prior art. The integration of a 60GHz CMOS amplifier and an antenna in a printed circuit-board (PCB) package is investigated. Experimental results are presented and discussed

    Development of a broadband and squint-free Ku-band phased array antenna system for airborne satellite communications

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    Novel avionic communication systems are required for various purposes, for example to increase the flight safety and operational integrity as well as to enhance the quality of service to passengers on board. To serve these purposes, a key technology that is essential to be developed is an antenna system that can provide broadband connectivity within aircraft cabins at an affordable price. Currently, in the European Commission (EC) 7th Framework Programme SANDRA project (SANDRA, 2011), a development of such an antenna system is being carried out. The system is an electronically-steered phased-array antenna (PAA) with a low aerodynamic profile. The reception of digital video broadcasting by satellite (DVB-S) signal which is in the frequency range of 10.7-12.75 GHz (Ku-band) is being considered. In order to ensure the quality of service provided to the passengers, the developed antenna should be able to receive the entire DVB-S band at once while complying with the requirements of the DVB-S system (Morello & Mignone, 2006). These requirements, as will be explained later, dictate a broadband antenna system where the beam is squint-free, i.e. no variation of beam pointing direction for all the frequencies in the desired band. Additionally, to track the satellite, the seamless tunability of the beam pointing direction of this antenna is also required. In this work, a concept of optical beamforming (Riza & Thompson, 1997) is implemented to provide a squint-free beam over the entire Ku-band for all the desired pointing directions. The optical beamformer itself consists of continuously tunable optical delay lines that enable seamless tunability of the beam pointing direction

    10 GHz Low Loss Liquid Metal SIW Phase Shifter for Phased Array Antenna

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    This paper presents a proof of concept demonstrator for a pair of novel phase shifters based on substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) technology. Gallium-based liquid metal (LM) is used to reconfigure each phase shifter. The paper presents LM phase shifters that, for the first time, have a phase shifting range of 360⁰. The phase shifters have a small electrical size, and they are intended for use within phased array antenna applications. The paper also presents a design procedure for the phase shifters. The procedure has been used to design two phase shifters operating at 10 GHz. The design process can be readily scaled for operation at other frequencies. The proposed phase shifters are reciprocal and bidirectional and they have very low insertion loss. A series of reconfigurable LM vias are used to achieve the phase shift. Each of LM via is activated once a drill hole is filled with LM and it is deactivated once LM is removed. Using this method; it is possible to achieve a phase shift step ranging from 1° to 100° using a single LM via. Moreover, the overall phase shift can be extended to 360° by employing several LM vias in series inside the SIW. The proposed phase shifters have an insertion loss lower than 3 dB and provide a total phase shifting range of approximately 360° in eight steps of approximately 45° each. This enables the proposed two phase shifters to have an extraordinary Figure of Merit (FoM) of 131.3 ⁰/dB and 122.4 ⁰/dB

    Evolutionary trends in Transmit/Receive Module for Active Phased Array Radars

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    Worldwide, defense technologies are rapidly evolving and are currently aiming at integrating diverse functionalities like Radar, Electronic Warfare, Communications, etc., on a singular miniaturized platform. Hence, it cannot be denied that the advancements in modern Active Phased Array Radar technologies assume a critical role towards the achievement of this goal. A typical Active Phased Array Radar comprises of an Active Antenna Array Unit (AAAU) consisting of a large number of radiating elements, Transmit/Receive (T/R) Modules with other associated RF and digital circuitry and power electronics.  This paper presents mainly the developments in Transmit/Receive (T/R) Module technology, which assimilates various stages of the technological evolution - past, current and futuristic. It discusses how these technologies contribute towards the improvement of efficiency, miniaturization and reliability without compromising its performance parameters

    Microwave integrated circuits for space applications

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    Monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMIC), which incorporate all the elements of a microwave circuit on a single semiconductor substrate, offer the potential for drastic reductions in circuit weight and volume and increased reliability, all of which make many new concepts in electronic circuitry for space applications feasible, including phased array antennas. NASA has undertaken an extensive program aimed at development of MMICs for space applications. The first such circuits targeted for development were an extension of work in hybrid (discrete component) technology in support of the Advanced Communication Technology Satellite (ACTS). It focused on power amplifiers, receivers, and switches at ACTS frequencies. More recent work, however, focused on frequencies appropriate for other NASA programs and emphasizes advanced materials in an effort to enhance efficiency, power handling capability, and frequency of operation or noise figure to meet the requirements of space systems