3 research outputs found

    High Performance Power Management Integrated Circuits for Portable Devices

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    abstract: Portable devices often require multiple power management IC (PMIC) to power different sub-modules, Li-ion batteries are well suited for portable devices because of its small size, high energy density and long life cycle. Since Li-ion battery is the major power source for portable device, fast and high-efficiency battery charging solution has become a major requirement in portable device application. In the first part of dissertation, a high performance Li-ion switching battery charger is proposed. Cascaded two loop (CTL) control architecture is used for seamless CC-CV transition, time based technique is utilized to minimize controller area and power consumption. Time domain controller is implemented by using voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) and voltage controlled delay line (VCDL). Several efficiency improvement techniques such as segmented power-FET, quasi-zero voltage switching (QZVS) and switching frequency reduction are proposed. The proposed switching battery charger is able to provide maximum 2 A charging current and has an peak efficiency of 93.3%. By configure the charger as boost converter, the charger is able to provide maximum 1.5 A charging current while achieving 96.3% peak efficiency. The second part of dissertation presents a digital low dropout regulator (DLDO) for system on a chip (SoC) in portable devices application. The proposed DLDO achieve fast transient settling time, lower undershoot/overshoot and higher PSR performance compared to state of the art. By having a good PSR performance, the proposed DLDO is able to power mixed signal load. To achieve a fast load transient response, a load transient detector (LTD) enables boost mode operation of the digital PI controller. The boost mode operation achieves sub microsecond settling time, and reduces the settling time by 50% to 250 ns, undershoot/overshoot by 35% to 250 mV and 17% to 125 mV without compromising the system stability.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    A Study on Energy-Efficient Inductor Current Controls for Maximum Energy Delivery in Battery-free Buck Converter

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2017. 2. 김재하.A discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) buck converter, which acts as a voltage regulator in battery-free applications, is proposed to maximize the ener-gy delivery to the load system. In this work, we focus the energy loss problem during start-up and steady-state operation of the buck converter, which severely limits the energy delivery. Especially, the energy loss problem arises from the fact that there is no constant power source such as a battery and the only a small amount of energy harvested from the ambient energy sources is available. To address such energy loss problem, this dissertation proposes optimal induc-tor current control techniques at each operation to greatly reduce the energy losses. First, a switching-based stepwise capacitor charging scheme is presented that can charge the output capacitor with constant inductor current during start-up operation. By switching the inductor with gradually incrementing duty-cycle ratios in a stepwise fashion, the buck converter can make the inductor current a constant current source, which can greatly reduce the start-up energy loss com-pared to that in the conventional capacitor charging scheme with a voltage source. Second, a variable on-time (VOT) pulse-frequency-modulation (PFM) scheme is presented that can keep the peak inductor current constant during steady-state operation. By adaptively varying the on-time according to the op-erating voltage conditions of the buck converter, it can suppress the voltage ripple and improve the power efficiency even with a small output capacitor. Third, an adaptive off-time positioning zero-crossing detector (AOP-ZCD) is presented that can adaptively position the turn-off timing of the low-side switch close to the zero-inductor-current timing by predicting the inductor current waveform without using a power-hungry continuous-time ZCD. To demonstrate the proposed design concepts, the prototype battery-free wireless remote switch including the piezoelectric energy harvester and the proposed buck converter was fabricated in a 250 nm high-voltage CMOS technology. It can harvest a total energy of 246 μJ from a single button press action of a 300-mm2 lead magnesium niobate-lead titanate (PMN-PT) piezoelectric disc, and deliver more than 200 μJ to the load, which is sufficient to transmit a 4-byte-long message via 2.4-GHz wireless USB channel over a 10-m distance. If such battery-free application does not use the proposed buck converter, the energy losses in-curred at the buck converter would be larger than the energy harvested, and therefore it cannot operate with a single button-pressing action. Furthermore, thanks to the proposed energy efficient buck converter, the battery-free wire-less remote switch can be realized by using a cheaper PZT piezoelectric source, which can achieve a 10× cost reduction.CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 MOTIVATION 1 1.2 THESIS CONTRIBUTION AND ORGANIZATION 6 CHAPTER 2 OPERATION MODE AND OVERALL ARCHITECTURE 8 2.1 TOPOLOGY SELECTION 8 2.2 PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION 11 2.2.1 BASIC OPERATION IN CCM 12 2.2.2 BASIC OPERATION IN DCM 15 2.3 OPERATION MODE 17 2.4 OVERALL ARCHITECTURE 19 CHAPTER 3 OPTIMAL INDUCTOR CURRENT CONTROLS FOR MAXIMUM ENERGY DELIVERY 23 3.1 CONSTANT INDUCTOR CURRENT CONTROL WITH SWITCHING-BASED STEPWISE CAPACITOR CHARGING SCHEME 24 3.1.1 CONVENTIONAL CHARGING SCHEME WITH A SWITCH 24 3.1.2 ADIABATIC STEPWISE CHARGING 27 3.1.3 PROPOSED START-UP SCHEME 29 3.2 CONSTANT INDUCTOR PEAK CURRENT CONTROL WITH VARIABLE ON-TIME PFM SCHEME 35 3.2.1 BASIC OPERATION OF PFM BUCK CONVERTER 35 3.2.2 CONSTANT ON-TIME PFM SCHEME 39 3.2.3 VARIABLE ON-TIME PFM SCHEME 41 3.3 INDUCTOR CURRENT PREDICTION WITH ADAP-TIVE OFF-TIME POSITIONING ZCD (AOP-ZCD) 44 3.3.1 PREVIOUS SAMPLING-BASED ZCD 44 3.3.2 PROPOSED ADAPTIVE OFF-TIME POSITIONING ZCD 47 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT IMPLEMENTATION 49 4.1 CIRCUIT IMPLEMENTATION OF SWITCHING-BASED STEPWISE CAPACITOR CHARGER 49 4.1.1 VOLTAGE DETECTOR (VD) 50 4.1.2 DIGITAL PULSE WIDTH MODULATOR (DPWM) 52 4.1.3 PROGRAMMABLE DUTY-CYCLE CONTROLLER (DCC) 55 4.1.4 SWITCHED CAPACITOR (SC) STEP-DOWN CONVERTER 57 4.2 CIRCUIT IMPLEMENTATION OF VARIABLE ON-TIME PULSE GENERATOR 59 4.3 CIRCUIT IMPLEMENTATION OF ADAPTIVE OFF-TIME POSITIONING ZCD 64 4.3.1 ADAPTIVE OFF-TIME (AOT) PULSE GENERATOR 64 4.3.2 TIMING ERROR DETECTOR AND SHIFT-REGISTER 68 CHAPTER 5 MEASUREMENT RESULTS OF PROPOSED BUCK CONVERTER 70 5.1 SWITCHING-BASED STEPWISE CAPACITOR CHARGER 71 5.2 STEADY-STATE PERFORMANCE WITH VOT PULSE GENERATOR AND AOP-ZCD 74 CHAPTER 6 REALIZATION OF BATTERY-FREE WIRELESS REMOTE SWITCH 84 6.1 KEY BUILDING BLOCKS OF BATTERY-FREE WIRELESS REMOTE SWITCH 85 6.2 PIEZOELECTRIC ENERGY HARVESTER WITH P-SSHI RECTIFIER 86 6.2.1 ANALYSIS ON SINGLE-PULSED ENERGY HARVESTING 88 6.2.2 PROPOSED PIEZOELECTRIC ENERGY HARVESTER 91 6.2.3 CIRCUIT IMPLEMENTATION 93 6.3 MEASUREMENT RESULTS OF BATTERY-FREE WIRELESS SWITCH 96 CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSION 101 BIBLIOGRAPHY 103 초 록 110Docto

    Module autonome pour l’évaluation du potentiel photovoltaïque en intérieur

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    L’alimentation de dispositifs électroniques à faible consommation énergétique est un sujet qui connait beaucoup d’intérêt. Dans le contexte de la mise en place de l’Internet des objets, un nombre important de capteurs sans fil de type Wireless sensor node (WSN) devront être installés. Ces derniers ne consommant que peu d’énergie, des solutions sont envisagées pour assurer leur alimentation autrement que par une pile. Il est ainsi intéressant d’utiliser les faibles énergies présentes dans un environnement pour les convertir en électricité. Ce principe se retrouve par exemple dans les capteurs piézoélectriques, utilisant les déformations mécaniques de leur environnement, ou dans les capteurs photovoltaïques, utilisant la lumière, afin de générer un signal électrique. Dans le cas des capteurs WSN utilisés en intérieur, la lumière artificielle combinée à un capteur photovoltaïque pourrait être est une source d’énergie adaptée. Ce principe se nomme Indoor Photovoltaic, ou plus généralement Energy Harvesting. Le courant produit par une cellule photovoltaïque utilisée en intérieur varie selon les types de cellules et d’éclairages utilisés, de l’éclairement lumineux et de sa position spatiale par rapport à la source lumineuse utilisée dans la pièce. Plusieurs montages issus de la littérature ont permis d’évaluer le courant généré selon ces paramètres. À notre connaissance, il n’existe cependant pas de dispositifs commerciaux compacts dédiés à la mesure de ces paramètres en conditions réelles. Un tel outil permettrait de réaliser une mesure du potentiel photovoltaïque en tout lieu. La connaissance précise de la quantité d’énergie disponible dans un environnement permettrait de mieux appréhender l’autonomie énergétique de ces capteurs sans fil. Le projet de recherche portera sur la conception d’un module de mesure compact et autonome, permettant d’évaluer les performances de plusieurs cellules photovoltaïques dans tous types d’environnements internes. Cet outil de mesure, couplé à une application mobile Android, offre la possibilité d’estimer la quantité d’énergie photovoltaïque disponible. Ce capteur intelligent permettra d’évaluer le potentiel d’utilisation et donc l’installation de capteurs sans fil de type WSN, autonomes en énergie, en intérieur