13 research outputs found

    Chromatic Thresholds of Regular Graphs with Small Cliques

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    The chromatic threshold of a class of graphs is the value θ such that any graph in this class with a minimum degree greater than θn has a bounded chromatic number. Several important results related to the chromatic threshold of triangle-free graphs have been reached in the last 13 years, culminating in a result by Brandt and Thomassé stating that any triangle-free graph on n vertices with minimum degree exceeding 1/3 n has chromatic number at most 4. In this paper, the researcher examines the class of triangle-free graphs that are additionally regular. The researcher finds that any triangle-free graph on n vertices that is regular of degree (1/4+a)n with a \u3e 0 has chromatic number bounded by f (a), a function of a independent of the order of the graph n. After obtaining this result, the researcher generalizes this method to graphs that are free of larger cliques in order to limit the possible values of the chromatic threshold for regular Kr-free graphs

    Master index to volumes 251-260

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    Vertex colouring and forbidden subgraphs - a survey

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    There is a great variety of colouring concepts and results in the literature. Here our focus is to survey results on vertex colourings of graphs defined in terms of forbidden induced subgraph conditions

    Colouring Cayley Graphs

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    We will discuss three ways to bound the chromatic number on a Cayley graph. 1. If the connection set contains information about a smaller graph, then these two graphs are related. Using this information, we will show that Cayley graphs cannot have chromatic number three. 2. We will prove a general statement that all vertex-transitive maximal triangle-free graphs on n vertices with valency greater than n/3 are 3-colourable. Since Cayley graphs are vertex-transitive, the bound of general graphs also applies to Cayley graphs. 3. Since Cayley graphs for abelian groups arise from vector spaces, we can view the connection set as a set of points in a projective geometry. We will give a characterization of all large complete caps, from which we derive that all maximal triangle-free cubelike graphs on 2n vertices and valency greater than 2n/4 are either bipartite or 4-colourable