1 research outputs found

    Projektovanje selektivnih IIR digitalnih filtara sa linearnom fazom upotrebom analognih prototipova

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    Lack of universal approach for transforming analog filter prototypes into digital domain opens a possibility for further research in the field thus enabling both, improving existing and deriving novel methods. In the dissertation, a novel method in a form of transformation function for mapping complex angular frequency s into z domain will be covered. Digital counterparts of analog filters based on a special class of filters exhibiting critical monotonic pass-band amplitude characteristic will be presented for the first time. Complete procedure for designing IIR filters based on this class of filters will be implemented as a software solution. Phase-Invariance Method will be exploited for designing linear phase IIR filters. Hardware realization of the filters will be considered. The practical part of the thesis is devoted to IIR filter design in a form of (very large-scale integration) integrated circuit exploiting standard cells. Representative examples of IIR filter designs are realized up to the fabrication masks level (layout). Power consumption estimations based on layout parasitic elements are given as well