6,343 research outputs found

    The role of virtual reality in built environment education

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    This study builds upon previous research on the integration of Virtual Reality (VR) within the built environment curriculum and aims to investigate the role of VR and three-dimensional (3D) computer modelling on learning and teaching in a school of the built environment. In order to achieve this aim, a number of academic experiences were analysed to explore the applicability and viability of 3D computer modelling and VR into built environment subject areas. Although two-dimensional (2D) representations have been greatly accepted by built environment professions and education, 3D computer representations and VR applications, offering interactivity and immersiveness, are not yet widely accepted. The study attempts to understand the values and challenges of integrating visualisation technologies into built environment teaching and investigates tutors’ perceptions, opinions and concerns with respect to these technologies. The study reports on the integration process and considers how 3D computer modelling and VR technologies can combine with, and extend, the existing range of learning and teaching methods appropriate to different disciplines and programme areas

    Designing a novel virtual collaborative environment to support collaboration in design review meetings

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    Project review meetings are part of the project management process and are organised to assess progress and resolve any design conflicts to avoid delays in construction. One of the key challenges during a project review meeting is to bring the stakeholders together and use this time effectively to address design issues as quickly as possible. At present, current technology solutions based on BIM or CAD are information-centric and do not allow project teams to collectively explore the design from a range of perspectives and brainstorm ideas when design conflicts are encountered. This paper presents a system architecture that can be used to support multi-functional team collaboration more effectively during such design review meetings. The proposed architecture illustrates how information-centric BIM or CAD systems can be made human- and team-centric to enhance team communication and problem solving. An implementation of the proposed system architecture has been tested for its utility, likability and usefulness during design review meetings. The evaluation results suggest that the collaboration platform has the potential to enhance collaboration among multi-functional teams

    Parametric tools and creativity in architectural practice

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    This paper empirically tested the relationship between creativity and computing tools in two different architectural practice settings: one that extensively uses parametric tools for design and fabrication and another that predominantly uses conventional CAD tools in design. The paper surveyed 14 parametric practices and 17 non parametric practices from the UK. The results were statistically analysed using IBM_SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). The analysis of variance between the 2 groups revealed significant differences on the four domains of creativity. Statistical variance between the two groups on originality was big. Also the length of time subjects used parametric tools correlated significantly with three measures of creativity (fluency, variety and elaboration). Cluster analysis on design cognition of the two groups showed significant pattern differences on how each group structures the design process

    A Qualification of 3D Geovisualisation

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    MIROR-Musical Interaction Relying On Reflexion. Project Final Report

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    open7siIl progetto è stato valutato dalla Commissione Europea con il massimo del punteggio (15/15) con la seguente valutazione sintetica: Excellent. The proposal successfully addresses all relevant aspects of the criterion in question. Any shortcomings are minor". Ha superato le tre valutazioni annuali con giudizio molto positivo (good) e con brillante giudizio finale. Progetto co-finanziato dalla Comunità Europea, 7° Programma Quadro, ICT-Challenge 4.2, Technology enhanced-learning, Programma Cooperation, no 258338. Il Programma “COOPERATION” è identificato dal DM del 1/7/2011 (Identificazione dei programmi di ricerca di alta qualificazione, finanziati dall'Unione europea o dal Ministero dell'istruzione, dell'universita' e della ricerca di cui all'articolo 29, comma 7, della legge n. 240/2010) come uno dei due programmi di ricerca di alta qualificazione finanziati dall’UE. In dettaglio, dal Coordinatore sono stati ricoperti i seguenti ruoli: • Preparazione della proposta e Coordinameto scientifico del Progetto • Responsabile dei contatti con la Commissione Europea • Supervisione e monitoraggio del lavoro svolto dal Consorzio, attraverso workshops, report tecnici e scientifici e coordinamento dei deliverable • Lieder dei seguenti Work-Packages: • WP1. Project Management • WP5. Psychological Experiments • WP8. Dissemination and Exploitation • Coordinatore dell’ALB • Coordinamento scientifico e organizzativo del gruppo di ricerca dell'Università di Bologna, composto da: o 2 assegni di ricerca post-dottorato o 1 assegno di ricerca o 2 contratti di assistenza alla ricerca o 1 contratto per il sito web o 15 studenti-collaboratori o 3 insegnanti collaboratori • Responsabile delle collaborazioni e convenzioni con l’Istituto Comprensivo di Casalecchio di Reno, la Nuova Scuola di Musica Baroncini di Imola, Il Centro Danza Musikè-Bologna. • Supervisione del Project Management (Dipartimento della Ricerca Europea dell'Università di Bologna - ARIC).The MIROR (Musical Interaction Relying On Reflexion) project is co‐funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme, Theme ICT‐2009.4.2, Technology‐enhanced learning. MIROR is a three‐years project and started on September 1st, 2010. All information regarding MIROR is available through the MIROR Portal at http://www.mirorproject.eu. The MIROR Project-Final Report deals with the description of the development of an adaptive system for music learning and teaching based on the “reflexive interaction” paradigm. The system is developed in the context of early childhood music education. It acts as an advanced cognitive tutor, designed to promote specific cognitive abilities in the field of music improvisation, both in formal learning contexts (kindergartens, primary schools, music schools) and informal ones (at home, kinder centres, etc.). The reflexive interaction paradigm is based on the idea of letting users manipulate virtual copies of themselves, through specifically designed machine‐learning software referred to as “Interactive Reflexive Musical Systems” (IRMS). By definition IRMS are able to learn and configure themselves according to their understanding of the learner's behaviour. In MIROR the IRMS paradigm is extended with the analysis and synthesis of multisensory expressive gesture to increase its impact on the musical pedagogy of young children, by developing new multimodal interfaces. The project is based on a spiral design approach involving coupled interactions between technical and psychopedagogical partners. MIROR integrates both psychological case‐study experiments, aiming to investigate cognitive hypotheses concerning the mirroring behaviour and the learning efficacy of the platform, and validation studies aiming at developing the software in concrete educational settings. The project contributes to promoting the reflexive interaction paradigm not only in the field of music learning, but more generally as a new paradigm for establishing a synergy between learning and cognition in the context of child/machine interaction.openopenA. R. Addessi ; C. Anagnostopoulou; S. Newman; B. Olsson; F. Pachet; G. Volpe; S. YoungA. R. Addessi ; C. Anagnostopoulou; S. Newman; B. Olsson; F. Pachet; G. Volpe; S. Youn

    Elements of design for indoor visualisation

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    Indoor visualisation has received little attention. Research related to indoor environments have primarily focussed on the data structuring, localisation and navigation components (Zlatanova et al., 2013). Visualisation is an integral component in addressing the diverse array of indoor environments. In simple words, 'What is the most efficient way to visualise the surrounding indoor environment so that the user can concisely understand their surroundings as well as facilitating the process of navigation?' This dissertation proposes a holistic approach that consists of two components. The significance of this approach is that it provides a robust and adaptable method in providing a standard to which indoor visualisation can be referenced against. The first component is a theoretical framework focussing on indoor visualisation and it comprises of principles from several disciplines such as geovisualisation, human-perception theory, spatial cognition, dynamic and 3D environments as well as accommodating emotional processes resulting from human-computer interaction. The second component is based on the theoretical framework and adopts a practical approach towards indoor visualisation. It consists of a set of design properties that can be used for the design of effective indoor visualisations. The framework is referred to as the "Elements of Design" framework. Both these components aim to provide a set of principles and guidelines that can be used as best practices for the design of indoor visualisations. In order to practically demonstrate the holistic indoor visualisation approach, multiple indoor visualisation renderings were developed. The visualisation renderings were represented in a three-dimensional virtual environment from a first-person perspective. Each rendering used the design framework differently. Also, each rendering was graded using a parallel chart that compares how the different visual elements were used per the rendering. The main findings were that the techniques/ renderings that used the visual elements effectively (enhanced human-perception) resulted in better acquisition and construction of knowledge about the surrounding indoor environment

    Application of Visual Cues on 3D Dynamic Visualizations for Engineering Technology Students and Effects on Spatial Visualization Ability: A Quasi-Experimental Study

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    Several theorists believe that different types of visual cues influence cognition and behavior through learned associations; however, research provides inconsistent results. Considering this, a quasi-experimental study was done to determine if there are significant positive effects of visual cues (color blue) and to identify if a positive increase in spatial visualization ability for students in engineering technology courses is observed. According to the results of this study it is suggested that the use of the specific visual cue (color blue) provides no statistically significant higher scores versus the treatment that did not utilize any visual cues

    Virtual Reality in Mathematics Education (VRiME):An exploration of the integration and design of virtual reality for mathematics education

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    This thesis explores the use of Virtual Reality (VR) in mathematics education. Four VR prototypes were designed and developed during the PhD project to teach equations, geometry, and vectors and facilitate collaboration.Paper A investigates asymmetric VR for classroom integration and collaborative learning and presents a new taxonomy of asymmetric interfaces. Paper B proposes how VR could assist students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in learning daily living skills involving basic mathematical concepts. Paper C investigates how VR could enhance social inclusion and mathematics learning for neurodiverse students. Paper D presents a VR prototype for teaching algebra and equation-solving strategies, noting positive student responses and the potential for knowledge transfer. Paper E investigates gesture-based interaction with dynamic geometry in VR for geometry education and presents a new taxonomy of learning environments. Finally, paper F explores the use of VR to visualise and contextualise mathematical concepts to teach software engineering students.The thesis concludes that VR offers promising avenues for transforming mathematics education. It aims to broaden our understanding of VR's educational potential, paving the way for more immersive learning experiences in mathematics education
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