165 research outputs found

    A joint motion & disparity motion estimation technique for 3D integral video compression using evolutionary strategy

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    3D imaging techniques have the potential to establish a future mass-market in the fields of entertainment and communications. Integral imaging, which can capture true 3D color images with only one camera, has been seen as the right technology to offer stress-free viewing to audiences of more than one person. Just like any digital video, 3D video sequences must also be compressed in order to make it suitable for consumer domain applications. However, ordinary compression techniques found in state-of-the-art video coding standards such as H.264, MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 are not capable of producing enough compression while preserving the 3D clues. Fortunately, a huge amount of redundancies can be found in an integral video sequence in terms of motion and disparity. This paper discusses a novel approach to use both motion and disparity information to compress 3D integral video sequences. We propose to decompose the integral video sequence down to viewpoint video sequences and jointly exploit motion and disparity redundancies to maximize the compression. We further propose an optimization technique based on evolutionary strategies to minimize the computational complexity of the joint motion disparity estimation. Experimental results demonstrate that Joint Motion and Disparity Estimation can achieve over 1 dB objective quality gain over normal motion estimation. Once combined with Evolutionary strategy, this can achieve up to 94% computational cost saving

    Motion and disparity estimation with self adapted evolutionary strategy in 3D video coding

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    Real world information, obtained by humans is three dimensional (3-D). In experimental user-trials, subjective assessments have clearly demonstrated the increased impact of 3-D pictures compared to conventional flat-picture techniques. It is reasonable, therefore, that we humans want an imaging system that produces pictures that are as natural and real as things we see and experience every day. Three-dimensional imaging and hence, 3-D television (3DTV) are very promising approaches expected to satisfy these desires. Integral imaging, which can capture true 3D color images with only one camera, has been seen as the right technology to offer stress-free viewing to audiences of more than one person. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to use Evolutionary Strategy (ES) for joint motion and disparity estimation to compress 3D integral video sequences. We propose to decompose the integral video sequence down to viewpoint video sequences and jointly exploit motion and disparity redundancies to maximize the compression using a self adapted ES. A half pixel refinement algorithm is then applied by interpolating macro blocks in the previous frame to further improve the video quality. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed adaptable ES with Half Pixel Joint Motion and Disparity Estimation can up to 1.5 dB objective quality gain without any additional computational cost over our previous algorithm.1Furthermore, the proposed technique get similar objective quality compared to the full search algorithm by reducing the computational cost up to 90%

    Spatial prediction based on self-similarity compensation for 3D holoscopic image and video coding

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    WOS:000298962501022 (NÂș de Acesso Web of Science)Holoscopic imaging, also known as integral imaging, provides a solution for glassless 3D, and is promising to change the market for 3D television. To start, this paper briefly describes the general concepts of holoscopic imaging, focusing mainly on the spatial correlations inherent to this new type of content, which appear due to the micro-lens array that is used for both acquisition and display. The micro-images that are formed behind each micro-lens, from which only one pixel is viewed from a given observation point, have a high cross-correlation between them, which can be exploited for coding. A novel scheme for spatial prediction, exploring the particular arrangement of holoscopic images, is proposed. The proposed scheme can be used for both still image coding and intra-coding of video. Experimental results based on an H.264/AVC video codec modified to handle 3D holoscopic images and video are presented, showing the superior performance of this approach

    HEVC-based 3D holoscopic video coding using self-similarity compensated prediction

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    Holoscopic imaging, also known as integral, light field, and plenoptic imaging, is an appealing technology for glassless 3D video systems, which has recently emerged as a prospective candidate for future image and video applications, such as 3D television. However, to successfully introduce 3D holoscopic video applications into the market, adequate coding tools that can efficiently handle 3D holoscopic video are necessary. In this context, this paper discusses the requirements and challenges for 3D holoscopic video coding, and presents an efficient 3D holoscopic coding scheme based on High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). The proposed 3D holoscopic codec makes use of the self-similarity (SS) compensated prediction concept to efficiently explore the inherent correlation of the 3D holoscopic content in Intra- and Inter-coded frames, as well as a novel vector prediction scheme to take advantage of the peculiar characteristics of the SS prediction data. Extensive experiments were conducted, and have shown that the proposed solution is able to outperform HEVC as well as other coding solutions proposed in the literature. Moreover, a consistently better performance is also observed for a set of different quality metrics proposed in the literature for 3D holoscopic content, as well as for the visual quality of views synthesized from decompressed 3D holoscopic content.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Light field HEVC-based image coding using locally linear embedding and self-similarity compensated prediction

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    Light field imaging is a promising new technology that allows the user not only to change the focus and perspective after taking a picture, as well as to generate 3D content, among other applications. However, light field images are characterized by large amounts of data and there is a lack of coding tools to efficiently encode this type of content. Therefore, this paper proposes the addition of two new prediction tools to the HEVC framework, to improve its coding efficiency. The first tool is based on the local linear embedding-based prediction and the second one is based on the self-similarity compensated prediction. Experimental results show improvements over JPEG and HEVC in terms of average bitrate savings of 71.44% and 31.87%, and average PSNR gains of 4.73dB and 0.89dB, respectively.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Optimized reference picture selection for light field image coding

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    This paper proposes a new reference picture selection method for light field image coding using the pseudo-video sequence (PVS) format. State-of-the-art solutions to encode light field images using the PVS format rely on video coding standards to exploit the inter-view redundancy between each sub-aperture image (SAI) that composes the light field. However, the PVS scanning order is not usually considered by the video codec. The proposed solution signals the PVS scanning order to the decoder, enabling implicit optimized reference picture selection for each specific scanning order. With the proposed method each reference picture is selected by minimizing the Euclidean distance to the current SAI being encoded. Experimental results show that, for the same PVS scanning order, the proposed optimized reference picture selection codec outperforms HEVC video coding standard for light field image coding, up to 50% in terms of bitrate savings.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Light field image coding using high order prediction training

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    This paper proposes a new method for light field image coding relying on a high order prediction mode based on a training algorithm. The proposed approach is applied as an Intra prediction method based on a two-stage block-wise high order prediction model that supports geometric transformations up to eight degrees of freedom. Light field images comprise an array of micro-images that are related by complex perspective deformations that cannot be efficiently compensated by state-of-the-art image coding techniques, which are usually based on low order translational prediction models. The proposed prediction mode is able to exploit the non-local spatial redundancy introduced by light field image structure and a training algorithm is applied on different micro-images that are available in the reference region aiming at reducing the amount of signaling data sent to the receiver. The training direction that generates the most efficient geometric transformation for the current block is determined in the encoder side and signaled to the decoder using an index. The decoder is therefore able to repeat the high order prediction training to generate the desired geometric transformation. Experimental results show bitrate savings up to 12.57% and 50.03% relatively to a light field image coding solution based on low order prediction without training and HEVC, respectively.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Dense light field coding: a survey

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    Light Field (LF) imaging is a promising solution for providing more immersive and closer to reality multimedia experiences to end-users with unprecedented creative freedom and flexibility for applications in different areas, such as virtual and augmented reality. Due to the recent technological advances in optics, sensor manufacturing and available transmission bandwidth, as well as the investment of many tech giants in this area, it is expected that soon many LF transmission systems will be available to both consumers and professionals. Recognizing this, novel standardization initiatives have recently emerged in both the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) and the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG), triggering the discussion on the deployment of LF coding solutions to efficiently handle the massive amount of data involved in such systems. Since then, the topic of LF content coding has become a booming research area, attracting the attention of many researchers worldwide. In this context, this paper provides a comprehensive survey of the most relevant LF coding solutions proposed in the literature, focusing on angularly dense LFs. Special attention is placed on a thorough description of the different LF coding methods and on the main concepts related to this relevant area. Moreover, comprehensive insights are presented into open research challenges and future research directions for LF coding.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Performance analysis of Discrete Cosine Transform in Multibeamforming

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    Aperture arrays are widely used in beamforming applications where element signals are steered to a particular direction of interest and a single beam is formed. Multibeamforming is an extension of single beamforming, which is desired in the fields where sources located in multiple directions are of interest. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is usually used in these scenarios to segregate the received signals based on their direction of arrivals. In case of broadband signals, DFT of the data at each sensor of an array decomposes the signal into multiple narrowband signals. However, if hardware cost and implementation complexity are of concern while maintaining the desired performance, Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) outperforms DFT. In this work, instead of DFT, the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) is used to decompose the received signal into multiple beams into multiple directions. DCT offers simple and efficient hardware implementation. Also, while low frequency signals are of interest, DCT can process correlated data and perform close to the ideal Karhunen-Loeve Transform (KLT). To further improve the accuracy and reduce the implementation cost, an efficient technique using Algebraic Integer Quantization (AIQ) of the DCT is presented. Both 8-point and 16-point versions of DCT using AIQ mapping have been presented and their performance is analyzed in terms of accuracy and hardware complexity. It has been shown that the proposed AIQ DCT offers considerable savings in hardware compared to DFT and classical DCT while maintaining the same accuracy of beam steering in multibeamforming application
