5 research outputs found

    High Speed Reconfigurable NRZ/PAM4 Transceiver Design Techniques

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    While the majority of wireline standards use simple binary non-return-to-zero (NRZ) signaling, four-level pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM4) standards are emerging to increase bandwidth density. This dissertation proposes efficient implementations for high speed NRZ/PAM4 transceivers. The first prototype includes a dual-mode NRZ/PAM4 serial I/O transmitter which can support both modulations with minimum power and hardware overhead. A source-series-terminated (SST) transmitter achieves 1.2Vpp output swing and employs lookup table (LUT) control of a 31-segment output digital-to-analog converter (DAC) to implement 4/2-tap feed-forward equalization (FFE) in NRZ/PAM4 modes, respectively. Transmitter power is improved with low-overhead analog impedance control in the DAC cells and a quarter-rate serializer based on a tri-state inverter-based mux with dynamic pre-driver gates. The transmitter is designed to work with a receiver that implements an NRZ/PAM4 decision feedback equalizer (DFE) that employs 1 finite impulse response (FIR) and 2 infinite impulse response (IIR) taps for first post-cursor and long-tail ISI cancellation, respectively. Fabricated in GP 65-nm CMOS, the transmitter occupies 0.060mm² area and achieves 16Gb/s NRZ and 32Gb/s PAM4 operation at 10.4 and 4.9 mW/Gb/s while operating over channels with 27.6 and 13.5dB loss at Nyquist, respectively. The second prototype presents a 56Gb/s four-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM4) quarter-rate wireline receiver which is implemented in a 65nm CMOS process. The frontend utilize a single stage continuous time linear equalizer (CTLE) to boost the main cursor and relax the pre-cursor cancelation requirement, requiring only a 2-tap pre-cursor feed-forward equalization (FFE) on the transmitter side. A 2-tap decision feedback equalizer (DFE) with one finite impulse response (FIR) tap and one infinite impulse response (IIR) tap is employed to cancel first post-cursor and longtail inter-symbol interference (ISI). The FIR tap direct feedback is implemented inside the CML slicers to relax the critical timing of DFE and maximize the achievable data-rate. In addition to the per-slice main 3 data samplers, an error sampler is utilized for background threshold control and an edge-based sampler performs both PLL-based CDR phase detection and generates information for background DFE tap adaptation. The receiver consumes 4.63mW/Gb/s and compensates for up to 20.8dB loss when operated with a 2- tap FFE transmitter. The experimental results and comparison with state-of-the-art shows superior power efficiency of the presented prototypes for similar data-rate and channel loss. The usage of proposed design techniques are not limited to these specific prototypes and can be applied for any wireline transceiver with different modulation, data-rate and CMOS technology

    Design of Low-Power NRZ/PAM-4 Wireline Transmitters

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    Rapid growing demand for instant multimedia access in a myriad of digital devices has pushed the need for higher bandwidth in modern communication hardwares ranging from short-reach (SR) memory/storage interfaces to long-reach (LR) data center Ethernets. At the same time, comprehensive design optimization of link system that meets the energy-efficiency is required for mobile computing and low operational cost at datacenters. This doctoral study consists of design of two low-swing wireline transmitters featuring a low-power clock distribution and 2-tap equalization in energy-efficient manners up to 20-Gb/s operation. In spite of the reduced signaling power in the voltage-mode (VM) transmit driver, the presence of the segment selection logic still diminishes the power saving benefit. The first work presents a scalable VM transmitter which offers low static power dissipation and adopts an impedance-modulated 2-tap equalizer with analog tap control, thereby obviating driver segmentation and reducing pre-driver complexity and dynamic power. Per-channel quadrature clock generation with injection-locked oscillators (ILO) allows the generation of rail-to-rail quadrature clocks. Energy efficiency is further improved with capacitively driven low-swing global clock distribution and supply scaling at lower data rates, while output eye quality is maintained at low voltages with automatic phase calibration of the local ILO-generated quarter-rate clocks. A prototype fabricated in a general purpose 65 nm CMOS process includes a 2 mm global clock distribution network and two transmitters that support an output swing range of 100-300mV with up to 12-dB of equalization. The transmitters achieve 8-16 Gb/s operation at 0.65-1.05 pJ/b energy efficiency. The second work involves a dual-mode NRZ/PAM-4 differential low-swing voltage-mode (VM) transmitter. The pulse-selected output multiplexing allows reduction of power supply and deterministic jitter caused by large on-chip parasitic inherent in the transmission-gate-based multiplexers in the earlier work. Analog impedance control replica circuits running in the background produce gate-biasing voltages that control the peaking ratio for 2-tap feed-forward equalization and PAM-4 symbol levels for high-linearity. This analog control also allows for efficient generation of the middle levels in PAM-4 operation with good linearity quantified by level separation mismatch ratio of 95%. In NRZ mode, 2-tap feedforward equalization is configurable in high-performance controlled-impedance or energy-efficient impedance-modulated settings to provide performance scalability. Analytic design consideration on dynamic power, data-rate, mismatch, and output swing brings optimal performance metric on the given technology node. The proof-of-concept prototype is verified on silicon with 65 nm CMOS process with improved performance in speed and energy-efficiency owing to double-stack NMOS transistors in the output stage. The transmitter consumes as low as 29.6mW in 20-Gb/s NRZ and 25.5mW in the 28-Gb/s PAM-4 operations

    High-Capacity Short-Range Optical Communication Links

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    Modeling and Design of High-Speed CMOS Receivers for Short-Reach Photonic Links

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    This dissertation presents several research outcomes towards designing high-speed CMOS optical receivers for energy-efficient short-reach optical links. First, it provides a wide survey of recently published equalizer-based receivers and presents a novel methodology to accurately calculate their noise. The proposed methodology is then used to find the receiver that achieves the best sensitivity. Second, the trade-off between sensitivity and power dissipation of the receiver is optimized to reduce the energy consumption per bit of the overall link. Design trade-offs for the receiver, transmitter, and the overall link are presented, and comparisons are made to study how much receiver sensitivity can be sacrificed to save its power dissipation before this power reduction is outpaced by the transmitter’s increase in power. Unlike conventional wisdom, our results show that energy-efficient links require low-power receivers with input capacitance much smaller than that required for noise-optimum performance. Third, the thesis presents a novel equalization technique for optical receivers. A linear equalizer (LE) is realized by adding a pole in the feedback paths of an active feedback-based wideband amplifier. By embedding the peaking in the main amplifier (MA), the front-end meets the sensitivity and gain of conventional LE-based receivers with better energy efficiency by eliminating the standalone equalizer stage(s). Electrical measurements are presented to demonstrate the capability of the proposed technique in restoring the bandwidth and improving the performance over the conventional design

    Machine learning approach for high speed link modeling and IBIS-AMI model generation

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    The high-speed link system is one of the major components in the networking infrastructure. Developing a high-performance behavioral model for such a system is crucial but challenging, especially when taking nonlinearity into account. This work reports modeling the high-speed link (HSL) system using machine learning and implementing the model into IBIS-AMI, an industrial standard for SerDes simulation and verification. We started with developing a Volterra series model by extracting the Volterra kernels using feed forward neural networks. We proposed a monomial power series neural network (MPSNN) which can extract Volterra kernels that relate to nonlinearity up to the third order. We developed an analytical mapping from neural network weights to Volterra kernels. The analytical mapping allows accurate time domain signal reconstruction with extracted Volterra kernels. We applied the MPSNN to model pulse amplitude modulation 4 level (PAM-4) and non-return-to-zero (NRZ) system. Volterra kernels up to the third order can be accurately identified. The curse of dimensionality associated with Volterra series impedes the practical applications of the Volterra series. The number of Volterra kernels increases exponentially with the increase in memory length and the nonlinearity order. The large number of Volterra kernels consume a vast amount of computational power during signal reconstruction. To address this challenge, we proposed a Laguerre-Volterra feed forward neural network (LVFFN). The input time-series signal is orthogonalized, in other words, Laguerre-expanded, before it is feed to the neural network. The dimension of the input signal is significantly reduced, which results in many fewer neurons in the hidden layer. We modeled the PAM-4 and NRZ system with LVFFN. The resulted model has the number of parameters that are up to six orders of magnitudes less than the Volterra series. We could also model just the receiver instead of the whole system to add more flexibility to the model in practical applications. The LVFFN model greatly addressed the curse of dimensionality associated with Volterra series. Then the next question addresses how are we going to use it. Since the machine learning based model is not a standardized model, it is difficult to be co-simulated with models generated by other approaches. To circumvent the challenges in model transportability and interoperability, we implemented the LVFFN model into the IBIS-AMI model, an industrial standard model that is compatible with most of the circuit simulators. We could simulate the LVFFN IBIS-AMI model in Keysight ADS and conduct the eye-diagram analysis. IBIS-AMI model generation is not trivial. It requires cross-disciplinary knowledge in signal integrity, HSL circuit, and software engineering. To facilitate the process of IBIS-AMI model generation, we developed a software, ezAMI, that can generate the IBIS-AMI model by clicks. The software is developed using Qt/C++ and is an open-source software. The software architecture and tutorial are introduced in this dissertation as well